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Posts posted by Verdesbird

  1. 37 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:


    what people preach in this forum is basically that this ..


    is equal to this ... 


    if you have explored your mind enough with psychedelics meditation and so on you will come up to the conclusion that what is in your mind is ALL what you have experienced in your entire life till the moment you were born and nothing else 

    lets think of a baby that has grow up in a dark room until its 30yo ,and then he has acess to psychedelics,all sorts of,what do you think the baby will discover?

    so its fundamental that you grow up in content,for this you'll have to study transcendental stuff,like the teachings of old esoterical traditions,to then open your mind to new possibilities ,and then check for yourself what is the case ,the truth with capital T

  2. 4 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

    There is a problem I've been thinking of as of lately.

    There is an emphasis on direct experience in spiritual circles. Scientific minded people shake their hands at this. They believe in an objective, external world outside of our subjective bubbles.

    How can these two be so sure?

    Nobody has ever perceived an external world. Like ever. The thing we call "objective" really is nothing more than people agreeing with each other.

    Why do the USA exist? Because people agree on it. If nobody agreed, on there being a country called the USA, it wouldn't exist. Or let's say I am the only person that doesn't agree on this. I simply believe that there is no such thing as the USA. Others would think that I am crazy!

    The opposite of this: People believing that there is no such thing, as an objective world, and that everything is truly subjective.

    The only thing we have EVER perceived is a subjective world. How else could people disagree on stuff if it was truly objective? The only objective thing we know (at least for me) is the fact that there is SOMETHING that exists, whatever that something is.

    The only thing that I objectively know, is that there IS an experience of something. I don't know if there is anyone experiencing it, or what is being experienced. I just know that there is an experience. Everything I see might be a hallucination, but even the hallucination has to take place somewhere. So there is something, perceiving something. It could be A perceiving B or it could be A perceiving A. I don't know. All I do know is the perceiving itself.

    Which brings me to my question: How can we ever be sure about ANY of this?

    Nobody can proof that there is a objective world "out" there. But nobody can proof that there is no such thing as an objective world (I can't at least, sorry for making assumptions about you :|)

    That is what confuses me: How can you trust your direct experience? Yes it could be the only thing with any value. But what if the scientific minded people were right all along? What if there IS an objective world out there, and what if your direct experience is flawed and can't be trusted? What would that mean about spirituality? (if true)

    I honestly don't know. From my point of view, both could be wrong and both could be right.

    Obviously there is the non-dual way of seeing things, but I haven't had any direct experiences of full non-duality, so I can't really talk on that one.


    Keep in mind that I am siding with neither one here: I am simply open to both possibilities. I see a lot of flaws with the scientific way of looking at things, but I also see some flaws with the,experiential way.

    That's why I want to hear your thoughts on this! How can you trust what you experience? For example: In my direct  experience, there is nobody experiencing any of this! There is just the experience itself! But what if my direct experience was actually wrong? What if there are brains and there is an objective world out there and my mind is the one experiencing all of it? What if the science guys were right all along?

    TL;TR: What the heck is any of this?

    here's the thing,both are incomplete pieces of the whole story

    psychonauts traditionaly think that ''counscuousness is a buble that expands to the infinite'' that itself is a assumption that is based on the traditional materialism paradigm,the actual case is that counsciousness transcends itself to a trans-human counsciousness,

    all new discoveries a pshychonault could make alone its already backed-up in pre-concepts of the mind about what that thing could be or not be,

    the explanation for all this (that is denied by both idealists and materialists and teached in old religions and esoteric traditions such as esoterical budhism),is that forces from outside of the mind (spirits you may say),time to time come down to earth and influences and shifts human counsciousness

    spiritual case.jpg

    that's what tibetean budhism pratices is all about ,they investigate the mind via meditation and techniques,and then they learn what the transcendental masters have been teaching during thousands of years ,then they mix the inside with the outside,they do alchemy,and finnaly then they get enlightened and can do several ''paranormal'' things 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Dylan Page said:

    My whole future is planned around helping the world become a better place. I not only care about people and animals, but honestly anything living. I want the pain in the world to cease to exist. I wish I could stop it all, and I don’t even know why. Is it good to help others? Or is this just some irrelevant feeling? Why do I care about others? Why am I not totally selfish and manipulative? I could easily learn how to deceive people for my own gain. Yet, I don’t want to. How does this trait “evolve”? Does it? So many questions. I could continue asking but I’ll leave it at that. 

    be careful to not become one of these ..


