Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. @ElvisN That is good to hear... thanks for the pep talk, my man.
  2. Boy, did I just have a strange trip. Little over ten hours ago, I dropped 450 μg (let me repeat that: 450 μg) of acid, and I barely noticed that I was tripping on LSD. I did not even have visuals. NONE WHATSOEVER. - Now, that LSD was from a trusted friend of mine; believe me, this dude always has the reeeeeeeeeeeally good stuff (I tried it tons of times, and it never once had let me down), and I watched him put the drops on the tabs just eight hours before ingestion. (He even said that he accidentally put two drops too many on the paper!). The trip before that one - which also was essentially a non-trip in my book - I had two weeks ago; same source, same LSD, same nonstarter. That one was a 150 μg trip, so tolerance cannot have been the issue here. Soooo... what the ever living heck? Could it be that after my epic 7g mushroom breakthrough seven weeks ago, LSD just doesn't have anything left to show me? Should I just ramp up the dose to 600 μg next time, or is it simply that the time has come for me to move on to other substances / practices?
  3. @Serotoninluv You know, whenever I take a high dose of acid, I tend to be quite nervous while waiting for the effects to kick in; but as soon as I can feel it coming on, I get really euphoric and exited and can hardly wait for the big LSD Tsunami wave to hit me. When I smoke NN DMT however, my first thought after exhaling that weird tasting smoke is usually "Oh my god, WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF?!" It is too bad that you cannot preview your reaction to a specific substance without actually doing it, but I guess that's the nature of the game we're playing here. I gotta say though that your comments have managed to calm me down somewhat and definitely whetted my appetite, so let's see if my experience with it will be equally blissful!
  4. Thanks for condensing my overly verbose OP into a neat five word question.
  5. @Serotoninluv Wow, that's super interesting... thanks so much for sharing!
  6. As an aside, I have a hunch that all so-called toxic masculinity is basically (unsuccessfully) repressed masculinity. Make of that what you will, brother.
  7. Funny, the repression of my own masculinity was one of the main themes that came up during my acid trip yesterday; as a matter of fact, that whole experience had a weirdly sexual component to it. (I actually jerked off three times during the trip, haha... I hope that’s not too much information for y’all ) By the way, I too have that problem with my throat, so maybe there is a connection here.
  8. @acidgoofy It's not like I did not notice any effects whatsoever; there was definitely some existential introspection going on during the trip. It's just that it wasn't nearly as intense as I had anticipated considering the dose, and like I said, there were NO visuals at all - which kind of freaked me out, to be honest. What can I say, this was definitely the first psychedelic trip where I freaked out due to a lack of visuals, lol. I even caught myself wondering if it could be the case that I already have managed to expand my consciousness to such a degree that the difference between my everyday baseline level of consciousness and the heightened level that a high dose of acid takes me to is just not as dramatic anymore as it used to be, but that's probably just delusional & wishful thinking, heh...
  9. Well, the thing is that the 150 μg that I took two weeks ago was already four months old, so the likelihood that it was from the same batch is pretty damn low... and as I have already stated, that trip was equally underwhelming!
  10. Up for another one? These are AMAZING.
  11. Naaaw, not me... this old guy right here: Loved this talk
  12. Anyway, I feel like I am getting ready for the big 5 Meo, so perhaps that's what I should be moving on to from here
  13. @Javfly33 Thanks for the feedback. LSD is very near and dear to my heart; it is the substance that granted me my first true peeks behind the looking glass, and for me it was always my super safe and super reliable go-to wonderpill for whenever I have been shooting for a clean & straightforward no-nonsense awakening experience. To see it 'let me down' like this for the first time is a bit of a bummer. Perhaps I should also mention that I have been smoking LOTS of weed lately (what can i say guys, i just started a new job at a call center, lol); not sure if that could have something to do with it?
  14. @mandyjw Heh, that’s true! I like the joke because it is at once a hilarious comment on spiritual hypocrisy as well as a great example of how incredibly powerful a simple change of perspective can be.
  15. My father used to be a catholic priest before he married, believe it or not. This was one of his favorite jokes: A priest is sitting on a bench. He has his eyes closed and his hands folded in silent prayer, and he is puffing away on a cigarette. A man walks by. "What!" exclaims the man, "you smoke while you are praying?!" The priest solemnly openes his eyes and smiles at him. "No, my good sir", he says, "as a matter of fact, I don’t smoke while I am praying... I pray while I am smoking." Don’t know about you guys, but I feel that there is a great truth about spirituality lurking somewhere in those lines.
  16. LOL. Dude, you do realize that about one third of your own audience are PUAs and Ex-PUAs, right?
  17. @Yog DAAAMN these are great! What's the name of the artist?
  18. @Emmaz Good stuff man... I am and always have been in love with fin de siècle art. I actually got a live sized print of one of the Mucha posters below (the Medea one) hanging on the wall of my Berlin apartment, complete with an ornamented frame that I built myself from gold-sprayed stucco. That one was a true labor of love -- and as much as I hate to blow my own horn, I gotta say that it looks fucking BADASS.
  19. @outlandish Great, I will check it out later!
  20. Btw, can you just store the stuff in your drawer and leave it there forever or do you need to put it in a dark and/or cold place?
  21. @outlandish Okay, thanks! I was asking because I got a contact from a vendor who only sells the freebase version... I think I will just go with plugging then
  22. @Corpus Right on, thanks a lot for the valuable tips, Heisenberg.