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Everything posted by Pudgey

  1. God is playing a game with you. God is imagining all dualities and therefore, is an illusion. Consciousness = Infinite Mind Human Consciousness = Finite Mind inside of Infinite Mind. Psychedelic = collapsing the finite mind survival mode, breaking through all fears and realizing your are Infinite Mind / Infinite Imagination / Infinite Love / God / Godhead and other infinitudes. The fact that you are conscious of these dualities, means you've imagined them into existence and therefore, is an illusion. You're attaching yourself to these dualities because you want to Feel grounded and protected. This is your game that God is playing on itself. Feeling / Realness / Fear. God is very tricky and clever and these games can go deep. Note: As far as what was asked to Infinity, I can share via PM. I rarely post these experiences publicly, maybe soon. Experiences like these can get easily demonized and lead to confusion - I'll leave that to Leo for now. Plus, I'm still exploring When you awaken to Infinite imagination, you realize you've created Jesus - then those paradigms start to look silly.
  2. Take some DMT and figure it out yourself. No words can tell you.
  3. Religion works because it's the perfect illusion to give finite beings. Finite beings need things to attach to for survival and those things are beliefs. Beliefs are finite faiths and truths. Religion is a commonly accepted core of finite beliefs (finite truths and faiths). Religion is also absolute love, but in a finite form. This is why people are attach to religious figures, books, items and entities. It's for human survival, but not absolute truth. Religion is engrained within us for centuries for our survival, why it's so hard to let go of such beliefs. You are also imagining religion which makes it an illusion. You are also imagining everything, which makes you God. Illusion = A game being played by God, on itself to awaken itself. Since Religion is an illusion - Religion = A game being played by God, on itself, by itself Religion = finitude and therefore, cannot be absolute truth. Note: You need to stop attaching demons, spirits, and other paranormal activities like exorcism to religion. Spirits is not a product of religion, it's is a product of the infinite mind. Exorcism is not a product of religion, it's a product of infinite mind. Paranormal is not a product of religion, it's a product of infinite mind. EDIT: I took ayahuasca, not pure DMT. But, it could also be genetic on why I enter into the spiritual realm / paranormal field. But I do go straight to God / Infinity too. I've also had a conversation with Absolute Infinity.
  4. You are projecting dualities in the spiritual realm (God/Evil), (Heaven/Hell). These dualities and paradigms exist, but the spiritual realm is also infinity. You have to keep an open mind that these entities and realms are infinitude and can have different states, domains, realizations and awakenings. These entities and realms are also you. Realizing this can breakthrough good/evil duality as just another state or possibility. However, religion leverages these dualities to create fear, judgment and is playing a game with you. Every religion, guru, spiritual teacher or “enlighten one” is playing a game with you. I’m convinced based on my last insight that anything that hasn’t given you a God realization is playing a game with you. You don't know what spirit is until you take Ayahuasca. If 5-meo-DMT is the God molecule. Ayahuasca (DMT) Is the Spirit molecule.
  5. Stop listening to this 'teacher' immediately. He's full of crap.
  6. Or maybe it's a existential mid-life crisis and is triggering depression, bipolarity and obsessive negative-thoughts. Not having a sense of purpose, urgency, motivation and calling can heavily affect who you are, especially as we age. It can cause a lack of self-motivation and self-desire. And It appears that you may have the same negative-patterns and thought-loops for the last 10+ years. This can cause a lack of self-fulfillment and achievement. The only way to destroy these patterns may require you to change who you are as a person. But, because you don't know who you are, what you want to do, and how you want to do it, is causing immense depression and confusion - to the point where you feel like giving up? You've always been "late to the party," - done everything you should have done in your 20s, in your 30s and now it's happening in your 40s. Nothing particularly wrong with that, until you realize your pattern-behaviors have been the same for the last several years. Train of life passed you, but you refused to take the drivers seat? I think you are suffering from the lack of change and the self-effort to change. You have to realize how much bullshit your brain is and find a way out of these obsessive-negative-thought-loops and-self-criticizing-behaviors. If you could turn off your ego for 24-hours, you probably would feel your best, be your best and do as you wish with life.
