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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. Background music for the Ottoman action:
  2. @Danioover9000 1. April
  3. @Yog Yes I saw that one too. Amazing channel
  4. @Gesundheit Sounds like https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/racism_of_low_expectations
  5. @Wilhelm44 So it makes sense to look for the holy grail of programming people. Though it does not look like it is an easy task. One wonders how some dogs could be trained so good so we can learn from the methods. There was one helping dog who could not socialize with other dogs. I guess he became so good in his job that he became bad in other parts. He became basically a workaholic nerdig dog. Though there was a happy ending he could befriend cats. Still it should be possible to learn from these dog trainers.
  6. @NOTintoxicated Well you can try to discuss it. Might be a little hard on your own. Good luck finding partners.
  7. Somewhat related to the topic my brother was in a backwards school where he got punished for effort. That is the reason he thought effort is not worth it though he only did stuff when the fear was so overwhelming that he put some effort into it. I think most people have been programmed bad when they were young. So it is hard to turn around later on. It is about the mental algorithm.
  8. Ok clarification. We discussed this topic on this forum last year. You can check the archives. That is why we are done.
  9. Actually I am pro affirmative action
  10. @NOTintoxicated Relax my friend you are late to the party. This song has already been played out. Sorry we are done with it.
  11. I guess because it is not a woke communist forum I guess
  12. @Forestluv Me too. Back then there was not much out there. I think Jacko is also big on honor and sacrifice for the team as well.
  13. @Forestluv I saw it before but I don't feel anything
  14. I know that, that is why I did not use conservative sources. I used Vaush a progressive.
  15. I guess it is a matter of personal taste. I regard criticizing liberals for the 'right' reasons to be healthy 'conservatism'.
  16. Discipline is the war of groups of neurons against others. It creates colleteral damages that is pain and suffering. Sounds like cognitive dissonance.
  17. Under this premise you could argue that it would also be the case with affirmative action just in an opposite way