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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Thanks I will check them out.
  2. What is a good introduction to using psilocybin? I have bought several books and haven’t found any to be very useful. If someone with experience in this area could help it would be appreciated.
  3. I used to be extremely depressed with C-PTSD, anxiety, among other shit. (From childhood abuse, neglect etc.) I closed myself off from my emotions and can’t seem to reconnect to them. My personality is like a stoic robot and I cannot express myself in the least. It feels like a mental fog, a barrier separates me from my personality. I just made this distinction and I’ll contemplate it, but I’m curious what others have done to overcome this? It is affecting my relationships, friendships, work, everything. I’m thinking it’s depersonalization disorder.
  4. @Meditationdude I’m in Jarrell TX, moving to Round Rock soon. Namaste
  5. 1 (low) to 5 (high). Your score from primary psychopathy has been calculated as 1.6. Primary psychopathy is the affective aspects of psychopathy; a lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientations. Your score from secondary psychopathy has been calculated as 2. Secondary psychopathy is the antisocial aspects of psychopathy; rule breaking and a lack of effort towards socially rewarded behavior.
  6. Starting a plumbing job tomorrow in a new state. I’m definitely going to have to become a chameleon and hide my green/yellow ideologies when I’m at work. I’m going to be working with religious people and Trump supporters so I’m interested to see how I fit in. The plan is to stay neutral or focus on the things I do like about those topics and avoid having to stick out or lie. Curious if anyone else has dealt with a similar situation and what you learned from it.
  7. @KennedyCarter I think 170 would be a good weight for you. How you feel in your body is most important though. Just make sure to balance your diet and give your body the nutrients it needs.
  8. You could work on your breathing habits and your posture to help ground you and get out of your head.
  9. Pretty much spot on, especially for the spirituality section and for Turquoise folks.
  10. I've analyzed hundreds of my dreams. It's a window showing hidden parts of yourself, deeply rooted desires & fears for example, which you have not integrated or become conscious of. You can use dreams to do shadow work & uncover limiting beliefs/worldviews. Read up on lucid dreaming if you want to get the most from it.
  11. I was a naive fool just out of high school when this happened so don't judge lol. Scammed I was called by the "IRS" and was told that I was overdue on my taxes and would be arrested by police if I didn't pay immediately. They had me go to the bank and take out cash. Then they had me go to their bank and transfer the cash into their account. I wasn't "allowed" to hang up, so I left my phone connected in my pocket when entering the bank. They were very forceful and I didn't know how to deal with "authority figures." I thought it was the government so I didn't ask questions. Lesson 1 - The U.S. Government may be a bit corrupt, but they won't bully you like a loan shark or make you send cash to a private account. (unless you have some serious dirt on someone in a position of power) Lesson 2 - Question everyone/thing: Authority figures, government, myself, books, news, teachers, family, friends, peers, guru's, salesman Lesson 3 - Untether my inner demon a bit to show I'm not to be fucked with.
  12. @Matt23 Definitely worth it. You won’t have a deep understanding or know how to navigate the spiral smoothly without studying the book.
  13. @fopylo Find what works for you. I don’t think the problem is how you read though. Changing the strategy you use for learning won’t solve your neurosis. Do you meditate? Check out Leo’s latest video and try the meditation before reading to see how you do then. You probably just need to do more mindfulness practice.
  14. I am an intensely ambitious person but at the same I'm aware that material success doesn't lead to fulfillment or happiness. (Green vs Orange ^MEME battle) I've become disillusioned with relationships, sex, success, and money, but feel cultural pressure to attain them. I need a stronger vision and I must learn to love myself (and "others") more in order to share my gifts with the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My current living situation and location are severely limiting my growth. I must distance myself from family/friend obligations and drama. The people in my life are deeply unconscious and are dragging me down. Once I break free from their influence, I know that I will flourish. I need to move to a big city in order to grow, but I also want to connect more with nature. I will find a place where I can do both. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I should know better than to behave the way I do. I do things and speak in ways that I know aren't authentically me in order to push people away. My shadow's armor is mix of selfishness, grandiosity, coldness, rudeness, agreeableness, and overt kindness. Each will surface when it's needed. My shadow doesn't want me to get along with others. It wants to push people away and make them dislike/distrust me. My survival strategy and defense mechanisms are hard at work. I must become more aware of my defenses to fully integrate my shadow. I must also learn to trust others.
  15. Mindfulness Meditation Introspection Journaling Contemplation Shadow Work
  16. Take notes only after you’ve read the entire book. Fold important pages or use page markers and highlight/underline what you want to remember. Then when you’re finished, take index cards and write out the insight or information by going through the marked pages. Write the page number and the title of the book on the back so you can go back to the section if needed.
  17. Im sure they’d have plenty to say, Trump’s so easy to make fun of. Our education system is far behind many countries in Europe. Michael Moore made a great film Where To Invade Next where he goes to different countries and “steals” ideas from their cultures to improve the U.S. Funnily (or sadly) enough, many of the ideas he steals actually were inspired by America but were abandoned in favor of more profitable and unhealthy ones. Things like diet, healthcare, education, vacation time, prisoner reform systems, and school classes about love are showcased. We aren’t we taught about love in the U.S. school system. We could prevent so much corruption just by teaching people what love is and how to attract the opposite sex. Men who feel unloved and powerless to do anything about it are most dangerous to society. We’re churning them out through stigma and lack of education.
  18. Based on my experiences: BJJ has been my best experience in martial arts by far. Highly recommend. Great atmosphere if you do your research and check out all the gyms in your area, and pick one you're comfortable in. Great for self-defense, fitness, dealing with adversity, building discipline, self-reflection, and keeping your ego in check. Boxing is pretty repetitive and dull imo. Wrestling was too macho and ego fueled for me. I just wanted to learn a skill, not show off to my bro buddies haha
  19. Have you read Machiavelli himself? His writings are sneaky and not made expressly clear because if he came out and said what he really thought, he would have been imprisoned or banished by the Medici family. I recommend if you want to learn it and not be confused as to what is meant, start with Erica Benner's Be Like The Fox: Machiavelli and His World. It explains how Machiavelli thought without having to decipher the hidden meanings that you'd normally have to figure out on your own. Then Peter Constantine's The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, which includes The Prince, The Discourses, & The Art of War +++ Also, you could check out The Art of Manliness Podcast where Brett talks to the Erica Benner about Machiavelli. https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/machiavelli-the-prince/
  20. Learn to recognize manipulative behaviors and set boundaries for yourself. Look for books on abusive relationships or power dynamics and get familiar with them. When you can recognize it, you then have to be able to detach from their opinion of you and be ready to walk away from the relationship.