Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. I would create space between the people who don’t support you. Don’t let them into your thought and emotions if they seem to mostly bring you down. 

    It’s going to take strength to be insulted without trying to fight back, but that is the only way. You cannot fight fire with fire. You have to turn the other cheek and let them hit you again. Then maybe you will realize that you are the one that can separate yourself from darkness. Darkness will not stop attacking you until you separate from darkness. 

  2. 1 hour ago, WelcometoReality said:

    So how do you deal with the fear about the realization? You face it because there is actually nothing to be afraid of. The fear is the monster itself. By meeting it and feeling it fully it will start to dissolve.

    Nicely said, I can definitely relate.

    Personally there are moments when my thoughts create feelings of discomfort. Ive expanded my mind and surrendered myself into realities that have changed my perception permanently. Sometimes when I eat, especially with others, I get grossed out because I see us like literal pigs shoving our faces in food just to survive. The chewing and swallowing, it reminds me that we are animals with needs. And when I poop I think about 7 Billion people all pooping today, and it just gives me anxiety and dissolves me to a parasite that can’t possibly be having a symbiotic relationship with earth. It’s very easy for me to put myself into other peoples or beings shoes and I know I could be just like them. So I get very emotional when I see a homeless person or anyone that doesn’t seem to enjoy reality, like really chubby people. Just thinking from their perspective, and how sad and afraid they must be of all the judgmental looks from others. Being in crowded spaces is also a trip when you realize that every single soul is living a complex life just like you, every second.

  3. Life will throw you around. By 18 I had gone to 12 different schools, lived with 8 different families, in 3 different counties. 

    Fearing the future is so exhausting and you’ll never find an end. It personally has helped to surrender to the experience, knowing in my heart that everything is unfolding perfectly. Change creates a strong backbone and you’ll understand eventually why all of it had to happen exactly the way it did. You got this. 

  4. Hey everyone,

    Id love to hear some feedback to this Chart.

    The odd number levels are Spiral Dynamics and even are the Chakras.

    Format messed up a bit but as you can see, there is an external and internal reality that can be experienced on many levels. First one grows the body to awaken the mind and become one with the Soul. A holy Trinity that is able to enlighten darkness and awareness.



    23 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

    I think there is no knowing how long it will take to find a partner. Maybe I am weird and spiritual as well and I think that lowers my attractiveness with 98% of women. It also means simply I am not a match for them.

    Go to the right festival and 99% of the woman there are into weird spiritual men. What lowers your attractiveness is doubting that the authentic self that you are is unwanted by  98% of women. Maybe your overthinking it a bit? 

  6. When we climb the ladder of life, often we are so focused on continuing up, that we forget to look down to see how far we’ve come.

    Maybe not everything has changed or improved, but surly some parts of you or your world have. Trying to put motion into your life is much harder when your standing still. That’s why a destination or goal is ideal. You have somewhere to go and a reason to move.

    You need to identify the moments of time when you feel like you are wasting it. Write it down and write down the actions or ideas you would rather be doing. Seriously think about the person and life you want to find yourself in, ponder the story you want to live. Don’t let doubts hold you back from who you are able to be.

    What’s something you want to improve or balance in your Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, or Spiritually life? How do you like to express yourself? Take the Myers Briggs Personality Test or read a detailed astrology chart of yours to get inspiration. Find a new action or idea that makes you bubble with excitement when you think about it. What’s something that you want or need which seems like it would complete you? Find something so far out, but realistic enough to actually work towards it. Step by step, minute by minute, day by day.

  7. I am currently living in Austria. If you think about it from a medical point of view, the ICU beds are almost full again, the infection rate is at an all time high, and if we want to slow or stop this spread we need to take drastic measures. That is the reality we are being told from the hospitals. If you don’t believe that then your argument is not on the lockdown but on the virus.

    We have a Bar and this week we won’t have concerts. The police is also going around town checking for people’s vaccine passes. I don’t want to say that it feels like 1930, but there are surely similarities. The one group that is scapegoated is the ‘unvaccinated’. The goal of the government is to get everyone vaccinated so they attempt to slowly cause more and more uncomfort in their daily life to structure every being on the desired path. I’m not sure what’s right. I can’t say the vaccine is unclean or that the WHO has our best interest. Regardless I just know most of us are trying to do what’s best. Even if it’s mindless and useless, most souls want goodness for all. Let’s focus on positive healing and this too shall pass. 

    - Peace & Love 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Bando said:

    @Chakra Lion Being open-minded is no problem but one needs to know when to draw the line. If you honestly believe Alex Jones has helped make this world a better place than thats all you buddy, but most people are not seeing that way.

    I know he’s a crazy conspiracist with outrages believes. And I am not saying he’s the best or wisest, or always right. When I was 18 I watched him and he awoke me to the reality that there is a massive control game being played by the leaders over the peoples minds. That gave me the courage to leave my cultural upbringing and discover for myself what is actually happening.

    My main dislike is that we look at a character like Alex Jones in a preconceived light where he is the crazy right wing conspiracy nut. So anyone bringing another perspective of him is attacked by the already decided minds, 

    He has done some good things too. That’s it. I’m not afraid to get backlash for saying that because I know what I know.

  9. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


    6 hours ago, Lyubov said:

    Yup, he sure has done more for society. More to fuck it up xD What an awfully dumb post xD You should be grateful Leo is as tolerable with garage posts like this.

    @Lyubov my ‘garage’ posts hold more value than your dismissive, Leo worshipping comments. I hope I get banned for trying to give a little bit of credit to a person who publicly fights pedophilia and has tried his best to wake the people to the global control they keep falling into.

    But go ahead and hate him for only the bad that you want to see with your limited awareness.

    This fucking forum is starting to suck anyway, the political section has destroyed it. You can see how Bias and one sided it has become when a person saying a positive for Trump instantly gets attacked, but a Biden or a Bernie fan can freely speak without having to acknowledge their shit pick.