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Posts posted by Verdesbird

  1. 14 hours ago, GodDesireOnlyLove said:

    @FlowerNote blue family most of the time love high statut. They love you because they selfishly love being seen as good people.

    Real love - my mother = you can be everything and I want only you to be happy.

    In act. Not in words'

    She had some trouble but really hide it' and now I do my best to heal her back.

    That's god love. Without my mother I would have been a donkey forever.

    it is the most profund and relevant form of love that exists in this universe (except fom God's love from its own creation)

  2. On 10/05/2020 at 3:00 PM, Zanoni said:

    I understand that these system are different. I can study the Gelug lineage, but unfortunately the Nyingma is something i want to avoid. As a good describable quote says: "The Nyingmapa School is often described as being little more than the indigenous Bon religion of Tibet with a thin veneer of Buddhism laid over the surface.". There is a theory of the soul of Gautama "who being unable to witness any longer the desecration of Buddhist philosophy by the false priests" in tibet, had to be reincarnated as Tsongkhapa, the founder of Gelug lineage to reform Buddhism in Tibet . This theory might still be biased.

    allright,lets just remember that inside every society(tibetean include) there's a mainstream of commom cheap stuff and then trere's a more profund rare and precious stuff to be found

  3. now speaking from the heart.. i consider you a very good spiritual teacher Leo

    is just not enlightened as a tibetean budhist master or an old taoist sage

    but is good enough to have its content followed by me 

    much luck in your journey;)

    the things i would recomend to you is writen in my posts if you mind to take a look

    now lets just plug some 5 meo DMT and lets just ... 

    wow !! ... breathe in that good ass prana baby!!


  4. 53 minutes ago, Zanoni said:

    I do not know anything of western spiritual teachings besides a few western turquoise teachers. Eastern and original Theosophical teachings is the knowledge i base my views on.

    in that case i strongly recomend you to study and get personally involved with tibetean budhism and taoism

    very different systems i assure you

  5. 9 minutes ago, Zanoni said:

    I know about the rainbow body. However i am just open-minded that any historic info especially on the net is fictional and possibly attributed to the historic person by default.

    Is this not the right-hand-path of magic per esoteric definition?

    Cannot argue with that.

    no its very different from the traditional point of view that we have here in the Western world,its Taoism,its ying and yang,both forces but with righteous purposes,for exemple taoist black magic will be the exactly same magic but with wrong-dark purposes

     if you Cannot argue with anything just share your views then ...

  6. ''Trust yourself'' is an illusion of the ego-mind

    you guys got that insight? 

    i will try to be more clear...have you guys do enough exploration of your own's counsiousness yet? if you do then you will come up to the conclusion that what you have inside your mind is just what you have seen and experienced since the day you were born till this actual day and nothing else

    ''deconstruction'' is already a thing that you have learned from outside sources 

    in the end theres only the self and the''rest'',and the ''rest'' you have put it inside the self,and what you call enlightenment is just a progression of that very phenomenom(that actually seems as a regression to the ''original'' self,that never had its origin at all cos is eternal)

  7. 2 hours ago, Zanoni said:

    Padmasambhava comes to mind as he was a tantric sorcerer. It comes to question whether this historical person was actually enlightened, a sorcerer, or just highly skilled in use of spiritual forces.  Remember hearing Ramakrishna saying "that many paths lead to god" as he tested many different paths himself in order to realize it. However, i have not heard of someone becoming enlightened from a left-hand-path approach but many "enlightened" people have fallen into the left-hand-path some time after their realization. As the line between the right and the left paths are very thin, it is so easy to fall into it, that is why i do not dwell in magic. It is said that the left-hand-path followers are lost souls as their practices are causing them separation from the higher self not the other way around. It all depends what your definition of left-hand-path and enlightenment is. By some theories, the left path leads toward matter and the right into spirit, one cannot have both at the same time as the soul can only gravitate in one direction, toward spirit or matter.

