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Everything posted by ucan99

  1. I want to have a more organized and clear perception of spirituality and to do so, I think I need to see its subfields and do research about how different subfields have different benefits. Seeing subfields would also let me discover a lot that I dont know.
  2. I am trying to understand what consciousness is, how it can be expanded. Can someone recommend very high quality books about consciousness? High quality videos are also accepted, I already watched leos video about consciousness.
  3. Hello everybody, I want to talk about something new and exciting that I experienced, and want your creative opinions. Today I started my meditation by focusing on breath and maintaining peripheral awareness. Then I decided to try being one with the environment and focus on my body. I lessened the power of the focus on my breath. After I focused on my body as a whole with a big portion of my power of consciousness for 10 secs, I felt a powerful flow of energy to my brain(also can be called as feeling of rising, intensification). Then my state of consciousness changed(I think my overall power of consciousness increased.). When I gave attention to my body in a certain way(I dont know how exactly) I could achieve this. I experienced these set of sensations and intensifications in my brain twice in my last session. In addition, I had the need to breath more deeply and often. I did not gain insights from these. What do you think happened? Did my overall power of consciousness increase? How can this benefit my mind, because although this was not even close to awakening, it felt good, unfamiliar and exciting?
  4. Hello @GreenWoods, first of all thank you for your work. I have been thinking about lucid dreaming and sleep yoga. It looks like sleep yoga is a superset of lucid dreaming in the way that if you do sleep yoga you can also have lucid dreams, but I dont know which one is harder to do. Which one takes more time to do?
  5. I have been trying to succeed in lucid dreaming for months. I tried some techniques, reality check, and irregular journaling, but they did not work. I want to start reading a book. What would you reccomend?
  6. 1- Meditation 2- Lucid Dreaming 3- Hypnosis 4- Astral projection These are what I know. You can compare them if you want. A detailed explanation of any addition would be appreciated. Psychedelics alone does not count, however if there is a good combination of any exercise with psychedelics, you can talk about that.
  7. How does belly breathing really help? What do you mean by day to day awareness?
  8. @Javfly33 Thank you for the advice about psychedelics, I want to try them asap. I said that because I can't use any of them because of my medications.
  9. I just watched part 1 of leos self deception. Has Leo written a book about self deception? Can anyone give any recommendation for self deception books? I want to know about the subject more.
  10. I just saw shinzen young's "science of enlightenment." It looks like he is a good teacher. I have been meditating for 3 months now. Is there any other book you would recommend me instead of shinzen young's. There is plenty I found whose authors I don'y know about. You can also recommend me good teachers to attend seminars, retreats.
  11. @Consilience Thank you for your informative recommendation. I will look it up right now.
  12. Hello, is there anyone who can give me a recipe of ayahuasca with caapi and psychotoria viridis? I am especially curious about the ratio and amount of the ingredients.
  13. I know you made many videos about psychedelics, and I watched most of them. However I think it would be nice to have a psychedelics video about your experience on different psychedelics and their comparison since a lot of people on this forum would agree on the fact that you are an experienced person who has tried a lot of psychedelic drugs. I think you can even make a series out of this, comparing them about their power of vision, riskiness, how they affect the brain, or what insights you have gained from them, or which psychedelic can be used for which purpose, or which can be microdosed. Another point is, I for example know about shrooms lsd, dmt, 5 meo dmt, and mescaline, but i am sure there is much more types providing different kinds of experiences which you might know.
  14. Do you have any recommendations of books that teach you how to think in terms of mechanics of thoughts and how to change a thought that comes to your mind even though you are aware of its falseness?