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Posts posted by Michal__

  1. 1 hour ago, Timur said:

    But how many girls did he approach?


    Let us say he approached five times as many girls as you did and got laid 1.5 times more than you. How can he than claim to be good with women or better than you? 


    Approaching hundreds of women and then sleeping with a handful of them should not be a definition of success with the opposite sex.

    If you don't do street approach but are in bars instead and aren't bad at texting you could get laid with about 1 in 10 women you have conversations with.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    @Michal__ My social skills are a lot better than before due to constant socialization. Now according to you i can get girls taller than myself? This is my problem. I am not complaining about not being able to get ANY girls, just those taller. 

    Girls like height because they associate it with confidence & masculinity, not because of the height itself.

    So if you have that nailed, height shouldn't be that much of a problem.

  3. 1 minute ago, Karmadhi said:

    @Michal__ Until recently i was not interested in dating, then COVID hit. Now that i wanna start doing it, i see most girls unavailable to me because of my height. I do not have the skills to get girls taller than me, my personality is quite logical and not flirty

    That's because you haven't been practicing. Your personality changes as you get more experience with women. 

    The only unattractive thing is a lack of confidence. 

    Maybe drink a bit of alcohol when you are just starting out. 

    If you like being logical then just observe how women react when talking to them and adjust every new interaction based on how they respond. As your interactions accumulate you will logically get better, kinda as if you were artificial intelligence figuring out the formula of dating. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Karmadhi said:

    @Michal__ 3 percent men is an amaizing book but it works only for girls that are already attracted to you. "if a girl has an interest level lower than 51 percent than you cant get her. Focus on girls that show some interest at you" That is the theme of the book. Well i am lower than 51 for every girl taller than me, so 80 percent of girls are automatically out, another 10 percent automatically out from my face so 1/10 girls left. This is before me even looking at their face or personalities

    How often do you actually go on dates?

  5. 7 hours ago, Karmadhi said:


    20 percent of girls includes those that i find unattractive, that find me unattractive (plenty of those) , that i dont vibe with at all, that are not my type of people, that are not kind or smart. With all filters it would be 0.5 percent max. So if i talked to 400 girls i would get 2 dates max. I tend to be very picky on personality (looks not so much) so yeah. I am kind smart honest and independent so i want my partner to be like that to some extent.  So yeah it's tough. Meanwhile girls as long as they arent ugly have shit load of options

    Have you read any books about dating, seduction,... ?

    After reading The Art Of Seduction and How To Become a 3% Man these kinds of questions stopped bothering me. 

    Once you do PUA after reading a few books on that matter you should have an easy time becoming better at it.

    It's really no different than any other subject. You read a few books, then with practice you can become way better than the average person.

    Even if you have zero talent you can still become better than 90% of people at anything, since nobody actually takes the time to educate themselves on the subject and then practice the correct techniques frequently.

    With dating most of average guys that get some women just go to clubs, imitate current trends and hope to get laid. Same with fitness - people just go to the gym, watch a few videos, do what everybody else is doing and then they wonder why they aren't jacked.

    Education + correct practice alone will get you better results at anything than what most people get.

    Put in the time consistently, use the correct techniques (read the right books) and there's no way you can fail.

  6. Sounds like dark night of the soul.

    Have you had cessations? I am assuming you had, since you did all that consciousnesses work.

    But if you had and are still experiencing this that would be a weird anomaly. 

    If you're going to decide to continue try to find a master to help you. 

    I don't know if any of what I said is valuable, since you might have already tried all that, but I had to say it :).

  7. I remember after I had my first serious mystical experience I discovered Leo's channel and the first video I watched gave me another mystical experience - I was literally listening to myself, talking to myself and it was as if the video became alive. 

    I know listening to more conscious people usually results in your own consciousnesses heightening but this was something else.

  8. I think only people with predispositions for it would be able to.

    So far, I haven't heard about any systems to learn it. But then again, I haven't researched it that much.

    Maybe if we raise our consciousnesses enough it might be possible - but for us without an inborn capacity that would take realizing & embodying the fact that we generate the movement of objects with our own mind. 

    But for most of us it would be pretty realistic to move objects while we astral project, after getting enough experience with the astral.

  9. 21 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    Yeah, I suspect much of their explanations are just plain BS, but anyway...

    I don´t know that much about Java tho, I just did 3 month free pseudo bootcamp so I know "something" but is definetely JS where I feel comfortable and have more or less solid knowledge

    Have you tried Upwork just to get some money in the meantime? It will probably pay less than a regular job, unless you know what you're doing, but still, extra money would probably help in your situation, right ?

  10. 6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    Are you staying that in a literal sense or a metaphorical sense?

    Can you be you (Your body moving) and at the same time look through my eyes (metaphorical sense), or is it that in my Infinity Live you are dead and you are resting as Consciousness and looking through my eyes? (Literal sense)

    The True Self. Not the bald guy (well, in a sense even the bald guy).

  11. Could be only a few years if you meditate 1+ hours a day, go on meditation retreats, do some psychadelics and read high quality books.

    You get to the next stage by exhausting the previous one. For example - material success (becoming wealthy and getting loads of women) is a great way to transcend orange, you are almost guaranteed to see negative effect from over reaching, therefore you move to stage green.

    Same with all the other stages. You just exhaust them. Consciousnesses work makes you more effective overall therefore exhausting each stage faster. (It is of course more complicated than just becoming more effective, but let's just stick to this)