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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. @Preety_India very well said. Trumps politics are a politics of hate, fear, cowardice, barbarity, sexism, racism, xenophobia, exclusion, division, violence, white supremacy, egocentric narcissism, regression, authoritarianism, fascistic ideals, science denial, anti-intellectualism, laziness, aggression, entertainment, con artistry, toxic masculinity, toxic stage blue,red, and orange, projection, denial, toxic sexuality, bullying, and braggadocio that has all been vicious and unwarranted to be thrust on the American people Even if they voted for him. It’s been an exasperatingly long four years under trump and it’s been so bad I would gleefully celebrate the election of someone like Joe Biden, we need to a return to love and I feel love will win, I am not pessimistic about this at all, I think people are sick and tired of trump and his lies and craziness, I will send energy out before the election with all my hear in order to imagine a better future, the collective consciousness needed to see how destructive the Republican Party was to a peaceful livelihood and how fragile everything we built actually is. america needs to redeem itself to the world and while Biden isn’t a visionary he’s what we need to elect to get us to that visionary. Baby steps. I hope all of you will send out loving energy into the world and hope for the best, it is certainly a crucial election and we need to tell all the fascists that work under trunk that their strategies will not work in the long term because they are based off of falsehoods like genetic superiority and hate being stronger than love. we will get there if he wins again we will make sure he feels our pain. I wish everyone the best in these times and to get through this
  2. @Hardkill he won’t win. Moore was right in 2026 but I disagree with him this time, everyone thought Hilary would win and likely she would have without the emails even as piss poor as she did on the campaign trail, she was just too arrogant and elitist and it rubbed people the wrong way. Trump isn’t the outsider this time and he doesn’t have a fresh new feel, Hillary lost that election more than trump won it if that makes sense. Yes Biden is very milquetoast, he doesn’t have the energy behind him like Obama but he has the anti trump vote and virtually no baggage beside his bad policy and a rape allegation. Your worry will send negative energy out, just focus on what you want law of attraction style, it’s just as helpful to consider the best possible outcome as it is to worry about the worst
  3. Yes undecided is another word for uninformed. You can look at that as bad or as an opportunity, I like looking it as an opportunity and having a 50 state strategy like Bernie says, no one should feel shunned by a party’s ideals unless they are supporting hate and division. Politics just needs to be more sexy, like people should be taught about it in schools and have a government class required just like social studies which teaches about different methods of governments and philosophy and voting etc etc, ultimately it just needs to be more personal to people , at the federal level it’s too out of sight and even at the local level it’s hard to have a sense of community if you live in a mid size to big city. I definitely support mini collectives within cities like neighborhood planning with officials that give updates on local activities and news. The news does a good job but it’s still through a tv, I think with a stronger communal sense we would feel a lot more involved and motivated to vote. the threat of trump is a good motivator but the joy of community and individual symbiosis is far greater. going to work this into my life purpose
  4. @Hardkill it ain’t about charisma this time, it’s about how trump is compared to Biden, stop worrying and just accept what happens either way. We will survive
  5. I disagree with people saying Trump won because he was aggressive, that may work with the Republican primary and party which he overtook, but for the general election he largely won because Hillary was received as crooked and had a lot of baggage as well as a arrogant campaign strategy, also people didn’t know how he would govern and also thought they were fed up with types like Hilary, now that he’s been president for four years and ruined much of the country we have a choice to go back to stability or uncertainty and I think people want certainty as well as to feel loved which Biden is sending that message, Biden doesn’t have any scandals or emails coming out to haunt him and a lot of people just see trump as a bully.
  6. I mean I wouldn’t be shocked if Texas goes blue. it’s unlikely but I think it’s going to go blue soon
  7. I think Biden could’ve done better but I won’t believe you if you said trump did a good job.
  8. I’m going to start imaging teleportation too, I’d much rather have that than time travel IMO haha
  9. Biden needs to win PA and then carry AZ, maybe he can win north Carolina and Michigan too, maybe Wisconsin, maybe Texas, maybe Minnesota. Hoping he surprises people at the debates
  10. @Consept it’s definitely a lack of trust I would assert that the countries doing the best either were Forced to lockdown or that people willingly obeyed there governments. I can’t blame the us as much I blame trump just because of the messaging that was terrible and the inconsistency of a bipartisan message.
