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Everything posted by Soullee

  1. Your ability to be Counscious more than others didn't come from nothing. If it is, everyone would be at your level already. You have to appreciate that. Also you have to understand that your reaction to others is necessary step in your growth. Allow it and let it take it course. But be careful of getting trapped there. If you keep going there's more to unfold.
  2. Law of attraction by it self is worthless, but combined with the law of providing tangible value for others. Then it will work. Loa is the theory. Or the vision. Law of value is the skill and the action.
  3. This is a hard one. But i feel like the ability to see the beauty in your mundane everyday life. That's the one for me
  4. I think you should protect your ears with ear plugs and don't expose your self to loud noises so much. For me i got carried away with my ears sensitivity i started to enjoy the sounds so much and before i knew it now they are permanently damaged with constant tunninus. Now i have tinnitus to enjoy.
  5. Sounds like datura breaks the consistency of this dream and adds its flavor to it
  6. @Gianna funny i had the same realization as i was walking in the city while listening to leo on that episode and i felt like the earth and the whole reality coming my way like im standing at the same place. Like i never moved ever. just like if i was walking on treadmill because my body built to walk and i as i walk my Counsciousness interact with it's parts As reality. And it changes and projects diffrent light inside me as i move inside reality which felt like I'm inside my body or my Counsciousness or my dream or my self. Also felt like I'm hugged by existance. And I'm home and I'm always home.
  7. -Wim hoff method -intermitentfasting + detox juices
  8. 1-Flying saucers. 2-first meeting with aliens. 3- a big big orgy with aliens.
  9. Deep Contemplation or investigation + direct experience verification. Other wise you not gonna trust your self with the answers.
  10. Also in my teenage years when i smoke weed i feel connected to earth and nature. I dont feel like seperate self doing any effort. I feel my body energy like smoke. If I'm walking uphill for example i feel like the hill taking me up.
  11. For me as kid i knew that we are not the masks we wear. And that we are gods, And the source. And when we die everything die with us. Later told about after life. I was indoctrinated since i was 9 but i knew it was all bullshit And not tuned with the joy of being alive.
  12. you need to get independent through your plan, and bite the bullet on your family situation. you might be scared if your plan fail you will end up with nothing. so i think you need a solid plan. and if your plan is not solid enough and you're forced to keep living with your family and their plans start to effect your plan. then adjust your plan till you override their plans.
  13. Create new one with Love, And if you afraid that you might sometimes in the future relapse to your old one. Worry not. LOVE will always lead you to your loved self.
  14. Breath Counsciously through out the day as much as you can. Try to breath more with your belly. Be with your breath. As breath will connect you with being. In all situations you are being. The mind will try to lock you with its narratives. Let it. Focus on the now as it is. Go with the body. Have the prespetive of the air in and out of your body witnessing your emotions at that moment. Accept all emotions you witness from your body. Learn from it. Till you show up in flow mode in what you used to consider uncomfortable situation.
  15. i have been meditating since three years now. Not constant but periodically on and off. Lately it has been no effort N i just meditate as much as i can. But i notice that the periods when meditate i get dreams every night from the depth of my subcounsious and it feels like lessons to things about me. Things I'm not aware of that need attention. things I'm overlooking. How I'm feeling about things. Things i should fix. And many more lessons... And the periods i spent not meditating i don't get any, Blank slate. To be honest maybe one or two here and there but rarely. So I'm wondering if anyone shares this pattern of meditation and dreams?
  16. My personal take on this is that god won't be less than a god. So the mighty god is untouchable. But he get him self in some deep deep ends that he forgets that he's a god. So incase you one of the gods who is intrested in his godness. Worry not. God already left many guides to point to itself. Like leo. I do take long walk while i trip on Leo. Fuck why god created Leo?
  17. @Space Thanks and i appreciate your answer.. I guess I'm conceptualizing on what is not my direct experience now and i can't prove whether it's true or not. well there is consciousness, and there's what you conscious of. you can't know one without the other. they are separate and together at the same time. consciousness don't change, what you are conscious of always changing. i don't know if consciousness inside or outside my body, but at this moment this body is the center of existence. and the body detect what you are conscious of. two months ago i had an issue with my middle ear which is in my body, and i spent two months listening to or "conscious of "a ringing my ears that body generate. no one can hear it. also the same problem cause vertigo and my whole reality start spinning and i'm conscious of all that and i can't do nothing and that what happened to my individual consciousness. -not my direct experience as others report: you have people spend months and years in coma and when they wake up they report that they were conscious of them selves, their bodies, their hearings... but unable to wake up, to open their eyes to see, to walk - so from my point of view his conscious is trapped inside a dysfunctional body that allow him to be half conscious of what he suppose to be conscious of , and that happen to his individual consciousness. -some people have accident on their heads and get a brain injuries and they become genius on math or start seeing in geometry or become dysfunction to make sense of anything , and that what happen to their individual consciousness : expanded for better or contract for worse relative to normal human being. - i have read some reports on people with "Temporal lobe epilepsy" have Profound spiritual experiences. and many more obvious example show you that 'the vehicle or the vessel' seems to affect everything and detect what happen to your consciousness. can i do that while my body is intoxicated with junk?