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Everything posted by Verdesbird

  1. Leo advocates a Dumbass GOD ,this is just weird i wonder... what exactly steps leo takes to just deny de individual-reality?
  2. god is a old white men sitting rigth there in the heavens upstairs just ask your subcounsious mind
  3. ''There is a special area of the Matrix reserved for people who think they have exited the Matrix. The answers to metaphysical questions—and indeed political questions, personal questions—are usually less important than the process that the question launches.'' thats precisely it the major issue about beliefs is that very question : "what effect this particular form of belief will causes in my counsciousness in the very long-long term'' a key thing to ask yourself that i see is lacking in the philosofical mind of the people in this very forum
  4. who told you that its all about butterflies and rainbows there are much more ''dark'' dynamics in this universe
  5. yes i dont recomend in any way that you facilitate your own self-interaction to end up being diagnosed with a thing that will get you grounded in one psychiatric ward or psychiatric hospital(you name it ) cos ive seen lots of crazy shit in there,its not good for the soul at all
  6. you can come up to that conclusion but remember...there's no sucha thing as non-believe you WILL believe in something like it or not ,so choose wisely
  7. there are very different kinds of cannabis,there are ones that gives you the high but dont take away your motivation
  8. cannabis can be a very very good meditation facilitator also its very good when you have a good intent and are already involved in discovery new things whitin yourself and the laws of life and then you smoke a joint and have very deep and relevant insights
  9. dmt its just like a hammer on the mind,its gets difficult to integrate and its strange like hell remember ..
  10. Your 4 Existing Soul Agreements And How To Comply With Each To Thrive In Spite Of Circumstances, Obstacles, Or Effort You are an embodiment of the divine creator, whose essence lives in you as your life-force and soul. The reason for this is to carry out a spiritual task, a divine contract to discover who you truly are (the divine creator) without actually being aware of who you are; in other words, the divine creator is playing a cosmic hide-and-seek game with itself, through you. And according to wisdom that’s recorded in many ancient scriptures and passed down in oral traditions, there are four agreements in this game. 1. Your Agreement To Create n nature, creation happens by default. The sun is the creative force and as it shines down on earth, living beings mysteriously come alive and create. Plants grow and bear fruits, animals play and multiply, and humans create and consume. You are born as a creative being, destined to build masterpieces by building upon the work done by your ancestors, upon which future generations will create their masterpieces. And creation happens in many ways. Your life is a creation in itself, and your career, your relationships with your family and friends are all your creations. So is your lifestyle, your inventions, your contributions, your ideas, your visions, and your legacy. Note: By this agreement, anyone who thinks or feels they’re not at all creative, or not creative enough to live the life of their dreams, are NOT in compliance. 2. Your Agreement To Love Love expands your life. It births your desires to help, to express, to connect, to experience, to have, to be and to feel. Love makes your life worth living. Love also functions as your personal navigation system whenever you have a decision to make, whether big or small. Choose love and you’ll never be wrong. But chances are, you misunderstood love as you grew up because you adopted the conditioning, the energy patterns and the limiting beliefs of the society as your guidance instead of your love. This misunderstanding is part of your love agreement because this lack of love is what pushes you to embrace what you love. Note: By this agreement, anyone who doesn't make choices out of love or rejects the call of love in their life even after being aware of it, are NOT in compliance. 3. Your Agreement To Give As a human, you’re born with attention and free-will, which are your fundamental gifts as a divine being in a human body. Both are functions of energy because this world is energetic in nature. The things you give your attention and free-will will eventually grow. So, attention and free-will is what you’re giving. And to whom? Back to the divine creator, by focusing on creating and loving as shown in the first two agreements. When you give your attention and free-will to your love and your creations, you expand this universe and discover more and more of who you truly are (the divine creator). This is what the mystics mean when they say, you must give unconditionally and selflessly. Note: By this agreement, anyone who gives their attention and free-will to envy, hatred, or lethargic, robotic and vain pursuits (or careers) are NOT in compliance 4. Your Agreement to Receive The circumstances surrounding your birth including your natural body, your social and cultural backgrounds, the period of time you were born, and the parents and relatives you have are all gifts from the divine creator. You must fully receive them. And so are every event, however traumatic or pleasant, that happens to you. They are all gifts from the creator who knows. Receiving it all equally is your agreement. Your gifts also include streaks of good fortune and bad luck, all the people who impact your life both positively and negatively, and your emotional highs and lows. All are gifts that you agreed to receive. This doesn't mean you should not act to change outcomes. You receive all your gifts unconditionally while relentlessly giving your attention and free-will to create and to love. Note: By this agreement, anyone who is complaining about or blaming people, things or situations for anything they experience, or even wishing it was different, are NOT in compliance.
  11. two conspiracies that are real and not fear based: - about the global banking system and how its monopolized and how its influences global politics - about the abrahamic religions and how it was counteifeit by occultist masters that rules until today (teachings passed by generation after generation)
  12. yes cos ive whached most of your videos and i can't remember everything so some things i just filled with my own imagination but anyways ... what you are into in that particular trip man? what psychedelic did you took ?and what was the intent for the trip?
  13. these ideas are based in the esoteric Buddhism here are some free books for you to read,many are in portuguese so you just google-translate then also to understand better what im sayng in this forum you can also read the teachings of the great white fraternity (original doctrine book) im not an adept of then but they took inumerous ideas from theosophy and esoteric budhism
  14. its not about the human-form you are at its about the kind or reality you are in (the most precious one according to budhists)
  15. that one when you touched a trans-reality bublle ? i wonder .. what psychedelic do you use in that particular trip ?
  16. fala cara blz?,entao esse tipo de paranoia na verdade foi crescendo em mim e ficou tão intenso que eu fui hospitalizado a força em um hospital psiquiatrico o que eu tenho pra dizer depois dessas experiencias é que psicodelicos sao pura força bruta na sua mente,vc tem que ter uma intençao muito bem planejada quando for fazer uma experiencia dessas com qualquer substancia que seja,e que a esfera das dimensões espirituais ou mentais superiores devem ser trabalhadas com uma mentalidade bastante aberta,ou seja caso vc veja um fantasma ou tenha um insight profundamente paranioco onde duas realidades coincidem uma com a outra (por exemplo vc pensa em algo e a tv esta ligada e dai o jornalista fala um complemento daquele mesmo assunto) apenas releve a situação numa boa,ria,e siga feliz,mesmo porque nessa jornada de auto conhecimento e meditaçao e psicodelicos vai ter que enfrentar muita coisa que vai ser bastante desafiadora pro seu estado emocional do dia a dia
  17. ive never seen this happening on chedelics but ive have seen many times this happening with people chaneling entities and incorporating entities and doing magick
  18. Your Enlightenment is your best gift for mankind cos then you will spare mankind from your mistakes for eternity lets contemplate this insight...
  19. here's one .. "what is the best possible spiritual path one's can possibly follow?"