Vincent S

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Everything posted by Vincent S

  1. Thank you for putting it in a different light. <3 I get what you are pointing to. I really do. But: Isnt giving my Self/self the credit = Serving my Ego/ego? no matter Higher Self Ego or lower self ego? Lately I have been working with a new approach with relating to "other" people. Instead of knowing them as other than me. I take them as me, and me as them. So, in this case. When I am appreciating Leo: Who am I really appreciating? Of course: Myself. Or the word I prefer to use here is: Appreciating What IS. It doesnt have to be that black and white you know.. Serving you or killing your mother. So, everything you have recieved in your life and whatever it was: When you liked it: Does it mean that you shouldnt appreciate it, because you should be afraid that it will serve your ego? How would anything have functioned in the slightest if everything you did: You had to be on your toes and fear that: "I cant show appreciation towards this thing I like. Because its serving my ego?" That would be like asking someone: Would you love your body even if the air you breathe in, kills your mother? Because breathing air in serves your existence/ego? Please. Get out of this black and white way at looking at reality. With all due respect.
  2. Update: Part 3 Coming next week, December 21st ✨??
  3. I agree with you. But Leo also advocates “Stopping Once A While, To Smell The Flowers”. Its healthy to appreciate for what “you” have received in Life. How boring of an existence to not appreciate Itself. For a man to sleep with a woman, and to dump like nothing ever happened. And vice versa. For a beings to consume (eat, feed off of) one and other, and not to appreciate the meal and the life that was sacrificed for it. For beings to learn from one and other, and not appreciate the work behind that Knowledge and Wisdom. Yes, none of these examples above, matters from the Absolute Perspective. But since we are Living in Duality. We need to appreciate one and other. Appreciation can and will bring us closer to Oneness. Appreciation for what Is. Also not to get stuck in Idol Worship, like you said. Its A Balancing Act: Like Anything Else In Life/Existence. “Walked When Should’ve Run, And Ran When Should’ve Walked.”
  4. Personally, I got a lot from my retreat. Each substance (Bufo, Ayahuasca, San Pedro) Gave me the necessary tools to properly start to working with psychedelics and pursue true Awakening and God Realization. But what shocked me (at the retreat) was that noone else felt anything, beside me. And this made me shook for a while. Because I felt like I was deluding myself. 1/10 successrate from the one I went to. I guess it has to do with how seriously your taking it. Most people just take these retreats as an “experience” and they go back to “their” lives. I would say that its worth it, if you are serious, have set good intentions. And if you go in with an open mind.
  5. Think there are some coarses for Mindfullness and Stress Relief you can take and have some sort of certificate on. I do recommend taking a course in Reiki (if you want) Its really powerful. You probably are very good at these things, im sure. But how society and others see you. You are automatically more legit, once you have a deploma or a certificate in something.
  6. @Leo Gura What Testing Reagant do you use for 5 MEO Malt?
  7. @Everything Thanks for sharing ???✨
  8. You make life worth it. ✨? Its an Infinite playing field. You make the values, the meanings and the purpose.
  9. Before I knew about @Nahm. I had a dream where he broke in to my apartment with a big metal shoehorn. He wanted to beat me up ? The very next day: I discovered his website and his YouTube channel ? Solid chap ??
  10. Yes, of curse ?? It made me realize and to be able to make a distinction between my Conscious Procrastinations and my Unconscious Procrastinations in my life. I haven’t been able to balance some areas in my life. Its either to much or nothing at all. Less so now, its becoming better and better. Not so black and white. More colorful and vibrant ✨? I had never thought that it could be seen from another angle. Also to trust my Heart. And when I feel the need to call a parent. To do so, even if im busy. Because then: when I call them, its spontaneous and felt to be in flow. Thank you ??✨ and may peace be with you ?
  11. @Gregory1 Beautiful Trip Report! Really enjoyed the good read <3 Thank you for sharing. You have the gift of sharing this with great detail. Its like you are describing the things I have seen. Shared what I have felt. I feel Loved, Seen and Understood: With what you experienced and shared here today. Thank you!
  12. @r0ckyreed Thank you so much for sharing this ✨ This was something I really needed ?????