  4. Your 4 Existing Soul Agreements And How To Comply With Each To Thrive In Spite Of Circumstances, Obstacles, Or Effort

    You are an embodiment of the divine creator, whose essence lives in you as your life-force and soul. 

    The reason for this is to carry out a spiritual task, a divine contract to discover who you truly are (the divine creator) without actually being aware of who you are; in other words, the divine creator is playing a cosmic hide-and-seek game with itself, through you.

    And according to wisdom that’s recorded in many ancient scriptures and passed down in oral traditions, there are four agreements in this game.


    1. Your Agreement To Create


    n nature, creation happens by default. The sun is the creative force and as it shines down on earth, living beings mysteriously come alive and create. Plants grow and bear fruits, animals play and multiply, and humans create and consume.

    You are born as a creative being, destined to build masterpieces by building upon the work done by your ancestors, upon which future generations will create their masterpieces.

    And creation happens in many ways. Your life is a creation in itself, and your career, your relationships with your family and friends are all your creations. 

    So is your lifestyle, your inventions, your contributions, your ideas, your visions, and your legacy.

    Note: By this agreement, anyone who thinks or feels they’re not at all creative, or not creative enough to live the life of their dreams, are NOT in compliance.

    2. Your Agreement To Love


    Love expands your life. It births your desires to help, to express, to connect, to experience, to have, to be and to feel. Love makes your life worth living. 

    Love also functions as your personal navigation system whenever you have a decision to make, whether big or small. Choose love and you’ll never be wrong.

    But chances are, you misunderstood love as you grew up because you adopted the conditioning, the energy patterns and the limiting beliefs of the society as your guidance instead of your love. 

    This misunderstanding is part of your love agreement because this lack of love is what pushes you to embrace what you love. 

    Note: By this agreement, anyone who doesn't make choices out of love or rejects the call of love in their life even after being aware of it, are NOT in compliance.

    3. Your Agreement To Give

    As a human, you’re born with attention and free-will, which are your fundamental gifts as a divine being in a human body. Both are functions of energy because this world is energetic in nature. 

    The things you give your attention and free-will will eventually grow.

    So, attention and free-will is what you’re giving. And to whom? Back to the divine creator, by focusing on creating and loving as shown in the first two agreements.

    When you give your attention and free-will to your love and your creations, you expand this universe and discover more and more of who you truly are (the divine creator). 

    This is what the mystics mean when they say, you must give unconditionally and selflessly.

    Note: By this agreement, anyone who gives their attention and free-will to envy, hatred, or lethargic, robotic and vain pursuits (or careers) are NOT in compliance

    4. Your Agreement to Receive


    The circumstances surrounding your birth including your natural body, your social and cultural backgrounds, the period of time you were born, and the parents and relatives you have are all gifts from the divine creator. You must fully receive them.

    And so are every event, however traumatic or pleasant, that happens to you. They are all gifts from the creator who knows. Receiving it all equally is your agreement.

    Your gifts also include streaks of good fortune and bad luck, all the people who impact your life both positively and negatively, and your emotional highs and lows. All are gifts that you agreed to receive.

    This doesn't mean you should not act to change outcomes. You receive all your gifts unconditionally while relentlessly giving your attention and free-will to create and to love.

    Note: By this agreement, anyone who is complaining about or blaming people, things or situations for anything they experience, or even wishing it was different, are NOT in compliance.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Monde said:

    If it was, what are the odds " you ", somehow landed in the right one that has this supposed objective truth?

    Reality is not infinite, in fact, there is no reality whatsoever. Nothing ever happened, you never even clicked on this thread.

    Reality is just a void that gives the appearance of being infinite while being absolutely nothing.

    what changes whatsoever ?

  6. 18 minutes ago, Osaid said:


    You're making the assumption that consciousness is a human trait. That ghost alien spirit thing that came out of you was within consciousness. Anything you experience is within consciousness.


    here's the thing,from the moment i get implanted i have done many dmt breakthoughs and ayhuasca sessions and cannabis sessions

    i trust that i have explored my counsciousness entirely,and i have found nothing

  7. 1 hour ago, Jacobsrw said:

    @Verdesbird Everything you speak of here is an activity of consciousness.

