Time Traveler

No Fap - No Games - No Shit, Save Time And Energy

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Today I am starting my 60 day challenge of eliminating some stupid stuff from my life.

I always feel that I haven't enough time, but nevertheless I am wasting my time and energy for pure bullshit, like masturbation, eating too much (both things to comfort me, cause life's so hard), playing games on PC and reading shit on net (both just to avoid doing proper stuff, cause again, life's hard and doing proper stuff is even harder, but playing games is oh, so easy and I can forget about all my troubles, etc, etc, etc)

I have done recording of exact time consumption for every activity and results was terrifying. After that I tried to reduce time waste, bet not for long.

I know, I can do that.

I have quit smoking (long ago) and alcohol consumption (not so long ago). Smoking was harder.

But I need some sort of motivation and I hope this journal will help me.

I swear, I'll be totally honest.

To avoid the shame of telling you that: "I fapped for 2 hours today and then played 8-ball pool for 3 hours and then read news for an hour and when there was nothing left to read, turned back to pool", I will find a motivation.

OK, 60DC starts today (16.feb.2016) and continues till 16.apr.2016 (my birthday, ha, ha, ha, what a coincidence, another trick from my subconscious mind I suppose)

Wish me good luck !



Edited by Time Traveler

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Good luck.

I'm on a similar journey. I've quit fapping and playing video games ... For two days straight though^_^ 

probably the only differences are that I read too much psych central instead of news annnndddd I can only fap/watch porn for 7 minutes. 2 hours a little long^_^ 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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@Time Traveler I support you in your goal. Just know that removing games, porn, and net-surfing will not automatically make you happy. In fact, removing bad habits is like Step #1 in any self-actualization journey with like. . . . I don't know. . . . . 100+ steps total? But hey, a small step away from bullshit is already a big change.

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Just make sure not to quit too many habits at once. Start steady and replace bad ones with new productive ones.

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I salute you my friend, you are on the right track! Now you cannot go back! :P

But beware...make sure to replace the bad habits with good habits. This is important. I don't know what you are going to do with your newly found time, but the danger is high that you will do nothing with it and waste it by now literally doing nothing. Just as bad as fapping and playing games. Make sure you do something amazing allnl the time, even if it's just reading sepf help books and working out in the gym.

Have an amazing journey my man!

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First of all - Big "Thank You" to you all for support and advice !

It really helps and I feel more obliged to achieve my goals.

Results: Day 1

1) Fapping - 0
2) Internet shit - 0
3) Games - 0
4) Emotional eating increased dramatically. >:(
5) More energy.
6) Meditated for 2 hours, which is way more than usual.

I noticed that I started to visit our forum frequently and was eating more. IMO it's a compensation for quitting internet and games. 
Therefore I modified my challenge a little.
From now on I'll be recording my actions (as much as I can) that leads to escape.
By "escape" I understand everything that helps to avoid "do the do", "feel the real" and "be aware".
Othervise I could trick myself into formally playing by the rules, but actually just replacing one type of addictions with another. E.g. quit internet and games but start heavy drinking ;) I think that's what some of you mentioned by "replacing old bad habit with new ones"

So now my goal is to become aware of all escapism in my daily life and to eliminate it as much as possible. And of course inform you of my success and failures.

Emotionally I felt very nervous with frequent outbursts of rage.
On the other hand, I feltmore energy and I did as many heavy / dirty jobs at house as usually in a half year.
Meditation was not a necessary burden anymore, but a welcomed and pleasant relaxation.



Edited by Time Traveler

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18 hours ago, Zephyr said:

... I'm on a similar journey. I've quit fapping and playing video games ... For two days straight though^_^  ...

Than you are one day ahead of me. Keep doing good job, I am with you !

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10 hours ago, The Alchemist said:

I salute you my friend, you are on the right track! Now you cannot go back! :P

But beware...make sure to replace the bad habits with good habits. This is important. I don't know what you are going to do with your newly found time, but the danger is high that you will do nothing with it and waste it by now literally doing nothing. Just as bad as fapping and playing games. Make sure you do something amazing allnl the time, even if it's just reading sepf help books and working out in the gym.

Have an amazing journey my man!

You are right about replacing old bad habits by new ones. I realized it too after my first day.

About doing literally nothing - I would be happy if I could achieve that :)

Then I would rank among greatest yogi of all times :P

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15 hours ago, MaxWare1997 said:

@Time Traveler I support you in your goal. Just know that removing games, porn, and net-surfing will not automatically make you happy. In fact, removing bad habits is like Step #1 in any self-actualization journey with like. . . . I don't know. . . . . 100+ steps total? But hey, a small step away from bullshit is already a big change.

Thanks !

Sure, removing addictions make people very unhappy, just like as taking drugs make them happy :D

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10 hours ago, Neuroticon said:

Just make sure not to quit too many habits at once. Start steady and replace bad ones with new productive ones.


If I quit too much bad habits, what would remain from me ? Almost nothing :/

Even if I replace them with good ones too fast, it would not longer be me, but someone else :ph34r:

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So, Day 2 !

Much better.