  13. @KatiesKarma I have had this happening to me, for about three years now. (It started off happening 1-3 times per week. But happens maybe once per month now) What I have gathered until this point: The “Demons” are gatekeepers between the ordinary dream “your life” and other dreams, through astral connections. Between the ordinary dream “your life” and other dream states: There is a “purgatory” ish state. This state, contains your deepest fears and can also be where ones childhood fears and traumas reside. It often has to do with abandonment of your Inner Child: Where you have lost your Inner Child in a trauma in the past. In my experience: The demons stopped coming, once I started doing some shadow-work. I thought that sleep paralysis would stop. But it didn’t.The demons just disappeared. A few months ago I had the utmost crazy and scary dreams: Where I experienced a very deep and dark void. This dream made me face my deepest fears. And since I started working with psychedelics. I have been able to tap in to this void: and to make some “sense” of it. I have been able to cut out toxic people from my life. And this has actually helped me a lot. And I have been purging heavy traumas with the help of deep tissue massage. Where with the help of untying muscle-knots and trigger points. When I was receiving this massage: I started Tripping (without taking any psychedelics). I was seeing dark fractals spewing out of my eyes. I was aware of how much shit I had absorbed from other people and from my own shadow self. And of course these two are the same thing. Inner world is a reflection of the outer world: and vice versa. During the treatment: I was facing all demons in my “outer” world. Images of them were showing up. I could sense them inside me. And each time a muscle-knot would untangle: I would be able to let that person go from my “memory” and my interactions with them. I also managed to go visit my scariest dream experience from 3 years ago when these sleep paralysis’s started: To face that, and to be able to rescue my inner child that was trapped in there: with these demons. I saved the inner child and placed it deep inside my heart. And that was when I was able to start letting go of my character, more and more. Unfolding every day, bit by bit. LSD and deep rest meditation can bring you in to sleep paralysis: If you want to look and observe: and to start mapping the space with Higher Awareness. (Requires a quite a bit of courage though. So if you havent started doing the work. Dont attempt doing this) I would advise whoever is suffering or experiencing these: To start taking these as hints to where your work needs most attention. Start mapping these experiences out: And see where the map is foggy: Then Work On Clearing That Out. ❤️
  14. Its a very good thing that you are choosing to go your Own Way. The best Teacher is Life and Your Direct Experience anyways. But, its very good to be Aware of this as well: Leo and every other person on this forum, is You. (What I am pointing to is not a belief, concept or a vague notion) I am actually saying that Leo and every other person on this forum, Is an Aspect of You. And Leo's Spiritual Ego and his "Normal" Ego" : Is an Aspect/Part of your Spiritual Ego/Normal Ego. So, when his Ego is doing something. He(You) are Witnessing that doing. He is only Releasing/Dropping something he (You) want to see/witness Him(You) Releasing. What I am saying is that: When Leo does what he does, or when someone in your day to day life is doing something you like or dont like. = That Energy Is Being Released & Witnessed By You. And When It Is Witnessed, There Is a Choice For You To Drop That Aspect/Part Of Yourself (If its totally Integrated or Understood by your Higher Self) Witnessing and Observing are two Very Powerful Tools. Be Openminded about Everything. But at the end of the day: Pick and choose the missing pieces of your jigsaw puzzle, and leave everything else in the "might need later pile".
  15. Thank you for sharing ?? Everything Is happening in the “Now”. And when you are in the “Now”, time vanishes. Time isnt real ✨
  16. This is so lovely to read! I Can really relate. <3 Just really useful tools to get in touch with the underlying reality. There is a really beautiful book written by Christophe Bache called: LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven I can really recommend that book if you are exploring yourself with LSD.
  17. @TruthSoldier @Moksha Thank you both for sharing. I Needed this reminder.
  18. I agree. When this is shown, its really hard to deny or to stop yourself from seeing this. Especially on LSD. Its just so Beautiful and Alluring to Witness. It almost becomes like a new addiction. It just requires immense Willpower to see through it, and to continue Deconstructing.
  19. @electroBeam Thank you so much for sharing! It was a really good read, and I can say that I personally resonated with a few, if not most of the things you mentioned. And I do want to mention that you have had it tough like most. But in the regard of Being and Expressing truest self, when you are either on a psychedelic in the park and speaking with people, or just being genuinely yourself, when you are speaking to the other entities: You are in this regard very lucky, and you are able to not control, but just to be the highest You, you can be. And thats really Beautiful and a very Natural thing. But take this with you: Not all people have the same luck in this regard. And when taking psychedelics in public, with other people, or irresponsibly (not saying that you did), they express and project a lot of things on to, "other" people, (which are just their subconscious, manifesting as "other" people) People are just not ready for that kind of thing. Most arent, And that can cause new traumas, or "bad" programming experiences, or make new "bad" patterns.
  20. I saw it the other day, like multiple times Its so Amazing. It really made me appreciate life so much more. Also for all the work Leo has put in over the years.