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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. Things are going to get dark. Wars etc.

    Why fear karma? You pay back the bad you've done, get paid for the good you've done.

    People aren't going to all of a sudden pay for their karma. I don't see how that could happen. But eventually people will and will become morally pure. So people paying their karma is good, certainly better than continuing to accumulate bad karma. But i don't see why it would happen soon.

    People, as far as i know, pay their karma when they are ready. They need to let themselves feel remorse.

  2. 1 hour ago, Preety_India said:


    Whats the meaning of shadow possession? 


    I'm not able to follow. 




    Shadow possession is a state of constant stress emotion, such as fear, anger, etc. That is my understanding.

    These emotions need to be resolved. The sadness may be longing, which is the entry way to the levels above shadow.

    Either the higher states are still there and can be turned up, or there is a system shut down with shadow giving way to ego, and then springing back up from the lowest level back to the frontier.

  3. Life is pretty much as good as it's gonna get.

    I have extra income due to covid, and I'm becoming more outgoing. I have the material that i ask for, including good living conditions.

    The main thing that would do me good i think is more companionship, but its not like i dont already have a lot of that.

    Of course, existence in the spirit world will be so much better, from almost the start.

  4. Achieve resolution for your problems.

    Pursue inspiration, romance, challenge, belonging, union.

    Focus on greatness, mastery as well. Propel yourself forward.


    I experienced shadow possession or similar late last year,

    And on the other hand, maybe rather than moving upward, you should let yourself fall into ego posession. That will allow you to reset so that you can move yourself back up more effectively.


    So try to get a feel for whether you need to move up or down, and allow and help that to happen. Shadow is no place to stay.

  5. 1 hour ago, Leilani said:

    @Artsu in a way I am saying that. Its more you are already whole and love and freedom. We come here to experience what being a human is to revel in the experience of life. God is seeing through you and everything else. There is a process for sure but you realize you were "God" love the whole time and here is where we get to experience our unique selves. 

    Ok, i will let the topic free.

  6. You've described whats happening. Your friend is receiving second hand empathy or something from an empath when the empath focuses on him.

    Assuming that is accurate, the empath probably doesn't know they are doing it. It is probably worth telling the empath if you havent done so already. Explain like how you explained above, just the facts of what is occurring and what it points to