Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. Well, I am asking if you have ever experienced the opposite of infinite waters... which would be finite fire, I guess. (Spoiler alert: Whatever answer you will come up with is going to be a conceptual story aka. belief. So actually there is no correct answer.)
  2. The only thing there is is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Be still and know that you are pasta. 🍝
  3. I wonder what the cat down the road makes of all of this...
  4. Congratulations, you got it. The point of recognizing the game for what it is is not to quit the game but to understand why it exist and then fully embrace it. If the "illusion" were some kind of mistake, then it wouldn't exist, duh! Way to go, brother.
  5. I think it flew under my head. Welp, that's what happens sometimes if you're six feet tall.
  6. @Princess Arabia Ding ding ding, spot on. @Consept The point of playing the game is not to win it... the point is to enjoy playing it. If you lose, then by all means, curse and swear and throw a tantrum, but enjoy doing so. Otherwise, why play at all?
  7. What if you stop labelling a thought as a thought? What remains? (Spoiler alert: Whatever answer comes up is just another thought. Simply observe it like you would observe a fly that's passing by and see what happens.)
  8. A so-called thought is a part of THIS, like everything else. It arises all by itself, like everything else. It comes from nowhere, like everything else. It's substance is nothing, like everything else. The notion "this is my thought" is... drumroll please... just another thought. So the ownership of a thought is based on a thought, which means that it is based on nothing. Funny, huh? Why is it that way? Well, why not?
  9. Feel free to read (a portion of) my post again: If you ask me why I find a particular girl beautiful, I might be able to point out a bunch of superficial things about her that "tick off my boxes"... but there is always that elusive X-factor which cannot be put into words. And of course, as you have rightfully pointed out, this is what gives true beauty its mysteriously enrapturing and transcendental quality: It silences the mind and thus gives you a glimpse of God. You're welcome, sir. 😘
  10. My man, you NAILED it! As a guy who is obsessed with the sonic arts, another analogy I'd like to offer is music analysis. Sure, breaking down the way a piece of music is constructed can be interesting from a technical standpoint, but it will never explain why that particular piece touches your soul while others (which might be very similar in terms of musical syntax and artistic craftsmanship) don't. Which is why I have always found stone-cold rational musical analysis kind of distasteful and, in some cases, almost sacrilegious. If you ask me why I find a particular girl beautiful, I might be able to point out a bunch of superficial things about her that "tick off my boxes"... but there is always that elusive X-factor which cannot be put into words. And of course, as you have rightfully pointed out, this is what gives true beauty its mysteriously enrapturing and transcendental quality: It silences the mind and thus gives you a glimpse of God. F***ing A, brother.
  11. There you go. Your Honor, I rest my case!
  12. Another good one.
  13. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I know how intensely frustrating and disorienting the feeling of confusion can become... but it's actually a sort of mental purification process that will eventually lead to clarity. It's kind of like when you thoroughly clean your flat after a long period of procrastination: The place will look like an ungodly mess while you're at it, but once you're done and you put everything back in its proper place, it's all going to be so spick and span that you will hardly recognize it. Per aspera ad astra, baby! ⭐️ Btw, here's an old thread of mine on the subject:
  14. The conceptual confusion is there to direct you to a place that lies beyond all concepts. It's not a bug, it's a (necessary) feature. Like you said... ain't no mistakes in reality! Having said all that, the neverending grotesque bickering on here over who is the most AwAkE one is the main reason why this forum is so flipping entertaining. I swear, it's the greatest online sitcom I have ever come across - bar none. Which kinds of makes it tough being a clown on here... man-oh-man, the competition is STIFF!
  15. Enlightenment = the transcendence of enlightenment. Funny thing is, once "you" become "enlightened", the words "you" and "enlightenment" will instantly become meaningless.
  16. A joke ain't funny if you have to explain it.
  17. "I am the most awakened guy around" is like saying "I am the wettest wave on the surface of the ocean".
  18. More like Siberian shamanic techno rap, lol. In any case, it's pretty crazy shit... in the best possible way, hehe.
  19. @Ishanga Belief is an utter lack of faith. - Adyashanti - True faith = basking in unknowingness. Letting go of the safety rail of belief, allowing yourself to fall into the unfathomable divine mysterium and trusting God to catch you.
  20. Nah, I thing he sang the good old "beliefs are just stories, not reality" tune that we've all heard a million times by now. Ah well, it's an evergreen, so who am I to complain? PS: Right after I had typed down the previous comment and checked my YouTube feed, I stumbled across this: Gah, the synchronicities are killing me! LMAO
  21. Don't get hung up on stupid words. Tony might use the word "belief", but what he is really talking about is FAITH aka. trust in the universe. Not every single discussion on here needs to turn into an ontological circle jerk.