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Posts posted by Cireeric

  1. You should check out the: Your WIsh is Your Command Series on Youtube. The first 6 episodes I think were pretty much about learning. He presents some interesting concepts for learning: the teachability index and 4 steps of processing information, which are quite interesting. 

    Also there is a big Course on Coursera called: Learning how to learn. I didnt do it yet, but I wanted to in the future.

  2. Two books from the booklist could be especially interesting for your case in my opinion:

    Tame your Gremlin and The Sedona Method

    I think you need to learn to dont take this thoughts too seriously but rather recognize them and laugh about them. Also you should learn to letting go of these thoughts and feelings. Yeah I know its easier said than to be done, but I think these two books could help on the way. 

  3. On 12.5.2022 at 10:38 PM, Vincent S said:

    I don’t know exactly why, but taking 1x Lions Mane extract capsule, before a LSD or Mushroom trip, does potentiate the trip drastically. Also stacking it with Niacin (Vitamin B3).  
    Got this from Paul Stamets on JRE. 

    This is very interesting, will try it with the Lions Mane next time.

    Yeah I think with almost all the spiritual techniques you increase your sensitivity to psychedelics in general. And also just doing psychedelics will increase your sensitivity over time, or you could say your trips will go deeper everytime. For me reality starts to melt awaý on 100 mics already and I start questioning everything and  go existential on every little word :D  My friends were talking about girls and relationships and Im like: what are girls? what is a relationship? haha

  4. Now its around 5 years ago since I started being interested in Psychedelics, then found Actualized and since then started this journey of growing and understanding. Since then I watched almost all of Leos Content, read many of the books in the booklist, became interested in all these topics by myself and researched further, watched tons of different videos from Aubrey Marcus, Rupert Spira, Bernardo Kastrup, Daniel Schmachtenberger and many many more. Im also now meditating since 5 years regularly, doing psychedelics once in a while and testing other techniques as well. Im at a point where I feel like my understanding has reached a new level, where I can get deep insights and make new connections by just thinking about life or while doing regular stuff. Life becomes more and more beautiful. I just wanted to express my gratitude for all of this and Im excited for the years to come of learning and growing. There is still so much to explore and understand and many years ahead of me.

  5. @Jannes Yeah I guess you were on the same website that I tried, there I had the same problem. On another website they seem to ship to Germany, but I asked them if it could cause any legal trouble and they answered I should contact my lawyer. And yeah it is legal in the Netherlands, I was thinking about a short trip too and I would also do it. The problem is in the Netherlands there are no local shops that im aware of that sell specific substances like this. It can be shipped to the Netherlands but then u need a post adress in NL or people in NL to whom you can ship it.

  6. For me the problem with sourcing starts with even finding out if 5 Meo-Malt is legal in my country(in my case Germany). There are a few Websites that sell "Research Chemicals" that ship 5 Meo-Malt to Germany. But to really understand the "Neue psychoaktive Stoffe" list for illegal substances you need a good understanding of chemistry. I see that the substance is not explicitly listed anywhere, but it could be banned as a subgroup or something else. How can I be sure that 5 Meo Malt is legal in my country(in my case germany)? Does somebody know the legal status of 5 Meo Malt in Germany?

  7. I find myself entertained watching him sometimes and there are some bits of truth in what he is saying. But I think overall he has a toxic attitude and worldview. Also I have the inuition that deep down he isnt really happy and fullfilled, but feels empty only pursuing objective stuff and setting this above all else, as far as I can evaluate that :D Also in some of what he says i feel a bit of a dishonesty or inauthenticity.

  8. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is true awakening. Accepting it is the hardest part. Every fiber of your being will refuse to accept it. You do not want to accept this degree of aloneness. You are going to scramble to invent some "other" to comfort you, and so you will fall back into the dream as a little self. You are not ready to accept that your Mind constructs EVERYTHING.

