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Posts posted by bensenbiz

  1. 2 hours ago, Alexop said:

    If what you are teaching there is simple and interesting for them, and taught in a ferm and skillful way, they would naturally become more quiet and pay attention to the class. If they don't feel you are one of them, teach them interesting stuff and understand their position, no amount of threatenings, punishments and other stage blue solutions will work. Just look how quiet and focused they are when they play on the computer, there is none punishing them there.

    My math teacher from highschool was using this typical stage blue approach of punishment, but beacuse her classes were super boring and completely useless, we were still loud or just ignoring the class altogether.  

    Funny story: I was volunteering at a children's camp in a village in Romania, there was a very undiciplined, problematic bully type child there, they wanted to kick him out. But I said let me try a different approach first. I befriended him, talked about his interrests in cars and stuff, tried to get in his camp. He said: "I hate these trainers here with their boring bullshit" I said: "I get you, I also got annoyed of many boring uninteresting classes at school too, we can do it another way" I spent most days around him explaining in a more simple manner what they said at trainings and till the end of the camp he become more and more interested into the subjects and even built a solar powerd car, I helped him a bit. 

    beautiful to hear, that's some true love - most of the "problematic" children are just screaming for love. I guess in 1n1 session it's easier but when they are in bulk it can get difficult, I used to teach theatre for 1 month, before meeting the whole class I met everyone face to face in a 1n1 session and establish a respectful, loving relationship. That worked wonders

  2. 3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    There's some seriousness here in this dry humor. I think you really believe Awakened people live or should live a hermit lifestyle. It's called balance. Your desires are God's desires. Fun can also entail doing Spiritual practices or walking in nature and listening to music you like or having meaningful conversations with your beloved partner or creating a healthy meal from scratch.

    So many ways to have fun other than listening to loud music, drinking, or having someone stick their tongue down your throat, unless it's Leo's, of course, who wouldn't want the remnants of a 5MeoDmt's tongue laced with magic mushroom soup and LSD on top. I'd be hallucinating all night. ❤️

    I don‘t have fun, I am fun. Be careful with your assumptions about my believes cause they might be totttaallly wrong.

  3. 8 hours ago, Ajax said:


    I don't even know what  the definition of Awake is... but I know things Lol ??

    1. A masterpiece. Like being there with Rachmaninov when he was conducting a concerto. Or when you stare into the sky and all form cease and all you see are intense musical chords between the start dust. It is light, eitherial and magical and adventure... where every moment is created anew and is fully of excitement, joy, suspense and discord... ah yes sweet discord like sucking vischessous by candlelight with a golden spoon and eyeballs pop out of the soup❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    2. Naw.. I am about producing results. Polyamory, is unworkable to what I want to create. It's about creation not moralizing so I am willing to watch these free love relationship with curiousity and interest and see what it produces after all roses can grow in Shit. Or so I heard.

    3. Being solo is just as perfect as having a partner. I can obtain sexual gratification in my mind without involving my body at all.. so I don't need a partner for that. I do like high level communication with a partner though, that is paramount to deciding to commit. The higher the communication level the more willing I am to create with that person. I am in heaven either way LMAO ??

    Nr 1. was so beautiful.

    i got it thanks for sharing. 

    to Nr 3: indeed there seems like a higher resonation if someone speaks the „same language“

  4. Yo fam!

    Been wondering... for those who consider themselves 'awake', how's that playing out in your "love life"?

    Awake & Attached:
    If you're awakened and in a relationship, does it feel like an attachment? Or more like a deeper connection?

    Love for All:
    And with this whole 'unconditional love' vibe, does being awake make you more open to things like polyamory? ?‍♂️

    Riding Solo:
    Any awakened peeps choosing the single life? Was that a choice post-awakening?

    Super curious about your takes!
    Shoot! ??

  5. 6 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    An another important note: This forum is not LSD friendly because the white background completely annihilates your eyes, lol. It repelled me like garlic repells a vampire.

    Maybe it‘s a feature and not a bug. I remember a rule: don‘t write while tripping. I was suprised that the topic got not locked straight away.


    I am glad u masterd it well and u got/wi ur teaching out of it. 

    my first mushroom trip was the same, terror, letting go of tryin to get rid of fear. Pain in the ass but so important and a great start. That I still sticked to this work showed how serious I am with the work. 

    Don‘t forget proper grounding work, I found out that after trips I am very sensitive to input, so feed it with good stuff and not garbage.

  6. 22 hours ago, Pupur said:

    I make money through youtube (narrating, presenting old stories in a different way), dropshipping and some programming.


    I feel like everything I do hurts people

    Youtube - wasting their time with stupid gossip

    Dropshipping - false marketing, false scarcity, manipulation

    Programming - i feel like i make people stay on their phone more and still waste their time.

    I want to pursue something that makes my life truly better. So i can help people.


    I was thinking a very well done blue collar job, but i dont know.

    Being aware of these stuff is good, it's not helpful to demonize ur work tho.
    seems like there is a lot of room to pursue some work which is aligned with your heart.
    don't be so harsh on you, cause we still need to survive, just balance it out. Start to do some projects which are more aligned with you..
    on the long run maybe you can switch to just creating more stuff with more meaning

  7. so right now, I'm just rolling with whatever comes my way, and it feels pretty chill. Life's good and I'm not pushing back much. Also, I've been diving into this book "Seeing That Frees" by Rob Burbea – super cool read! He dives deep into Buddha's teachings and says that realizing everything's an illusion is like ultimate freedom.

    What do you think is the way to go?

    Just embracing and loving every moment as it is?

    Realizing everything's kinda just an illusion?

    And hey, maybe it's about accepting that everything's an illusion? What do you think? ?