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Everything posted by Chrisd

  1. Sexuality being impure seems illogical to me. It's part of nature so how can it be impure? Money being greed... that's like saying any desire is bad. Because money is just a tool to fulfill a desire.
  2. It's all happening in the Present Moment, so you can feel your crush loving you in the moment.
  3. I don't get it, why are you jealous of something that somebody else gets that you didn't want?
  4. We all want to be happy, whether we seek it within or without.
  5. Great questions. Nisargadatta comes to mind. Have you read "I am that"? Q: Are you living in the Supreme Unknown? M: Where else? Q: What makes you say so? M: No desire ever arises in my mind. Q: Are you then unconscious? M: Of course not! I am fully conscious, but since no desire or fear enters my mind, there is perfect silence. A penny for your thoughts.
  6. Is logic limited by it's self-containing nature? It's limited in its ability to pick up new information? I'm thinking Sadhguru who says you're either a mystic or a mistake Fascinating.
  7. No more money worries. It's valuable because it leaves more time to pursue other things.
  8. Certain survival needs need to be taken care of. A job (money), food, shelter etc. Then you can choose whether you want to follow a career or dive into spirituality. Do you agree ?
  9. Well, for one thing I don't like this hell idea. It teaches fear. Morality doesn't need to be taught. It's innate in humans. Humans gather in tribes, also naturally. Why do we need a religion? I believe in truth so things that are false are ultimately bad. I'm confident your experiment has been done in a way, so maybe you can look it up
  10. Cool experiment. Is it working ?
  11. What's your opinion on this personality intp etc test? I'm an extraverted person according to it, but I think myself to be more introverted. Same for my stepfather.
  12. Repairing a spine is pretty impressive without surgery. Any more cases like this to verify? Thanks for sharing
  13. Cool. Thanks. I'll have to verify it in my own experience.
  14. I'm interested. I read two pages of your posts, but I'm not going to read all of them. Anything specifically come to mind?
  15. Any proof to this or are you parroting someone mr infinitely powerful :)?
  16. In an infinite universe, how are you going to get a permanent solution to the question whether or not there's a hell forever?
  17. Isnt this an example of limited thinking? Only people who pull off some vibe will get what they want.
  18. Everybody has the right to their own intentions, preferences, opinions. Isn't it silly to suffer when theirs don't match yours? They reject you when they don't.
  19. I care about you, does that mean I have to suffer when you reject me? I suffer because I'm attached to your opinion. Attachments = suffering