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Everything posted by Cabot

  1. It's all internal in the end, ins't it? Amazing effort, you can not fail.
  2. Read the book he recommends in the video, Psycho Cybernetics. It explains the same thing in more detail. The main method is, in fact, affirmation of your new self image during meditation sessions. You are supposed to visualize on a vivid image of your new self. The key is to have as much detail as possible, this is what will make it work. You play this "video" of your new self, in situations you'd like to improve, where you feel awkward, insecure or something of that manner, and present yourself as awesome, secure, alpha or whatever turns you on. The main premise is that you are tricking your nervous system, because if the images are vivid enough, it will seem real. Your nervous system can not tell the difference between something that had happened, and something that you imagined with enough detail. But the book talks about other interesting principles, it was fun reading it. I highly recommend it.
  3. @WelcometoReality Assuming you're not bullshiting, very nice.
  4. I'd say reading is key, find some topic you like and dedicate time for it, every day. It is far more beneficial then reading a dictionary.
  5. Reading trough this going... What? I spent thousands of hours playing various video games, WoW included. Eve included. When I was a kid, I didn't know any better. Now, I see it as a neurotic escape to a fantasy world. We can argue about benefits, but if you put it on a scale against what you're paying it's not worth it, not by a long shot. It's very destructive. To each his own, but there're far better things out there then small hits of dopamine.
  6. @Ivelina"Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
  7. Montenegro here. I think it has a lot to do with the wars in the recent past. Up to today, most countries are ran by puppets of major western powers. Their job is to drain resources, wreck havoc on the economy and dumb down people using media and hate speech. This is perfect ground for breeding dogmatic people. To make matters worse, most educated and intelligent people eventually migrate to more developed countries that offers jobs they can't find here, since our industry is dead.
  8. I highly recommend this book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo Short, simple and powerful concepts regarding the way you view your possessions. I listened to the audio book while driving, it's only about 4 hours long if I remember correctly.
  9. I managed to do it today guys. I didn't hit that snooze button my morning self loves so much! I had breakfast, meditated for 20 minutes, then went to work. I stayed in bed for about 10 minutes trying to keep my eyes open, feel my body and surroundings... It was difficult to be honest. My eyes really wanted to close but I persisted. It is funny how different my morning self is from my daily self. It's very good at making up all kinds of excuses to sleep in. It is priority number one, then a hundred empty slots, then everything else. Quite a dissonance to the evening self, that has all these goals and ambitions. The complete opposite. But this is not the proper way to view it, from what I've learned recently. It's just a habit, right? I am not a a snoozer, I just have a habit of snoozing. Thank you for your support and effort guys. If anyone has any reading material relevant to the subject please reference it. Why is it so difficult to keep my eyes open when I wake up? I feel I need to read up on this sleep inertia, or whatever it's called. Or does it only have to do with the circadian rhythm and strong habits? My sleep quality is good. I work out. I have a clean diet. I meditate. I fixed all the common issues, but I still find it so hard to just wake up on command.
  10. @Amplituda How to fight falling asleep then? Only thing that falls to mind is light physical activity and cold water. I will consider leaving caffeine after I do some research!
  11. @Truth I know it's gonna be awesome... I just need to get my ass used to going to bed really early since I need to be at work 7 am...
  12. @Truth I do meditate every day, most of the time before bedtime. I'm aiming for two sessions with this.
  13. Thanks for the input guys, I'm gonna start my new habit on Monday.
  14. Try Leos guided meditation, I like it a lot. Starts on 17:00.
  15. Don't believe everything you think.
  16. I feel for you man... It's not easy keeping your hormones under control. I'd like to suggest fasting for a day, since you have trouble with overeating. It will calm your mind as well, I promise. I started fasting every week for 36 hours, and it's amazing. Just water, maybe some black coffee if you like. It will shrink your stomach, so you will not be able to eat that much once you are trough with it. It will also burn all the extra calories from the past week. It feels amazing, and I don't plan to stop it any time soon. It's also a just a silly addiction, comfort food. Say no, be stronger then your urges. Whatever you decide to do, just keep it up, I believe in you. It's a very satisfying feeling, knowing someone is manning up and growing stronger. The world needs more people like you.
  17. Half way trough the book... @DJ I must say I also loved the part on the masculine and feminine energies as well. It's a refreshing point of view for me.
  18. Listened to this as an audiobook, my apartment has never been tidier... Simple but valuable principles. I'd also rate it 10/10.
  19. I mix them. While I breathe really deeply, I inhale trough my nose and exhale trough my mouth. This feels really good for a while, but at some point I get a bit tired of it. Then I switch to a less deep breath using my nose only, like we do while on automatic mode. I am not an authority on the subject though, it's just the way I do it.
  20. It appears to be available for the same price on ebay, shipping is only 2$ as well.
  21. Remember what Leo said in the video, newbies will try to endure it, this is not the right way. You need to be happy despite the pain. The pain is just sensory data, there's nothing inherently bad about it, especially if you know it's not going to hurt you.
  22. I just tried it for the first time! For one, hour I did not move consciously, I did swallow saliva and had a few uncontrollable twitches... Kept my eyes shut. I feel really, really calm now...
  23. I've tried mixing it. I set the metronome low, to like 30, tempo 1/2, and use the ticks to focus on breathing. Just breathe in, breathe out. Then I try to let my ideas come from a non conscious place. You can also practice your tone, by playing very little notes and just listening carefully.
  24. I am trying to give honest insight from a mans perspective. Most men I know think like this, even though you may disagree.