    I’m more curious in how you have come to the conclusion an experience can occur outside of consciousness ? You must be a special kind of being, since no human has ever exited consciousness as if to observe it free of being within it.

    Point to an experience where you have not had consciousness? Every experience you point to is governed by your conscious being from which you can never escape by its very design.

    Anything you point to you is using consciousness to be pointed at and is at the same time consciousness that is receiving the pointing.

    for this i will open myself here and tell my story

    10 years from now i was involved with 'umbanda' a Brazilian esoteric mystic rite based on the teachings of the great white fraternity(theosophy) mixed with afro-brazilian shamanistic culture



    in that time of my life i was developing mediunistic abilities,seen spirits,interacting with then,manipulating energies,in the umbanda house i was introduced to the higher chief,a ''caboclo'',who incorporate the spirit of a old indian leader from amazon,

    one day in a midle of a spiritual rite one of the members of the house come to me and says that he incorporates the spirit of the chief and offers me a shaktipat,i trusted him and accepted the shaktipat

    now this is where the shit hits the fan ...from then on every single night i've had a nightmare,horrible ones,one after another,day by day,i just dont know what was happening to me at that time,i got scared and i get away from the house 

    at that time i have trusted my own mediunistic habilities of healing and have tried several times heal myself with ayhuasca,dmt,and cannabis,i've had several dmt breaktroughs with higher doses,tried the plant medicine,tried cannabis,and nothing.. nightmares still day by day after years,then i have seek professional help with psychiatrics and alternative holistic medicine,after years nothing comes and the nightmares still day by day 

    until i get back to the umbanda house and seriously demanded to talk to the higher chief ..then the original higher chief attended me (not the false one) and says to me that i've had an spiritual implant "come here son...'' he says, i followed him to a room,just me and him in the room and he gave me something to drink "here take this...'' ,i drinked (the most underground psychedelic magick shit ever ) and then the most absurd thing i've ever seen in my life occur..

    he just put a hand on my head,pull my soul out in front of my very eyes,put his hand in the head of my soul and pulled out a scary alien-like creature

    after that i got psichotic the same night and i was forced into a mental asylium ....

    after i got recovered from the asylium,i've took very heavy psychiatric drugs,and then i moderate myself to do minor dosages with chedelics,i got easy back then ..,,less lsd,less dmt,more meditation,more studies in budhism ,hinduism and taoism,

    from the umbanda times until now what i remembered is that i got TONS of lost memory .. o lost my clan (no idea where the guys are)
    and i got a cronic pain inside my head that lasts until today 


  8. ''Where is the Akashik records and astral plane occurring? Your own consciousness, consciousness itself.''

    no,in the astral plane,outside of the mind (yes sucha thing exists)

    q:''a body hits a wall '' .. remove counsciousness from the equation what do you have?
    r:you still have the fact that the body hits the wall 

    one to think about ... have you guys ever try to deal with high magick while on psychedelics?,like evoking spirits and entities and so on?
    if you try and the thing gets real deal then what will happen is that you gonna screw ap the whole thing and the entities gona take over the situation

    and you will end up suicidal or in the mental alysium,precisely because you are dealing with forces from the outside

    any shaman knows that 

    have you seen leo last video? he talks about the dpt trip,have you seen some similarities with the video 'outrageous experiments in counsciousness'?leo gets redundant its all like....

    ...then i see love,then god comes from love,then god god infinite,then embodies the counciousness,then gets infinite,then is pure love,then its like the void wicht is god cos god is infinite,then i have no self,then is pure love..etc.etc.etc...

    he's traveling the infinite nothingness of itself trying to get somewhere witch is the total awakening.. thats never ever total cos its infinite.. and then leo goes further into infinite chasing its own tail 

    no new conclusions at all 

    now .. a brand new different thing will happen if leo gets involved in esoteric budhism,now it will be the real its sinthesyzes outside with inside and do alchemy and gets really somewhere 


  9. 6 minutes ago, Jacobsrw said:

    @Verdesbird that’s an oversimplified example that doesn’t very well represent what you are saying. No I don’t know my past grandfathers life, and to that fact whether or not I did is irrelevant, it still remains within as a figment of imagination within consciousness. “Past grandfathers life”, is a concept you concoct the mind. See this right now, where does that idea of a past grandfather reside? Your mind.

