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Posts posted by Johnny5

  1. 23 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

    Bro, don't give me that filtered shit, i want the raw truth, fuck those people who are close-minded and stuck in this judgmental state. 

    If it is only for 5% of your followers, so be it. 

    Share it.

    SHARE IT!!!!!11

    Leo may not intend to become a deluded narcissistic cult leader, but he is at serious risk of it nonetheless.

    Likewise you may not intend to become a cult follower, but what you just wrote is exactly what it looks like...

  2. 8 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

    Why is it that enlightenment is so rare when we have the best technology for achieving it (5meo) ?In a few minutes you are able to realize god with this powerful technology and yet there are very few god-realised people out there.

    Because almost nobody knows what it even means.

    It's not lack of interest in psychedelics, it's lack of interest in what's true.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    Gotta be honest with you, I don't understand what you meanxD Could you give a concrete example? You mean things like Siddhis?

    Not siddhis. Can't really explain unless you're at least somewhat familiar with altered states.

    Actually any emotional state is also an altered state. But, that may not be very helpful right now for understanding what that means, sorry.


    3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Consciousness is an infinite field which is capable of being more or less conscious of itself, more or less transparent or opaque to itself. Similar to the light in empty space. You have very little light or you can have our sun, or something that's 1 million times brighter than our sun. All of that is the same light, but many degrees of brightness.

    What is aware of the difference in transparency......

  4. Actually the present moment is always infinitely conscious.  ? 

    Where would we be without some scale of "progress" to mark our "nondual" achievements... The longer the better! xD

    But enlightenment is nowhere on that scale anyway, so... there's that.


    Btw. I'm not saying everyone is already enlightenment, or "this is it" or something. Even though, technically, that's correct.

    I'm just saying it has nothing to do with levels or states. At best those are byproducts. But alas it doesn't work both ways, i.e. superhuman levels or states don't automatically confer enlightenment. More often than not they don't. Precisely because of all these mistaken and unexamined assumptions about what it supposedly is.

  5. 10 minutes ago, arlin said:

    Allright. Do you believe we have free will? And if we don't, do you believe everything is predetermined or is just spontaneously appearing ?

    To be honest I'm not sure what that phrase even means. Either way, as individuals, there's just no possibility. Although it can be a slippery slope if someone uses that as an excuse. If it's true now, it was always true, and yet it never stopped anyone before. But as an insight it can be used to correct certain things like guilt, shame, blame, etc. and of course the urge to control against all evidence to the contrary.

    As regards our true nature, I'm not sure that the question (or answer) makes sense. And I think that's really the only answer. It just stops making sense to try and conceptualize it. Firstly because you can't make it make sense that way, and secondly because it's really just another way to try and stay in control. At some point you're not left with anything but to shift from thinking to observing, and from doing to being. Alas, you can't "think" that or "do" that, so it can be confusing times.

    That's where surrender comes in. Which ego hates, no doubt about it. But often times the only way to surrender is to exhaust the urge to fight it. That's why it's a good sign that you're getting tired of it. Indeed, it is frustratingly tiring.

  6. 2 hours ago, arlin said:

    If everybody has their own, discovering my own that is different would just lead to the fact that everybody decideds like he wants so everything is fucked.

    Rather than discovering an objective ultimate truth. Are those the same views or different views?

    Not sure what more there is to say about it. There can be only one truth, but you can't reduce it to any particular view. And yet views is all we have "down here". Everyone doesn't just have a different view, they ARE a different view, and so are you. There's just no way around that. Truth is absolute, views are relative.

    And there's the finger and the moon thing. The only way to find out who is pointing to the same moon and who isn't, is by looking for the actual moon yourself. But what you can be sure of right now that no two fingers are the same. They can't be, they don't need to be, and they're not all that interesting.

    Ironically, I'm sure everyone will be talking about their fingers on that nothing conference. Maybe you should go and ask them about it. Nobody can speak for them but them.