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Everything posted by AtheisticNonduality

  1. When you're hungry, eat a nice meal. When you are dehydrated, drink a nice glass of ice water. When you get your current feeling, have the best most testicle-draining orgasm.
  2. The incel movement is all sexual angst: anger, sadness, etc.
  3. I assume autists develop high analytical skills because as children they spent more time observing and reasoning about their social environment instead of engaging with it. And a keen intelligence can help with Stage Yellow type systems thinking, but a lot of autists get stuck working as Stage Orange scientists or businessmen or things like that.
  4. Listen to a few albums that are new to you every day.
  5. @Forestluv You are the third level, and I am the fourth. And also the fifth examining myself, and so on.
  6. You scientist! The laws of physics can change!
  7. @Carl-Richard There is absolutely no way for me to know which world I'm in.
  8. If there are no limits, that means a dinosaur could pull up behind ya and eat your ass within the next ten seconds. This is unsettling to me, even if it isn't happening in my immediate moment.
  9. @Leo Gura Do you think all worlds I can imagine exist? Like a world where Christianity is the correct religion and we all go to hell at the end of this. Or a world just like this one where we evaporate in ten seconds. It seems all these things exist because they are Nothingness the same way my reality is Nothingness. So they are all identical. So they all exist.
  10. We are in late stage dumbass yuga moving into the low level snozzwanger yuga.
  11. This is why stuff like "you are not real" or "you were never born" doesn't work...
  12. These mathematicians actually needed a logician to basically just write "unprovable but true statement" on a card to understand there are things that are true but unprovable?
  14. The universe is good for itself if good means beneficial to its existence. And when you awaken and identify with the whole thing, you experience reality as god because it "serves you" in a way.
  15. @Zeroguy Nope, I enjoy emotional love, compassion, friendship, and sexual pleasure too much to be unemotional.
  16. You do not practice what you preach. Also, there is literally no reason for anyone to practice what you preach.
  17. Unicursal hexagram Psychick Cross The Process Church Symbol Kabbalistic Cross Sigil of Gemory Griffin Angel Venus
  18. If it's against the rules, it's cheating.
  19. Hippies making love, smoking weed, and protesting against society could be considered individualistic, hedonistic, disinhibited, and care-free. I don't buy the individual-collective-individual-collective pattern SD claims.
  20. Blue/Green because it rejected science and materialism and preferred the awe, terror, and beauty of nature. It was less focused on humanity like orange and more so on nature. Its focus on humans was just emphasis on the emotions nature can give and the smallness of humans in comparison to nature.