    And further, even if you believe there is a past grandfathers life, where does it exist? Your imagination. You’ve never experienced it and therefore could never validate it, it’s a pictorial image in the mind. Whether it’s been or experienced or it hasn’t the mind imagines it. 

    The inability to see this is not a limitation of consciousness but of your own capacity to interpret consciousness itself, which is your inability to interpret you.

    how about this awser ... in the Akashic records in the astral plane


  10. 13 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Human? Is it just a word? How can you know that we are human? How do you know that word of human can completely present the body? Maybe language just a sound? So how do you know that you can think?  You are imagining within the imagination brother :) 

    so what about the dynamics of imagination? it is self-created? you can guarantee that ?where does come from? why brains exists ?

  11. 28 minutes ago, Jacobsrw said:

    @Verdesbird If you are convinced of the infinity of consciousness, you shouldn't need to contest Leo’s descriptions about it because they too would be included. Infinite consciousness means all things rest within it. Realising this would cure your dilemma of who to listen to what path to choose. No matter the path you will irrevocably arrive at infinite consciousness. Consciousness is the very fabric of your experience, not something you choose how to perceive.

    what im sayng is basically what esoteric budhism says

    there are infinite counsiousness

    and there are a ''parallel'' universe made of 3D matter

    these two are interconected,but..,there are transcendental rules for them to interact,rules that we need to discover

    rules that exists before imagination and mind itself 

    its a quite different map than sayng ''its all imagination in the gods head'' no it isint

  12. 1 hour ago, Jacobsrw said:

    @Verdesbird it seems you haven’t had a breakthrough in your psychedelic experience. Which could be due to egoic attachments or not the right dosage for your particular threshold.

    Also you don’t need a psychedelic to confirm whether consciousness is infinite. You can do it now. What is the limit of your consciousness? Go directly to your experience right now. Where does consciousness begin and where does it end?

    I invite you to explore your experience further rather than drawing definitive conclusions about reality.

    i do trust total infinity,ive had infinite inights samadhis and embodyments during my ''trips''

    im just sayng that are rules for total infinite possibilities,and these rules are more transcendental and before-human-existance than just saying ''god is imagining everything,and god is me and you''

    leo could make more intelligent and relevant questions instead of just asking ''what is reality'' ''what is counsiousness'' ''what is god'' ,these questions are all backed up in pre-concepts of the mind about what it could be or not be

    here's is one more relevant and profund question: "what are the best spiritual way that one can possibly follow ?"

    for awsering a question like that budhists have spend more than 5 thousand years researching counsiousness and all its possibilities,and they gone very far with its rescearches 

    they can meditate in boiling oil


    they can levitate

    they can conquer a body made of pure light

    all stuff made up by a transcendental counsciousness,a counscuousness aware of itself,thing that leo wants to conquer 

    but leo came up from a skeptical past,now he just evolute to a human-centric vision of reality,with no transcendentalism at all

    as i said here in Brasil there's a sect of people that think just as leo,they are  all psychedelic oriented human-centric and they says very equal things like ''porpouse of life is imaginary'' ''reality is made up by imagination'' and etc

    Brasil has lots of shamans mediuns and mystics of various degrees ,what leo is saying nowdays i already heard in the past

  13. 8 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    Not sure why you have uploaded that image. But I will try to explain why you can't reach pure consciousness by using that picture. 

    In your current mindset, you think you are the guy in the image, looking at the rat. Look at his facial expression. That guy thinks that there is so much to be gained by killing and eating a rat. That is your current mindset. Currently, your mindset is hungry to know what is pure consciousness. You wonder how it is to feel like a God.

    But you got it all wrong. Don't look at the guy. You have to look at the rat. When you know, I mean, really know how that rat feels in that image, then you will gain pure consciousness. 

    You must be pure, and you must fry yourself on a stick, ready to be eaten. Then you will know.


    no man that was an analogy of the film 'the matrix'

    i know what you are talking about like an smoking rat before gets kill who knows his death end 


  14. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Verdesbird You are a devil. That's what's "wrong". A devil is incapable of seeing God.

    leo you just jump to one stage to another next

    you was a skeptical philosofer now you are a typical Albert Enstein's green-yellow humanist 

    here in Brasil there's a sect of people(psyhedelic oriented) like you,they are a very much fan of level turquoise stuff and albert einstein,a can introduce them ..