Only thing I noticed, was an urge to look if anyone has replied to my post. That, of course, is from different opera, but interesting nevertheless.  Seeking approval. :S Probably parents told me too frequently that I am a complete failure ;)

  1. Fapping - 0
  2.  Internet shit - 0
  3. Games - 0 (Some 3 times hand started to open my favorite game, but I quickly become aware and cancelled that motion.)
  4. Emotional eating - 0  (eating when hungry.)
  5. High energy level.
  6. Haven't meditated yet, but will start in a moment (I promise)
  7. Emotions back to normal, even better

Haven't read/watched news for two days, maybe WW3 is started ? But, no, traffic near my house looks like allways, no heavy artillery, no tanks, no even BMP's.

All in all I can call it ideal day (in regards to my challenge).
Could it really be so easy ? Why did I struggled with this for so long ???

Back to work and see you tomorrow !

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Day 3

Yesterday I wonder how easy it is and  got a lesson.

Day 3 was hard.

Fapping - 0

Internet shit - 1

Games - 0 

Emotional eating - 10  

Meditated a little.

Emotions: agitated, uneasy, flooded with thoughts about sex, angry.


Tried to get some help from nofap website, but didn't found anything of value.

Before I couldn't become aware, read some email about some bullshit and even go to his website and made a comment.

All day long struggled with different urges. Kept my defenses for most of them, but not for eating.


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Day 4


Eating and sleeping much.


Fapping - 0

Internet shit - 0

Games - 0 

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Day 5

Bit easier, probably because had to work frantically all day. No time for feelings. Felt nervous, but not very much.

Fapping - 0

Internet shit - 0 ( checking my mail too frequently)

Games - 0 

Eating - close to normal.

Meditation - 0

People take pauses when they work. Some go and smoke a cigarette, I used to play some little game like solitaire or pool or read some unnecessary shit on net.

Can anyone work all day without pauses ?

While on challenge I learn Spanish vocabulary to take a moment away. It's like a game cause it's on flashcard software.

Maybe to take some 5 minute meditation pause ? Isn't that too short ? Or some physical exercise ? 

I feel a strong need to immerse in something from time to time to forget about all problems tasks and everything.

Then I can come back and continue to drag my burden of life.

Looks like my problem is that I'm not excited with my life. When I wake up in the morning I'm not excited about new day, but anxious about pile of problems and necessary tasks I need to deal with.


I can remember different times from my past.

There was a time when I hate my job so much that in the morning when  I drive to job I used to sit in car for 15 minutes and tried to gather my will and get out of car.  Or maybe drive back home and tell boss that I am ill. One time I even did that, I went to acquainted doctor and she write fake papers that I am ill and I didn't take phone when boss calls ...

And there was a times when I was so happy with my job and so excited to get there that frequently got a taxi to go there faster. And even then I used to play computer games, everyone plays even boss and every night we were drinking at the bar. 

Hard to put all this into some model or schema what should explain all the facts. Looks like that even when I was happy I tried to escape reality.


I realized that maybe I'm doing that whole challenge thing from wrong side: I am trying to deal with symptoms not the illness.

Let's put aside fapping for a moment, but games and excessive internet browsing IMO are symptoms of my urge to hide from reality. If I restrict these, I try to replace them with other ones, more legitimate, as hard work, watching Leo's videos, giving advise to other people, etc.

OK, I'll try to introduce another practice - when I'll feel that urge to hide (play games, etc) I'll try to use mindfulness and curiosity to that urge.


Edited by Time Traveler

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Days 6, 7, 8

I was very busy these days and restriction from all that stuff was really easy. I just hasn't enough time for that shit.

Looks like if less free time one have the easier it is to restrict from addictions

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Day 9

Over eating.

Hard to avoid porn. Didn't visited porn sites, but even in youtube there was female guitarists who hardly can play but are very good at showing boobs.

Was reading some stupid article in stupid magazine just because author has huge boobs.

Overall feeling on 0 to 10 scale: 100 below zero.

Meditated a little without recording time, could be about 1/2 to 1 hour.

Studying (and trying out) Shinzen Young paper, looks like easy way cause one can choose from very large array of techniques.


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I feel for you man... It's not easy keeping your hormones under control.

I'd like to suggest fasting for a day, since you have trouble with overeating. It will calm your mind as well, I promise. 

I started fasting every week for 36 hours, and it's amazing. Just water, maybe some black coffee if you like.
It will shrink your stomach, so you will not be able to eat that much once you are trough with it. It will also burn all the extra calories from the past week. It feels amazing, and I don't plan to stop it any time soon. :P 

It's also a just a silly addiction, comfort food. Say no, be stronger then your urges. 

Whatever you decide to do, just keep it up, I believe in you. It's a very satisfying feeling, knowing someone is manning up and growing stronger. The world needs more people like you. :)




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@Cabot  Thanks, man ! I appreciate your support ! As for the fasting, I've done it some long time ago. Then I found out that it's effect changes (diminishes) with every repetition. Could be I'll try it again. Sure, it is much easier to quit something  (eating, alco, smoking, ...) completely than keep it at moderate level.