    It is my perspective and i do not know how close this comes to the truth.


    the problem with modern spiritual teachings is that it gots corrupted with half-baked truths,magic for exemple are common in taoist circles in china ,these pratices do not harm the souls of its praticipants neither separate then from the higher self, quite the opposite,they do magic along with taoist chi-cultivations and meditations

    matter and spirit are in old esoterical traditions integrated in one single transcendental reality,the separation is illusion preached by modern spiritual teachings,so in that case both modern left hand pratices and right hand pratices have been understood in wrong ways  (pratice and study),the solution to this in my views is to get personal encounters with adepts of old esoterical teachings like esoterical budhism,learn direct from the source...and more important then that..learn everything as possible from several traditions and have deep meditations deep reflections and even deep psychedelics trips aways focusing them in the underlying truth 'behind the scenes' of all of them,then its gets the ''juice'' of transcendental truth itself,the important thing to realize is that if one's soul gravitates into the most righteous direction,then its equivalent of sayng that is toward the enlightened spirit

  8. 19 minutes ago, Shmurda said:

    I see a lot of talk in the spiritual domain about how, when we go to the root causes of our activity, love and fear are the only two forces in life. 

    I also see a lot of teachers warning against those who frame reality in dualities, and that a trinity is necessary to capture the relative nature of our finite human existence. 

    This seems like a contradiction. If there is only fear and love, that is a duality. What am I missing? 


    spiritual case.jpg

    is what idealists and materialists dont talk about 

    its the transcendental spirit that guides mankind,teached in old esoteric traditions such as esoterical budhism

  9. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


    You have yet to meet God ;)

     you blame to much on the so called ''social conditioning'' of society,parenthood,etc,as i said in this topic ..

    ''The circumstances surrounding your birth including your natural body, your social and cultural backgrounds, the period of time you were born, and the parents and relatives you have are all gifts from the divine creator. You must fully receive them.''

    ive had experiences where i meet GOD both with chedelics and without it,also experienced infinite love(i coldnt barely stand in my own feet with that kind of love),and i remember that 'outrageous experiments in counsciousness' video that you just released that you talked about how GOD could go to Hell just for love, would say that if GOD do sucha thing for love(to save you for exemple) he will problably be in a human form of one of your loved ones (your ''family'' or ''clan'' or ''brotherhood'')

    discover a higher Love is one thing,but then to think that  family's  love is selfish and egoic its too much of a precipitated childish aproach to reality

  10. is there sucha thing as a Enlightened LEFT-HAND-PATH Follower? like an Enlightened Luciferianist for exemple

    ive never heard about it 

    just being honest here 

    do you guys have any records ?

    my rescerches :

    for Leo Gura and Moderators: Please dont delete or Lock this topic like happened once 

    i just wanna know the TRUTH

  11. i have shifted from a traditional materialist paradigm point of view to a more personal and transcendental point of view

    i still believe in materialism but in a very different way,a way that considers quantum physics and old esoteric schools transcendental laws of reality and the universe 

    i become more interested im budhism in particular 

    to this point ive done several psychedelics already

    had many god-like experiences 

    i will try the 5meo in a few weeks,with the hope that it will reveals me more about existance itself ,for me it will be the final frontier i will not be doing much chedelics after that 

    its just like allan whats says 


  12. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You are seriously confusing things.

    Brazil is an awefully corrupt country because it is under-developed relative to 1st world countries. This is a Spiral Dynamics problem.

    In a developed society you don't need a gun. Just like in a developed society you don't need to carry your own shit in buckets. But some people get attached to their buckets. They want to make a trophy out of it to prove their manhood.

    The only thing worse than a leftist is a rightist ;)

    these are two sides of the same coin,lets keep an open-mind that each of them has its own qualities,like Dalai Lama says: "its good that democracy has varios political parties cos then its balanced"

  13. powerfull video

    lets think about it how much disinformation are in the media these days ,how the minds of the young people are being indoctrinated into idealistic robots manipulated by forgein secret services in order to demoralize a nation?

    for exemple here in Brasil there's no such thing as legal gun possession,nobody has guns,the result?? tons of mass murders by criminal factions,gangsters with private army,etc