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Posts posted by SonataAllegro

  1. 5 hours ago, Shawn Philips said:

    Also for creating a sanctuary I need to go thru an odissey of bureaucracy, permissions, taxes, licences, that can take years to be aproved by the townhall.

    Talk about conspiracy but this looks made to discourage people to achieve these things.

    Consider these the demons that the hero must slay. It being this difficult is necessary so that it's worth it.

    Consider also that if your intentions are really selfless, the universe wants to help you. Examine your false beliefs that create resistance.

  2. 4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    That makes zero sense. Turquoise in this model is Turquoise in SD.

    I’m realizing the differences between yellow and turquoise these days.

    Turquoise really is a more social stage in which one can be a leader of people who are in many different and often conflicting states of consciousness.

    Yellow is too distracted by ideas and models to pay enough attention to the ego dynamics of a group. 

  3. @Leo Gura, what are your thoughts on these upper levels to Spiral Dynamics? 

    I KNOW the model is useless in higher states of consciousness. I've been there, it looks like a complete joke, because I made it up as God. But if you HAD to assess the accuracy of this model, what would you say he gets right/wrong?

    Personally, I don't see why you separate mysticism/non-duality and SD. If the ultimate truth of every human is that they are God, shouldn't a model of human development account for that? This image is the most concise I've seen.


  4. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    A lot of the New Age borrows and reinvents ancient ideas from Purple. It's like Neo-Purple, for a modern era.

    If purple has an object like tarot cards, they believe in them as an absolute source of truth. If a card says you're going to meet the love of your life, you better start making wedding ceremonies, sacrifices to the gods, and space for new children. If the card says you'll have a conflict in the near future, you better start preparing for war.

    Do Green people do this in response to tarot cards? No, because they know on some level it's just a silly game. If you're purple, you CANNOT fathom that such magic objects could be faulty. That would destroy your worldview and move you into red, where you trust only your ego.


    54 minutes ago, Cesco said:

    Is there a difference with this if it is unhealthy green using these ideas and healthy green using these ideas?

    I've made the mistake of taking tarot cards too seriously. I think there's some supernatural element to them (you see the cards you need to see at the time you need to see them), but they're typically very vague and you'll only realize their significance much later.

  5. 6 hours ago, Vynce said:

    Have done it in international flights. No problem. Just put it in a book. If you want to be super save, put it together with some other cutted paper pieces in different shapes. 

    Would you recommend it in a carry on instead of a checked bag?

  6. Is it a good idea to bring lsd (1 single tab) in my luggage? Or would I be an idiot? I can’t get it easily where I’m going. Flight is domestic in the US.

    Has anyone done this? What is the likelihood of getting caught?

  7. I have a transpersonal therapist at the moment. He's great at validating and supporting my experience in a way no one else around me is able to. You'll know if they're the right fit for you pretty quickly based on their openness and their personal experience and what place they're coming from. They may not be the most helpful for "classical therapy" stuff but I already took care of that. Make sure they're not ideological. What would you say you're looking for in one?

  8. 22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Green tends to overcorrect on racism. Green is motivated to correct inequality, which ironically requires treating people unequaly.

    Handicapped people get special treatment. Is this right or wrong? Who is to say how much special treatment is too much? What if we gave every handicapped person a helicopter, would that be fair or unfair? Who gets to say?

    I think of this as coming from a green ego with an instability at a lower stage. They may have a blue shadow that causes them to bring heavy moral judgement to these ethical issues or a red shadow that causes them to be violent about it. I think of true, healthy green as being much more nuanced and open minded, though not yet open to the relativism of yellow, which requires the person to be able to see past all cultural constructions.

    I say this because most people i interact with are stage green and most of them are not this black and white unless they also clearly have some shadow of a lower stage. What are your thoughts @Leo Gura?

  9. 9 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    This just in:


    Leo Gura doubles back on his promotion of heavy metal detoxing after experimenting with the new psychedelic Pu-239 through rectal administration. 

    In his YouTube video released on February 30th, 2022, Gura stated “I’ve accessed a new level of consciousness that no human being has ever reached before after my latest Pu-239 trips.”


    He went on to warn that the potential of this substance for consciousness work cannot be realized without at least 400 high dose trips and reminded his viewers that they will never reach these states of consciousness and are not awake. 

    February 30th, eh? 

    Last I checked that doesn’t exist ?

  10. 59 minutes ago, Dryas said:

    It seems kind of ridiculous to allow this level of relativity. Are you just going to not say anything if someone denies the holocaust, for example? The truth may be relative but you shouldn't give up on it either I think.

    What you're referring to is not giving up on ethics and morals. Which we shouldn't. The truth is that the holocaust only happened if you imagine it did. But I don't go around telling people that or acting like that, because of ethical reasons that I deeply care about.

    Truth won't tell you how to act.

  11. 1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

    I think usually they are not that into me but i manage to get them with my personality, but because my looks are not good enough they cross me out with 1 mistake because they are not into me. Or is this bs?

    What I’m hearing: “I manage to get them with my personality, but because I think my looks are not good enough, I start thinking they’re not into me and I shut down the outgoing parts of my personality and focus on saying the right thing to make up for my looks”

  12. 14 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    It is like that man. However when your ghosted/friendzoned after and do not know why you start assuming it is based on that. Everything i said was an assumption. Plus you really think EVERY guy that goes on a date is super confident about it? You are telling me how experienced guys date however most guys are not that. Yet still they get results.

    I noticed that when a girl really likes a guy she will tolerate a lot of shit from him on a date. She likes him after all. Usually it is because they find the guy good looking. I am not good looking therefore i get hard mode treatment.

    Maybe this is a situation where you have to realize you did nothing wrong and that you don't really like her because she seemed to be judging and testing you the whole time, and you don't appreciate that. Don't forget you gotta like her too.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    Actually during the interaction itself i do not think at all about "making mistakes" stuff. I am  lost on the moment, it is AFTER the date that i reflect and say ok maybe i made this this mistake. 

    Still, your mindset needs to be "i don't care what little tests she throws at me, i won't derive my self worth from her approval"