  11. I’m going to predict the turnout and say about 70% of eligible voters will vote. I could be wrong though
  12. Tony Robbins is a valuable teacher but it seems he never really got to tier 2
  13. @Lyubov if Lindsey graham loses to Jaime I will jizz in my pants. He’s like the worst hypocrite in Washington and that’s saying something when they impeached Bill Clinton he said that the office of the president is a respectful one and you cannot disrespect it and that’s why he was voting to impeach Bill, which I agree Bill should have got removed, but then when Trump says grab her by the pussy and pays pornstars off and commits treason with Ukraine crickets
  14. @Preety_India I don’t know if we need to remove currency but we need to change the theory of value from which it’s based upon. It’s backed by bonds and basically government reserves, we need a currency that’s based upon something far less decentralized say like societal credits or something, you get currency for performing good deeds and raising consciousness, sounds very hippyish and maybe too utopian and it would probably have to be managed by a government. But currency is mostly earned by employment and investing and I’d like to expand currency outside of those two avenues. You can get paid for recycling, making art, creating healthy friendships relationships, eating healthy, being a good parent, etc it’s a new idea but I think it could work. I don’t think currency is going away but it needs to be rethought bottom line the idea is people need to be rewarded for helping society in ALL ways instead of just employment
  15. Anyone arguing this obviously doesn’t have immigrant friends. Biden is a Neo lib but it’ll be almost impossible for him to ignore progressives if we control the three branches which would be very likely after these elections. if you have four years of trump he might make it illegal to be a democrat. Or teach leftist views in any type of school. As a someone who likes progressive ideas I want rapid change too! But sometimes you have to realize where you need to be strategic. We need Biden and then when he steps down we will have a better chance, just because Biden wins he’s not going to get a pass this time. obama sadly got a pass mostly because I think people were just happy at the symbolism of a black man in the White House . but from my circles people are just as ready fight Bidens ass and make sure that he delivers on climate policy and isn’t as corrupt as trump. yes I hate that he’s in the pocket of Wall Street, but the Green Party ain’t going to win shit
  16. @Forestluv I’m of the opinion that a healthy green person that has a lot of healthy blue in him like beau of the fifth column is really appealing. I don’t buy into the theory that only blue could send effective and persuasive messaging to red. Yellow could do even better than green as well, that was the topic in another thread, I think a lot of it in politics is beyond spiral dynamics too, a lot of is a persons appearance and their tone and age, as sad is that sounds, sometimes you need a female to talk to a female or a military person to talk to a solider etc to persuade them regardless of the level of development, just an insight I had. a lot of politics maybe all of it is actually identity politics, more than people would like to admit. Haha
  17. technically trump hasn’t refused yet he just said he wouldn’t commit which is honestly just as terrifying, but even if wins he’ll have to pretend to be a president he can’t just turn into hitler overnight, I think he will cause damage but I don’t think it’ll be nazis in the streets killing people, I could be wrong but I just think if it got that bad he’d just get assassinated.
  18. If history is any indication I think trump will try to delegitimization the media even more and try to push his agenda of defunding universities and try to put forth American exceptionalism and try to scapegoat democrats and call them corrupt and fraudulent. certainly a reality I don’t want to think about.
  19. @datamonster Eminem mostly was actually stage red and then become blue and orange once he had a kid and became a father figure for his daughter and made a bunch of money, I don’t even think he is really even stage green but maybe because I remember he hated on trump resoundingly and supported kaepernick. Maybe he will get there. He’s definitely one of the more clever rappers that have ever existed
  20. True power in any government or group style is very decentralized. Notice how sadhguru and mooji and leo try to empower as much as they can to their followers/students. Being a great and conscious uncorrupted leader isnt about making no mistakes and not having ego it’s really about realizing that what you want for others is the same you want for yourself and trying to put your students and followers in your shoes and vice versa and seeing what the best outcome for both could be. It is tricky but definitely it’s a good insight to say that a developed leader is not necessarily in it for simply material desires, I think material desires can be a byproduct, but my insight is that true power comes from selflessness and that’s why lauded leaders and beloved people are also seen as the most selfless. you can’t really have true power if you aren’t helping others/ improving yourself/society etc
  21. unbelievable that there are not harsher regulations or some advent of a public social forum like the usps for social media haha. the actual quote. “I’m Jewish, and there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened. I find that deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong.”
  22. @Fran11 Well all I have to go on are your words, what examples of “green” in your country has overlooked blue and jumped straight there. Green isn’t an absolute good but you seem to be criticizing it as if the kids in your country should be embracing blue ideas over green, I just don’t buy that. Yes you progress through stages but you can also accelerate your development with the right teachings. No one says you need to be solidly blue to response to red and solidly orange to respond to blue etc etc, Although that is an effective way. You just have to embody each in an effective way that you can learn from. if the kids don’t understand spiral dynamics from their level of development that’s not their fault. It’s a bit of a hidden model that you gotta dig to find. That’s on us to promote it and then to seek it out my point is I’d rather have my kids sympathetic to a green person than a blue even if they don’t understand spiral dynamics. I consider myself to be mostly green/orange/yellow/ turquoise mix but I don’t have to be solidly turquoise to entertain thoughts of non duality and be interested in it. maybe some of those kids will move out of the country or be better suited to challenge blue with green wisdom, I never thought I was ever really a solidly blue person and yet I think I have progressed through it. Not every response to red has to come from blue. And certainly not every green or blue or red person/government looks the same. im interested in hearing about the shortcuts they are taking and how stage blue ideology better suits a response to red than green? Ultimately it’s hard to say, this stuff isn’t an exact science but in an undeveloped country green is still important, there are many people who follow this forum from undeveloped countries and it’s not going to be stage blue that saves them, it may build a foundation for the work but order won’t save you as much as education and compassion if anything your Anecdote is a sign of progress, how many of those kids would’ve been saying those ideas just 20-30 years ago.