Days 10, 11, 12

D10 catced cold lied flat all day.

D11 read "Name of the rose" all day - no shit (easy)

Today (D12) long walk along sea, very tired, no even thoughts about shit.

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Restart in Day 15

In Day 14 I lost.  I fapped. There was a hole in my rules, I wasn't included watching porn in my restrictions list. When I decided "only to watch a little, nothing more" the game was lost though I didn't now it yet.

If it was a game played or stupid website visited (which it was too) I could have note this one side step and continue challenge. 

Not this time. Fapping is different.  It's like pressing the spring, the more you press the harder it gets. First days was easy. Now I even don't know if it is possible at all. Cause tension grows every day. I'll try to find, maybe there is some sublimation techniques cause in this case brute force doesn't works (at lest for me).

OK, today is Day 1 of restarted challenge, with slightly improved rules: "no porn" added.

I have two weeks to find solution for my problem.

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On 16 February 2016 at 3:32 AM, Time Traveler said:

Today I am starting my 60 day challenge of eliminating some stupid stuff from my life.

I know, I can do that.

I have quit smoking (long ago) and alcohol consumption (not so long ago). Smoking was harder.

But I need some sort of motivation and I hope this journal will help me.

I swear, I'll be totally honest.

Wish me good luck !


D11 read "Name of the rose" all day - no shit (easy)


There was a hole in my rules, I wasn't included ... in my restrictions list

I have two weeks to find solution for my problem.

Hey man, 

  these posts appeared quite fuzzy to me.

A journal (in my opinion) is to create another level of "depth", and at the same time keep track of your very own development. Cultivating depth, honesty, and a path are the key aspects in my "life purpose journey".

If you like, consider the following interpretation of mine:

- Please read carefully about the stuff that you wrote. I find it quite jumpy, how serious are you actually? Also, read again the comments in your own journal and respect them. I found some good things there that you did not mention in the upcoming "day reports" at all. You may also read Leo's introduction on how to write a journal...

- Dogmatics are quite hard to handle for me. I figured that you concentrate on stuff that you don't like on yourself, and now you want to radically erase them. Keys to me (that you should cultivate during meditation, probably while writing this journal of yours): Question again and again, until you find the roots. What are you doing? Why? How did it end up like that? What do you dislike in that, how much do you dislike, how does it disturb etc. etc... There are tons of unclear things to me just reading your few lines. Like, I find it quite interesting that you are that honest about touching yourself, but why is it such a problem for you? What is actually your status? Like if you're 16, I find it quite naturally to explore your field. But you already quit smoking, so did you already have a long-term relationship or sth? Why are you not in a relationship and projecting your horniness onto the other sex? How come that eating disorder, are you fat?

- As it was already mentioning, don't focus on bad habits but on what you want to do. You ended up like this, and thats ok. Figure why. THEN figure, WHAT is ACTUALLY  upsetting you. And most of all: What do you actually want ? And then do that. You talk about honesty, so figure how hard it actually is and be honest. Your symptoms do not help. What are the roots?

- Generate consciousness! Be aware of what you are doing. Why do you write this? Why do you actually read "Name of the rose" in a day? Do you have a good job, a developing hobby, a mastery to achieve? The free time needs to be redirected (as you should have figured by your journal). So maybe you want to stop just doing random stuff, but actually make a second list of things you would love or need to do, and invest the new free-time there. Things you RATHER do, than doing stuff from before. Like read some books of Leos suggested list, eager in some sport, achieve something. Meditate daily, in depth. Not just to calm yourself, that is just a necessary step, to get the symptoms out of the way. But also eager to honesty, and then live, what you figured. Continue watching 1 or 2 self-exploring videos a day. Generate a new daily basis.


Some final statement that helped me along the way:

- Eager to Mastery and depth-understanding. I do e.g. Martial Arts. Any sport should actually  do it, as long as you do it conscious and try to MASTER it. Be fully aware of what is happening and why.

- DAILY meditation and self-excercise/ development, to honesty and what I want. Start at handable 30 minutes morning/afternoon/night or sth. But do not leave this path, especially on those days where you find excuses like "oh I'm sick today". Do not ignore any upcoming emotion. Explore it, find the root whats behind, and let is pass (In work time, you may of course make a note and "overwrite it", but realize afterwards, in a break or at least at home, what and why has happened). Also, I have a bell (pretty much like a church bell) on my mobile, that rings every hour, just to keep me focused on what I am ACTUALLY doing and why.

- Becoming fully satisfied with myself ALONE, project that into the life. That actually took a while, bringing myself into shape such that I could just stare into the mirror, being naked, without the eager to look away or distract me somehow. Especially being e.g. a whole Sunday alone, without any medias, without much influences but the nature. But as soon as you practice that much, that you realise a not coming bus is nothing to get nervous about but a blessing such that you have a little more time for yourself, a lot of anxieties actually just vanished.

(At the same time, people started to note me. Or I just started to note, how much a single person impacts the environment. That I found actually most weird. The time I didn't feel the need for anyone anymore, it just started happened that I entered relationships to quite interesting peoples in random situations.)



Edited by hengFa

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