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Posts posted by whatthefucksgoinon

  1. 15 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    No thats not bypassing, bypassing would mean to ignore the anxiety or push it away to the depths of the subconscious because its not spiritual to feel that way.... If one truly is present with what is, and anxiety remains, then it is supposed to be there. Why fight with reality? Just notice it

    I agree 100%

    my bad, I misinterpreted your original statement 

  2. On 03/08/2020 at 9:28 PM, Evil Raccoon said:

    Ok I've been trying NoFap/semen retention for almost 3 years now with varous streaks that lasted a couple of months (my highest streak was 7 months, I'm curently 5 months in) and I don't have that "magical women attraction" and all the other benefits that all these No-fappers seem to experience.I actually DID notice some of these benefits every now and then but NOT in a significant amount.Like yeah I do feel more energized and shit since I don't drain my semen everyday, I do have a sharper mind and I do feel more masculine and less socially awkward but I didn't become a "God/Super-human" that all women swoon over like they all say."NoFap changed my life forever! I'm a TOTALLY new person! NoFap women attraction is real" bla bla bla.The only thing I can say it REALLY did for me was curing my ED and make real sex more pleasurable.And that's amazing I'm not putting that down.But I did all this work to become a Titan and get pussies, ain't gonna lie.Abstaining from porn was the MOST challenging shit I've EVER done in my life and I feel like all this pain was for nothing.I'm very dissapointed and frustraded with the poor results.Should I go back to porn? I'm really hesitating.

    You will find that the benfits from semen retention arnt so obvious or noticable but over time they build up, it's like when your young and you start to grow it happens so slow you hardly notice but after 5 years you check you hight and you've grown a few inches. Dont ever go back to porn its will slowly over time fuck you over. Keep going. Also you cant just do semen retention I expect yourself to be  pussy magnet you gota put the work in career, health and self development.

  3. On 19/08/2020 at 0:31 AM, Nemo28 said:

    I know that I am the "Self" or the god lets say, i know this cause there is in me this which cant be further reduced, there is this one-ness, presence and equinimity and its totally not disturbed by anything, yet somehow im still unable to accept it, and still seeking something else, this is just ridiculous, why cant i seem to be content with being the "Self" and leave all these doubts behind? I guess i still desire some special state, or some fireworks that come with this realization, some magical powers..but there is nothing special about "It", its just undisturbed peace..

    Keep resting in the Self, the boredom or discontentment you feel with that realization is the ego's resistance to it. As you keep resting in the Self slowly you ego starts to dissolve into it and more peace with start to come. 

  4. 14 hours ago, OmniYoga said:

    why is that everybody needs to become enlightened of his own ? 

    if it's all ONE - and the one realize itself once - why doesn't happen to eveybody simultaneously,
    overall it's one - doesn't make sense to go for that process over and over again - what's the point ? that's really stupid xD imagine with someone death all his knowledge, contribution and inventions are gone forever, no progress would be possilbe 
    and if i can realize the truth and you not at the same time - the separation is real

    what about other forms ? animals, trees and stones are they enlightened by deafult ? we are the most conscious beings here and yet only we struggle to realize truth ?

    When you wake up and see that all there is, is consciousness. You see that you and "everyone else" have been awake the whole time. Consciousness claiming it is not free is a cosmic joke. You are already awake you just dont know it yet. 

    "All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound" - (Sri Ramana Maharshi)