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Everything posted by Dryas

  1. I thought Lex’s critique of Destiny’s use of the R and N word was pretty good. It’s a kind of perspective Destiny misses because he’s so hyperlogical in his thinking.
  2. For some reason I didn't really find Mrgirl to be all that interesting (not as interesting as destiny made him out to be at least) despite being a good mixture of crazy and intellect (just like destiny in some way.) His style of communication unnecessarily weird and his thought process always seemed like that of that of an internet troll tbh. Dan called it.
  3. Loved this. I honestly respect Fridman so much more after this because I think he gave some excellent pushback/criticism. Destiny was sharp as ever.
  4. I mean, give the guy a chance before you summarize a video critiquing him lol. Maybe watch the video where he says csj isn't entp or some videos of him where he's typing actual people cuz you'll learn about his model/approach through that.
  5. @Carl-Richard @JuliusCaesar The best explanations for the functions and typology come from this channel imo: https://m.youtube.com/c/Talkingwithfamouspeople The problem is you’re gonna have to dig through hours of bs to find the gold. It’ll be time consuming but it was fun and worth it for me.
  6. No. This is not Te. Csj's explanations for the functions are not that good a lot of the time. If this was true Te users would automatically be conformist but we know this isn't always the case. It would be confusing content for structure, as Micheal Pierce likes to say (a way better typology channel than Csj.) Te is logic of systems that don't involve language. Like fixing a car engine or door knob (it could be something more abstract.) This is why Te users are concerned with efficiency - they're asking the question "What is the optimal number of steps required to complete x task". I imagine Te users will care more about the source than Ti users but not to the extent that csj describes and not for the same reasons. ???? I know Te users and they don't care about status. This is just nonsense. No, no, no. Stop.
  7. Ti is the logic of language based systems (English, Aristotelean logic, maths etc.) Te is the logic of everything else which is why it’s commonly concerned with “what works” or “what’s efficient”.
  8. Isn't this approaching it from a scarcity mindset?
  9. @The0Self Dang, I hope to reach your level someday. Good shit.
  10. This is a scary one https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Dod9AWz8Rp4Svdpof/why-i-think-there-s-a-one-in-six-chance-of-an-imminent
  11. It's obviously not about the thing but your relationship to it. If you limit yourself to one 24 episode anime per week you're doing pretty well.
  12. Man, I used to think people could actualize their full potential or whatever if they followed the right protocols. The amount of dumb people I am surrounded by right now seriously challenges this belief.
  13. @Osaid @Carl-Richard seems like you’re talking about quitting fapping while I’m talking about only quitting porn
  14. Nofap is bs as far as I can tell but do you think there's a legit case for cutting out porn?
  15. Is this really true? Why? Most guys I see around me have a lot of social experience
  16. Watch out for your grades, though. Escaping into first world with masters will require a decent gpa so maybe that's the route you can take.
  17. These are pretty deep topics. I'm surprised a bunch of rich people were interested in them tbh.
  18. I know religious folk are easy to pick on but one I’ve noticed that is particularly disgusting to me: A lot of kids my age will say and do some blatantly prohibited shit like it’s nothing. They could basically be called irreligious if we’re being objective. And yet, these people wouldn’t ever be able to tolerate any direct criticism of their worldview because apparently that would be going too far. I just find it insane, idk.
  19. I don’t get it either. There’s no need for such extreme language imo.
  20. Study anyways. You're going to regret it later, seriously (speaking from experience.) Look up study and productivity techniques on youtube.
  21. Nope, absolutely no flaws here.
  22. He's got the perfect opportunity to step in the ring and punch a nazi but he still wont. So lame.
  23. Well, maybe, but I think he easily hits on the some of the traits that make an individual tier 2. Open minded Multiperspectival Steelmanning arguments Super aware of us vs them thinking integrating lessons from lower stages in his arguments (not that great at embodying it though)