    For me the horror/fear exists only if my finite mind/my avatar would be the only thing that exists and imagines all others. Yeah the Infinite Mind / God is all there is and imagines everything and when Im in an awakening experience and identify with Infinite mind, me as Infinite Mind/God is all there is and there are no others. But this is only the case as long as im not identifying with my finite identity anymore - in a very high consciousness state.  The only thing that fears being alone is my finite mind and as long as im in the experience/illusion of being my finite mind there is also the experience/illusion of others, so there is no problem there.

    Or am I seeing something wrong?

    For me your newest understanding of awakening sounds like you as finite mind need to accept that you are absolutely everything and I think that this is what scares people.


  9. 21 hours ago, Ascent X said:

    HVC is amazing, I have it, it’s probably the best most advanced, concise, holistic and integrated product on Social Skills, and Communication coming from authenticity and a higher paradigm perspective.

    I’ll say it’s foundational to Social Skills, Charisma, and developing/expressing your authenticity personality as a whole.

    Learn all other Game stuff, after you’ve watched and put this course into action. It’s the solid foundation you need to learn the rest and not get lost or trapped in toxicity and sociopathy.

    HVC won’t go into specific with dealing with women and being sexual.


    If you aren’t actively going out, taking action, making observations, writing down and analyzing your reference experience, as well as some inner work. The course is useless just an any other information you don’t implement.

    Sounds pretty good, but im wondering how much new information there is in his course since he puts so much content out for free on his youtube channel. I cant imagine much important stuff which he doesnt cover already on his youtube channel.

  10. If youre that young, especially while still living with ur parents and not having much money I would not advice you to go for fully awakening. Take your time and start with a regular meditaiton practice, yoga or breathwork routine. Get some progress that is beneficial for your wellbeing and happiness there and learn how to handle your "ordinary-life". Also I think the Life Purpose Course would be also an better option for you right now. But that are just my thoughts on it you need to go your own way.

  11. 4 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    Does Sadhguru have any substance when he says it's better to stick with one sexual partner for Enlightenment purposes?

    Leo gives advice for you from a broader perspective. Sadghuru only covers spirituality and living a healthy life, but Leos Advice is coming from a perspective that also covers survival topics too, like getting good with women. Maybe Sadghurus advice is better if u only go for being a monk/sage. But even for enlighment purposes only I dont it necessary to only have one women in your life.

  12. Im pretty sure it does, not necessarily strictly the Life Purpose, but being engaged in life and excited nurtures you, it gives you Energy. People who are engaged in life and excited will stay younger. People with a Purpose will get better through a Crisis, have more resilience. These emotions and energys will have an impact on your whole system. I think there are many metrics there you could measure an positive impact by having a purpose vs. living a meaningless life. 

  13. Ive been meditating regularly since almost 4 years now. Its hard to track all the results down, but my overall feeling of life really transformed over the years. I am much more grounded and aware in my body in every moment. There is much more joy in every experience, just by being in the moment, feeling my body and seeing the beauty in everything. I can almost enjoy every moment. Ive done psychedelic trips and read many good books too that helped me, but I think most of the benefits are coming from my meditation. The book The Mind Illuminated helped me really well in really understanding where im at in my meditation and what I need to do and to track and understand my progress in meditation.   

  14. I think they both have certain pros/contras, I think on good podcasts and longer talks (you mentioned some great ones) you can expand your horizon faster cause you will get exposed to a lot of ideas and perspectives. Rebel Wisdom is a great one and in the last time I also watched a lot of Aubrey Marcus Podcast and Theories of Everything. But for me reading is a deeper journey into a topic and you will learn more, cause you stick longer with a topic and think about it in the process. How did you manage to read 140 books if its a struggle for you? :D

  15. An comprehensive List of Ressources for good sensemaking for free. I highly recommend it. It entails Videos, A workbook and different exercises and meditations with guests like Daniel Schmachtenberger, John Verveake or Gabor Mate. Part 1 is First Person Epistemics, Part 2 and 3 will be released in the next month. You just need to register your mail.