Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. Yup, me too.
  2. It's the kind of music that you don't listen to with your ears but with your gut... it addresses the old reptilian part of the brain, not the rational part. (I am willing to bet that Theodor Adorno would have absolutely hated it, lmao!) And I must confess that it is woefully wrong to call this "good music" (as I did above). This stuff is beyond good and bad; it's the kind of primal and monolithic art which defies all profane aesthetic categories. And it is deeply spiritual. And btw, you absolutely have to listen to this with a good set of earphones (plus a high quality bass booster that makes the drums sound like a freaking stampede of dinosaurs). Trust me, if you have listened to this on your measly built-in phone or laptop speaker, you haven't listened to it at all!
  3. What, nobody? Sheesh... you guys wouldn't know good music if it hit you over the head with a Celtic battle axe. Smh.
  4. Debussy is even more wonderfull...
  5. Well, even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn, as we say in German.
  6. Don't you think that your defensive & accusatory outcries are sometimes just a little bit over the top?
  7. Mmmmmmm, Christians must be triangles then. Quod erat demonstrandum.
  8. Dunno if you're trolling or not, but this post seems to perfectly encapsulate what goes on inside the head of a certain faction (let's call them the one percenters) of this subforum, lol. 10/10 In case you aren't trolling, I'll definitively give you props for honesty.
  9. I think what is difficult to understand from a female perspective is that guys don't just get laid as a natural byproduct of socializing... that's maybe how it works if you're a woman, but not if you're a man. If you are a guy and you are not deliberately proactive about it, you won't get laid. It's really as simple as that. - In fact, men never ever "get laid"... they are the ones that need (and are expected) to do the laying, otherwise it will not happen. When I was a young and shy teenager, I too thought "well, it's going to naturally happen one day... that's how life works, right"? And I waited... and waited... and waited... and guess what happened? Absolutely nothing. Until I started to get into so-called pick up. Of course, I agree that you shouldn't take it all too serious and develop a healthy, lighthearted and naturally flirty attitude towards life in general instead of running around in a manic frenzy all the time thinking "goddammit, I need to get laid, I need to get laid, I need to get laaaaiiiiidddd!!!" But the reality is that as a male, at a certain point you do need to pull the trigger and make things happen if you don't want to go to your grave as a bitter and frustrated virgin.
  10. It's a numbing/distraction mechanism. I know it because I used to do it myself during my angsty twenties. Basically you drown out your "mundane" (but very real) fears by exposing yourself to things that seem a thousand times more horrific than whatever you are dealing with in your own day to day life. It gives your vague but omnipresent feeling of anxiety an outlet and creates a fleeting sensation of relief, a feeling of "thank God this didn't happen - and most likely won't happen - to me". The downside? It's only a temporary relief, and after it wears off, the old anxiety comes back again; plus it will deteriorate your mind overtime. So it has basically the same purpose, effect and downsides as a drug habit. It's a bypassing strategy which offers a temporary escape from your emotional issues, but the issues aren't being consciously addressed and therefore never get resolved as long as you keep distracting yourself from them. So yeah, it's neither a healthy nor an effective way to deal with anxiety. The only way to really free yourself from your chronic fears is to address the underlying root issue, preferably with the help of a therapist; drowning out the symptoms by watching gore or listening to noisy music (or obsessing about spirituality, an especially sneaky bypassing strategy that you can abundantly observe on this forum) is like putting a band-aid on a broken leg and taking painkillers instead of actually fixing the bone. End of sermon. Please come back next Sunday.
  11. Good god, I cannot stop listening to this. I discovered these guys less than 48 hours ago, and already they have become my absolute favorite contemporary "band" (if such a profane word is even appropriate here). It's not even close! Perhaps it is my German origin that makes me so susceptible to this... but goddam, their music and performance touches something very deep and primal within me. It's like the voice of long forgotten roots, like a call from the depths of time beckoning me to return home. And judging from all those raving comments on Youtube, I am apparently not the only one who feels like this. I swear, this is SD stage purple integration on the highest level. It would be interesting to hear what others here on this forum think about this music. Come on peeps, let's hear your opinion!
  12. That's very good. Do you also have someone with whom you can talk about your emotional and mental processes, i.e. a true spiritual mentor who can regularly "check up" on you and make you aware of possible traps or blindspots? Yeah, I agree... as questionable as some of the stuff is that is being purpoted by certain folks on this forum, it is (still) a pretty cool and entertaining place for exchanging ideas, expressing yourself and shooting the sh!t; but no online forum can replace real life interactions with real people who give you real face-to-face feedback, truly challenge you and actually hold your butt accountable. (Which is of course exactly what the overwhelming majority of members of this forum try to avoid like the plague, and the main reason why they like it here so much, heh.) Sure am! I am currently staying in the lofty, green and misty hills of Kerala, enjoying some much anticipated & appreciated time in nature. 🌿 (If I may give you a tip for possible future trips to India: Try to avoid the big cities. They're all noisy, messy, dirty, smelly, run down and chaotic... and frankly they all look exactly the same, lol. The (South) Indian countryside on the other hand is very beautiful, especially where there is a lot of green. ) It looks like I might even be able to get my hands on some fresh shrooms around here... wish me luck!
  13. So now you're saying that awareness and suffering are two different things? That kind of contradicts your earlier claim that there is only awareness, doesn't it? Anyway, imo all of this mental abstraction and counter-abstraction doesn't really get you anywhere. It's basically a fight against windmills. Just leave the windmills be and move on. PS: Good to hear that you are working with a teacher. May I ask who he/she is and what exactly they are providing for you? And PPS... happy belated new year, brother.
  14. Remember, that we all are brothers All people And beasts and trees And stone and wind We all descend from the one great being That was always there Before people lived and named it Before the first seed sprouted F***ing A.
  15. That sounds like a very German thing to say, lmao.
  16. I hate to be the party pooper, but trying to put infinity into words automatically and unavoidably turns it into something which by definition is finite. See the problem here?
  17. Competition has the exact same purpose as everything else in existence: To make life interesting. Touché.
  18. @Blackness I Love this explanation.
  19. As I said on another thread... let's fight it out.
  20. Well, there's the catch... you can't really describe emptiness; it's like trying to describe the color red. The only thing you can say about it is that it's simultaneously fullness... absolute full emptiness, if you will. But it is a very tangible sensation, and it can completely absorb you if you get in touch with its "frequency" (which is of course exactly what technique like meditation and yoga are for). These days, I like to call it the Om vibration or Om frequency. 🕉
  21. Everything you hear is the sound of the Universe! Sometimes when I am surrounded by a crowd of people (like when I am sitting at a restaurant), I like to close my eyes and become aware of the fact that I am listening to the thousand voices of God.
  22. That actually sounds like three things, lol.