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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. I'd appreciate if Mods let us know if hiding a post does actually delete it forever.
  2. In this post, @Leo Gura said that you can make your post private by hiding it But why there's no way to see your private posts!?
  3. I hope hiding a post is not same as deleting it forever.
  4. IMO it doesn't matter if you can't really love at first, conscious effort needed as long as you transform yourself into a naturally loving, beautiful being. just like the way a simple act of smiling even without any specific reason can uplift your mood.
  5. @Phrenic great explanations! Thanks! Which technique or practise one should follow if one's Lunar energy is way too dominant? My prana energy sometimes gets uncomfortably cold. Once after a session of working on the chakras on my hand, my hand did get really really cold and also looked lifeless and pale. What's the reason behind this? I did some purification techniques you recommend me before, it got better, i see improvements and enhancements in general over the whole energy system, but still the temperature of the energy is out of my control. I've never experienced energy getting hot.
  6. I don't think he ever said that, thoughts and imaginations are as real as everything else in your consciousness. An imaginary apple in your mind is literally as real as a physical one.
  7. Yes, I experienced how amazing this technique is actually, these days I just need to have a little bit of attention on top of my head while reading a book or surfing the web and the energy just follows easily. But I remember like a year ago I was really struggling to feel anything even after like 15 mins of intense focus on that area with eyes intensely pointing upward. Even if I could manage to successfully collect the prana in top of my head, I would end up getting intense migraines which was really painful and usually with constant tears. Really practise is everything. But I just wanted to know what's the difference between this jewel and Sadhguru's Shambhavi maha mudra? Because I'm really satisfied with my own practises also with some psychedelics from time to time (psychedelics did some great enhancement on my energy system) , I don't know how i could potentially benefit or why I possibly still need a physical guru!? (Its also almost impossible to reach one in my current life situation)
  8. @Guru Fat Bastard there's also a technique in Ennio Nimis's Kriya Yoga book called shambhavi mudra which he says, it collects prana in top of your head, and its a special technique with life of it's own, in my experience its amazing! I immediatly feel the flow of prana moving towards the top of my head practising this technique, what's the difference between this technique and Sadhguru's shambhavi? And how initation can make a difference? Why do i need to be initiated? And if i ever get initiated by someone, how that will affect my energy system?
  9. Do you guys have any techniques which can make your prana energy warmer? Sometimes my prana becomes too cold, like really really cold, I wanna know how i can gain control over the energie's temperature.
  10. You need to go for Kriya Yoga, you're not gonna find any advanced techniques from Sadhguru online, it'd be so silly of him if he'd do so. but becarfull not overload your energy system with Kriya Yoga techniques. Have breaks as much as you feel you need if you faced strong headaches, migraines or pressures on your spine.
  11. I feel some immediate effects on my energy body with his Aum chanting practise, i feel it's good one for me for energy purification purpose , the effects for me are smoother, nicer flow of energy, i tried his nadi shoudhi too, it's also good but i think I'd stick to nadi shodhana i got from Kriya Yoga. I don't know about any other Sadhguru's techniques, but for me Aum chanting was a great practise.
  12. Yes, But the moment you perceive that dragon, it comes into existence, and the moment you turn around and no longer see it, it literally disappears from existence! We can only assume or imagine that reality is opposite of this!
  13. Semen retention is very important for spiritual growth, one needs to learn to channelize the sexual energy instead of easily wasting it, it's a very strong energy that can create humans, there's so many things you can do with this energy. it's okay to masturbate but you shouldn't really ejaculate too often. being calm and deeply breathing is key to success at controlling the energy.
  14. I first became aware of my energy body with Kriya Yoga, but Robert Bruce's tactile method is the one i recommend to quickly get some results. This is the free version of his book: "NEW energy ways v2" There's also a newer version which you can get from Amazon.
  15. @StarStruck if you develop awareness of your energy body you can even feel the chakras, for example when I'm high in love, i can feel how prana flows in the heart chakra or when I'm doing something creative or using my imagination i can feel lots of energetic activities in the third eye region.
  16. Collapse the duality between awareness and objects, go beyond that, see that you can only experience colorized awareness, and so awareness is all that there is.
  17. Do lemon tek, zero nausea, very easy to prepare, but be careful it'll intensity the trip, never do it with Albino - Penis Envy which is a very potent one in itself.
  18. @Leo Gura im just curious, did you manage to successfully hold onto your fast till day 14?
  19. @Cepzeu does talking to God feels like you are talking to yourself in the beginning of the conversation? cause either you feel like you are talking to yourself or God both feelings are true and correct (cause there's no separation), but i feel like the reason the conversation in psychedelics is that radical and believable is because the mind is no mind in psychedelics, so you were right that it's always there and just needs a calm peaceful mind and intention to start the conversation! I just tried it after reading your post and the experience ended up with tears in Love!! unbelievable really, i also thought it's only possible in psychedelics! Thank you so much for sharing this! ♥️?
  20. You're welcome! About chakra imbalances I found this article, good one to check out: In my experience basically energy have hard time to flow, there's pulsations and pain in the imbalanced chakra that clearly shows either energy is stuck in the chakra or have hard time flowing and cause all those sensory signals. I've heard also that OM japa is a good practice to balance and unite all chakras, I personally don't do OM japa, I find Sadhguru's AUM chant works really well: Beside that, basically just putting awareness on chakras should do the job well since reality is pure awareness, and your true nature is pure awareness, divine, all you need to do is meditating on each imbalanced chakra to perform the healing job.
  21. Basically you awakened your energy to some higher levels, with all these energy manipulation practises, you manage to clear the energy pathways and to direct your prana to your skull, then the mind becoming still would be the consequence of that. But since this energy is highly intelligent after a while it automatically flows through the central channel in your spine and goes into your head effortlessly without you doing anything, then suddenly this whole game becomes much more enjoyable since you no longer need to sit and do a lot of practises just to be able to get that stillness of mind or maybe you need much less work to achieve that. So I'd say that now you work on those chakras you feel you need to work on, and balance your chakras one by one, Awakening your Kundalini should be your goal, but never ever force it, The divine energy is highly intelligent, just have the chakras balanced and get rid of blockages, it'll automatically rise when the time comes!
  22. Try to be aware of your breath as much as you can throughout the day without having to force yourself to sit down and meditate in a specific way, make it a habit for yourself to watch your breath whenever you find your mind wandering. This much watchfulness of breath can bring a nice clear state of mind after some time.
  23. It's a very common thing, you can get a lot of pressure on the center of your forehead (third eye region) too, It's a good sign that you are doing good with energy manipulation practises you do and it works. The best thing you can do is to stop the practises when it becomes too much and intolerable for you and have a few days of break, then continue the practises when you feel ready.