  7. Entities do exist and the paranormal is far more radical than Jesus paradigm. Entities are also playing games with you to further allude you from realizing you are God. There are certain states in consciousness that will actually allow you to possess dominance over spiritual entities - but not guaranteed to reach. The bible is also bullshit when it comes to understanding paranormal and is heavily influenced by duality (evil/good). You can also break these dualities when you come to realize that entities can be chaotic neutral, amorale and have varying degrees of existence. If you want to understand paranormal, take Ayahuasca or straight DMT. These bible dualities are playing games with you.
  8. Jesus paradigm: Greatly impacted by Fear of God, Fear of Death and Fear of Love. They are more attuned to fear, which makes them controlling and conservative. Love is death.
  9. NOFAP will never beat taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Nofap is just a waste of time compared to getting a full blood panel and seeing if your levels are high or not. Even then, the current standard for testosterone levels are so low, doctors may even say you have 'high" test, even when they are low compared to someone 50 - 60 years ago. Testosterone is dropping each and every year - which may not be a bad thing. My test was that of an 80-year old. I've done NOFAP and it does not come close to injecting yourself with testosterone. Even injecting HCG will give you much better results than semen retention. You will feel as if you were in puberty for 2-3 months on TRT. Once you reach at peak on TRT, you will stabilize but still feel great. With NOFAP, you will feel great for 1-2 weeks in and it will significantly decline thereafter and will shift back to your normal levels. But most men either don't know what TRT is, cannot afford TRT or their doctors tell them they do not need such therapy. Therefore, men has created another anti-sex, anti-women, hyper-aggressive cult - even going as far as to insult porn stars and women in general. Very reminiscent of Redpill. Men are now overly associating their semen retention to pseudo-science and circle-jerk non-sense. Most of the men there are still not getting laid, depressed and utterly anxious and pussy-foot. Most of their success with women are they "look at me" because semen retention will give you a "glow" and other bullshit beliefs. However, there are a few success stories and it appears it does have benefit, but most of it is clouted with utter crap and garbage. Yet feminism is an issue
  10. Just keep contemplating the blockages. It took me several times using Ayahuasca to have a deep "letting go" experience. It was so powerful and utterly jaw dropping of the trauma I've held inside of myself. Once it crept up inside of me, it was also sinister because it was all trauma all at once that I had to face. it's going to take more than two times to know what's holding you back. And yes, it's probably a sign to take a break a bit and contemplate. Otherwise, microdosing is good too. It'll help you think clearly.
  11. When you realize you are God and start creating entities out of thin air.
  12. Beautiful experiences.
  13. The more fears you face, the more profound the experience becomes. Once you face and dilute all fears, you reach profundity with each coming psychedelic experience. You start to tread deeper and deeper with newer experiences, deeper insights and radical thoughts.
  14. Ahhh..sounds just like God-realization though? What if God was infinitely insane that it makes you think you're sane to keep your human body intact? Because for consciousness to be sane, it must first be insane? What if God was so insane, in and of itself - it rewarded you with sanity? What if physical reality was a product of Gods insanity? And physical reality and self is a mere state of sanity? Why associate self-experience with sanity? What makes consciousness and self sane? And if insanity is an altered state of consciousness, why associate human-insanity to the possible infinitude of insanity? It appears so that God could be insane, just as much as it's love, intelligent, etc.. and have altered states of infinite insanity that is radically different than classical God-concious "sanity" and "self-realization" What if psychedelics exists because God is insane? If God was sane, I wouldn't give DMT or any forms of psychedelic to you humans.
  15. Why are you associating sanity with experience? Why have you've tried to escape consciousness / infinity? That sounds pretty insane.
  16. The fact that you are talking to yourself, fucking yourself and there is no other than yourself by itself is pretty fucking insane, in and of itself.
  17. Yes, I've had a few experiences as a kid - where I seen "things" It usually only escalated a few times when I had sleep paralysis and heard and seen "things" being half-conscious. But, I've also had good experiences, so it's not all bad. Now, every time I take Ayahuasca via microdosing, it becomes paranormal. Spiritual entities are as natural as seeing a bug, flower or any other physical object. These things are not hiding from you - you are hiding from them
  18. #1 Sweet Mangos. I used to love pomegranate as a kid, so that'll be my #2. #3 Apples #4 Oranges #5 Bananas