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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. The key to transcendental meditation, if you want to do it in the CLASSICAL WAY (but without a teacher) is to pick a mantra that holds no meaning to you. Then count your breaths for a minute or two and begin repeating the mantra. First in a controlled fashion for short time (minute or two) and then let it repeat itself freely . If it is repeating by itself then it will slowly begin repeating less and less, which will quiet your mind, and then you will experience self-transcending. Btw. If a self-transcending technique makes you feel tired, then stop & switch to samatha meditation. What @Preety_India described above is nice, but try both, to see which gives you transcendental experiences. A self-transcending technique should give you these experiences either on your first try or after a few tries.
  2. Lmao, I was just contemplating exactly this (well, yesterday) and this was precisely my thought. Synchronicities are everywhere when you take this thing seriously.
  3. As long as you don't overdo it. Why not. I would ramp up the meditation to at least 1hr counting breaths daily & continue taking adderall. You might hopefully fix your adhd that way.
  4. Try it lol. Idk if it's worth the hassle though.
  5. When I need money I usually just watch this video (with headphones, because of the binaural beats) And get high on weed. I usually have much more orders/gain new clients when I do that Or this: It is not a direct answer, but you can replace weed high with orgasm high and it should work the same. Only problem is that it is hard to watch and experience orgasm at the same time, therefore I suggest you get some weed or maybe even a stronger psychadelic.
  6. Well, you have to get the mods somewhere. As far as I know, they don't get paid. It is basically charity from their part. I agree for the most part though.
  7. Yeah, I did a 4 day fast and now I fast for 36 hours once a week. Definitely a game changer. It is important to eat healthy when you aren't fasting. When you end even a day long fast with junk food you might become worse off than before the fast.
  8. "stay for a bit in 8-9" I mean, if you experienced cessation that definitely counts as infinity. Good job! I've only gotten up to the 4th jhãna myself. Have ever accessed upper jhãnas before sleep? I find it impossible to sleep after the 4th jhãna lol.
  9. Read The Mushin Way to Peak Performance by Michael Veltri and Right Concentration (a practical guide to the Jhãnas) by Leigh Brasington. And try doing only "counting breaths" meditation for a few months (1+ hours a day) instead of the more awakening oriented types. It may sound "too basic" but it is the best type of meditation for performance.
  10. Well expanding your consciousnesses makes business etc. easier. It will feel as if you were increasing your IQ everyday if you sit for 1 - 2hr and do some form of concentration oriented practice. I could post some links if you are interested.
  11. If you have a hard time listening/being active you aren't awake at all. You're just experiencing a temporary spiritual high.
  12. Describe your awakening. - Yeah it is possible that you are ready for hardcore practice (which is 5+ hours a day, if the only kind of practice you know about is meditation) but highly unlikely. - There is way more to it than meditation though, fasting for example helps tremendously, or even general all day mindfulness techniques work way better than you can imagine. You will achieve way more if you just do one 10+ day retreat every year and incorporate what I said into your daily life than if you become homeless at 17 years old and go meditate 10+ hours under a bridge. The main reason for that is that you will experience ego backlash. - What you are planning would theoretically work, but there is more to life, you know.
  13. There's no reason why you couldn't do consciousnesses work in your current situation. There's always walking meditation. If you do 1hr of sitting meditation and do "walking"/other-forms-of-waking-meditation for the whole day your consciousnesses will grow WAYY faster than you think. Also try asking "why?" whenever you do something, that automatically raises your consciousnesses too. There's no doubt you will regret going homeless. If you decide to do it. Also if you are having problems with school you aren't ready for hardcore practice.
  14. No. You it will actually end up strengthening your ego. If you really want to you should become an actual monk. But that might catch up with you later too. Maybe learn magick to help you earn money if you don't want to become a monk. But don't go homeless. Read Alesteir Crowley.
  15. Yeah, maybe avoid telling people in real life, only your sex partners actually need to know.
  16. Jhãnas are a good measure, also cessations. Jhãnas themselves don't have much to do with enlightenment but they really help and increase your consciousnesses. The fact that (if) they're accessible to you alone means a lot. - Also writing down your insights is another important aspect. That is probably more towards enlightenment. - Combined it is pretty intense.
  17. Soo... I have gained new insights/got further solving a similar situation of my own. Basically, water fasting for one day every week will very likely solve it, both short & long term. (I haven't yet done it long term, but I'm 100% certain it will work). A prerequisite is 1hr meditation a day, also green & black tea are a serious aid. This makes me 400% more productive... Quite literally.
  18. For me the most important question to answer is what are the long term effects of the virus. I've read cases where perfectly healthy elder developed schizophrenia after covid. Also we still don't know for sure what it does to lungs long term. Short term covid is perfectly safe in my opinion. It is a really complex problem.
  19. Great work! What's up with all the "houldf"s btw? Is it just a bug on my phone?
  20. Have you tried reporting every single thing he did? (Not only the grocery store, EVERYTHING)
  21. Did you overwork/overtrain a lot in the past? I experienced something similiar and havent found a 100% solution yet either.