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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. 21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Lol. This reads like a joke.

    Wilber is not integral? LOL

    Wilber places Buddhism on top? LOL

    Wilber is Red-Orange? LOL

    Mystics are not the most developed humans on the planet? LOL

    These people don't understand the brilliance of Wilber's work. That's because they lack mystical consciousness.

    How do you define mystical consciousness? I was thinking of just that term the other day, as a term for coral and the next few levels above it.

    It goes  ego -> self -> mystical -> ???

  2. 7 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Blue tends to come online at 7-8 years of age according to this map:


    Of course you don't grow out of red immediately either. Red is a big reason why adolescents struggle with impulsivity and respecting authority. Just because you've entered a new stage doesn't mean you've left the others behind.

    I can see now that there should be a level between orange and green. SD lumps self actualising with the first level of self transcendence, humanity consciousness.

    I would shift all of the levels up one for age (and expand the length of blue) and add in more variation for individual difference.

  3. 7 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Blue tends to come online at 7-8 years of age according to this map:


    Of course you don't grow out of red immediately either. Red is a big reason why adolescents struggle with impulsivity and respecting authority. Just because you've entered a new stage doesn't mean you've left the others behind.

    I thought the majority of people dont even make it to green?

    I was orange from 15-19 i think. But again i am still learning SD so i could be wrong.

  4. 15 hours ago, fluffy said:

    @Leo Gura @Scholar

    Well, let’s take a model like SD which poses that the worldview of individuals evolves throughout their lifespan into using a more liberal, green, caring and complex set of beliefs. Then why do people become more conservative as they age? Isn’t that the complete opposite of what the model says? These logical inconsistencies really make me question the model.

    This is perfectly explainable by a temperamental analysis though. As people age, they get less open and more conscientious. These are the primary psychological traits correlated with conservatism, thus people get more conservative as they age.

    That's a good point imo

    I use similar models to SD, and they don't suggest people become more liberal as they age. This political aspect is quite new to me, but developmental stages are not. Try Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or 8 circuits of consciousness, or Jungian archetypes.

  5. 2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Pokemon is generally blue with some red/orange competitive aspects. A fight doesn't end in the death of a pokemon. It emphasizes the importance of training, discipline and character. Team Rocket is red :) 

    Team rocket are a criminal gang though. Idk but i feel that that shouldnt characterise red, because we all pass through red dont we? Yet only certain people develop a criminal mindset.

    At the age i was when pokemon was first popular (7 to 10) the kids wouldn't have been blue. I think blue is more an adolescent thing. When i was blue my pokemon phase had ended and i was getting in to music and philosophy and buddhism and stuff. I was searching for a culture to identify with i suppose.

    No, if SD works how i think it does, then pokemon would primarily be red. Or at least that was the focus when it was popular in primary school.

    I would think of training and discipline as related to red. Red processes the hard stuff, its our shadow. Shadow means the opposition to our ego, not anything criminal. So because of that it is brought in wherever there is opposition, rivalry etc. which is a big part of pokemon.

    Though it also has blue aspects. I mean the people that made pokemon are of course above red, but it seemed made for a red audience.

    Kinda like how Jordan Peterson is above orange, but his talks are generally geared towards an orange audience, because thats the age group he's speaking to.

    I mean I'm assuming SD does work how i think it does. I'm familiar with the advancement of consciousness that comes with development up the stages, so that would make red the late childhood mindset, and i think difficulty and opposition is a big part of that.

    I would perhaps even associate the simplistic, repetitive game play with red because it relates to how one spends idle time. But I'm still thinking that through.

  6. As infants, we don't understand what's going on around us. We don't remember because we can't process things well enough to base a memory from. As infants we don't even have an ego yet, so there's little in the way of an identity we can use to process ourselves. As young children we also lack the ability to analyse and critique our previous actions, so that also hinders the accessing of memories.

    Once we have a picture of how the world works and what is normal, we can process the situation we're in with more nuance and produce memories.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rilles said:

    Anywhere on the Spiral. Its like saying where does Christianity fall? Well, you can be a Blue moralistic Christian, a crusading Red one, an Orange TV-Evangelist. You cant really put Socialism into a box like that.

    Yeah and televangelism is quite a low form of Christianity. Green elements are probably minimum for a good religious form. That way it has worked through transcendence of opposites and has a humanity consciousness.

    It should also point upward through the spiral indefinitely, so that one can adhere to it no matter how far one progresses.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    What do you mean my universal metamodel? What Wilber is referring to in his books?

    That. There are other variants I know of that aren't listed.

    There are several systems with a lot of overlap that look at stages of human development. SD might have some errors but the general idea comes up so much that I'm sure there must be a lot of truth to it.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Epikur said:

    The big boy in this forum is the sufi Rumi. I guess for the christians is Meister Eckhart (Team Eckhart Tolle)

    I don't know Rumi, and i didn't know Tolle was Christian.

    For me, i get my input from the bible and the website, and of course the spirits, which are my preferred source of info, and God, although my understanding of God should be increased.

    I'm not part of the broader Christian community in the sense of going to church or keeping up with famous individuals. It's where I'm comfortable, being around teachings about God and morality, and learning about why we are here on earth and what we have to do.

    The divine love is so key in this.

    Please everybody read about it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, John Iverson said:


    I'm confused about if i am INFP and ISFP, from 16 personlity tests to personality hacker i got INFP. When i read INFP's description yes it is definitely me, and sometimes when i re do the test sometimes i got ISFP...

    i am more INFP, but the S is also part of my personality

    can you say something about it 

    To tell the difference between INFP and ISFP, instead of thinking about S and N, think about Se Ni and Ne Si.

    If you're not familiar with cognitive functions, read about them.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Epikur said:

    Like the sufis for example Rumi?

    That's Islam right? Not my thing, so no comment.

    But yeah there will generally be a higher form of any religion, in the sense of being harder to comprehend and closer to source. It requires a high mind, either in SD terms, or savant-ish terms for children.

    My main point is that the big religions aren't inferior to things typically associated with SD tier 2, it's just that due to their scope for appealling to the general public, and the unfortunate false dogmatism that is too rampant, they get seen as lower worldviews.

    You need good intuition to make sense of religious doctrine, but i would generally recommend it over science and a lot of what is associated with green stage.