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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Maybe your living situation isn't the most optimal, I know what it's like living with family into your 20's. But if you can carve out as much privacy as you can, you're in a primetime space to save money. $500 a month is quite low considering living costs in other places. I know it seems you're striving for deep satisfaction and meaning, but the real test for you right at now at this point in your life is patience for those things. Satisfy your curiosity and learning in your spare time, but right now I'd put your nose to the ground and grind your ass off to secure your future and stability. Always be on the hunt for a better job, even if it means just a few dollars more an hour. It will make a big difference for your self-confidence. You'd be surprised the work you can get if you look for it, even with minimal qualifications. It's all about making an impression and charisma. Even if you don't know exactly what you want to do, Gathering the resources and work/volunteer experience in the meantime will make you feel a LOT better about your future. Ideally you could bank $1500+ a month if you don't spend it on needless stuff. Work 45-60 hours a week for a few years and imagine where you'll be and what options you'll have. You need to be making practical moves right now combined with faith that in the near future the puzzle pieces will fall into place and you will know what direction to commit to. From everything I'm reading you are in limbo right now, and the best thing you can do for yourself is get grounded. It may feel shallow and too simple for a while, but it will build you back up I promise.
  2. If you don't already know, 98% of 24 year old's in the world haven't accomplished shit. Your life has really just started. Take your time, explore. It sounds like you already know a lot about what you like and don't like. That's pretty good for someone your age. You'll find stability and satisfaction making the things you love apart of your daily/weekly life. You don't have to shift the paradigm of 1000's of people or culture to be making a meaningful impact. Not everybody is Tony Robbins lol. In the meantime what are you practically doing to put yourself in a better environment, like moving out? Will your parents help you with rent if you left for a few months?
  3. Salvia literally transported me to a different reality. Lost all sense of having a body or space/time. Only thing I kept for the trip was being able to think to myself in English.
  4. It sounds like you are putting the weight of the world on your shoulders, how old are you?
  5. You aren't going to like hearing it but the best thing to do is absorb the pain. In a few weeks you'll be alright. Your partner should never be the most important thing in your life. It's only absolutely devastating to be dumped if you are overly and unhealthily attached to that person. A self-actualized, developed person is sad, but will never be crippled by a relationship ending. You were fine before her, you were fine with her, and you'll be fine after her.
  6. Fear is one of the dynamics that is subtly woven into what "Respect" is. Cheers @Princess Arabia
  7. Maybe you weren't pretending to be naïve after all. How sad... anyways. You think those companies making those changes are caving into pressure from Conservatives for only political reasons? They are massive capitalist businesses doing what's purely best for their margins. If they thought it was actually right and had reasonable conviction to "go woke", even if it meant taking a hit from alienating some of their consumers, then they would have stuck with it. They predicted they'd come out the other side with more money. But NO. they did not. Because just like YOU, they can't read the room properly. It's not me misinterpreting the landscape, it's you. You falsely assume the damage is coming from just a fervent right wing mob, but don't realize large companies with that much resources to manage become successful by exercising expedient behavior. You speak about them like you feel bad for them, but don't realize they aren't on your side at all and don't share ANY of the same moral principles. If you payed attention and followed the money you'd realize the sums involved are clearly influenced by more than just an aggressive conservative minority block of consumers. It's also a shitload of APOLITICAL, REGULAR people who are sick and tired of being force-fed woke ideology at every turn. Your failure and those companies failure to recognize and distinguish the two is exactly why Progressives will continue to fail, delay actual progress, and spark increasing unnecessary backlash for what it otherwise good intentions. You recklessly paint every single non-aligned party with the same brush and wonder why there is so much resistance. It's the stick in the bike spokes meme, but with massive societal consequences. To quote the wise and mighty Emperor; Given your shared age, pretentiousness, and arrogance it's clear you're just another lost crusader. I would want to give you an olive branch if you didn't come off like a dog with rabies like every other progressive I've talked to on this forum. If I were a different mod I ought to have banned you by now, but I'm a good person who sticks to their principles even with the power I wield. So I'll let you off the hook. Understand that I'll have to block you though. Enjoy your weekend!
  8. A healthy amount of fear/nervousness is a good thing. It's an emotional indicator and check that keeps one from making reckless, stupid, or disrespectful decisions. It's the same reason you (hopefully) had a healthy fear of your father. It's the same reason you have (reasonably) a healthy fear of your employer. Typical functioning relationships that last, the man (or masculine dynamic) is the leader. Women naturally want to be led by their man. Leadership by it's nature requires a certain degree of healthy fear instilled to those being led. Those who don't respect their leader because that fear is coming from a toxic place, or don't trust their competence, will cause the dynamic to fail. You won't stay with a man you don't respect. You also will (healthily) fear disrespecting or disappointing him if you respect him, while you won't if you don't.
  9. You are making assumptions about me and misinterpreted just about everything I posted. Not a big deal, just letting you know. I never said I dislike LGBTQ, or pride month, or that there "shouldn't" be gay sex wtf? I just think it's annoying and imposing how much it's advertised, and the insane amount of bandwidth it takes up in our culture. It's like trying to watch YouTube without an adblocker. Just endless pop-ups and ad's before, during and after every god damn video. People just can't shut the fuck up about their identity and how everybody still isn't accepting them, when we clearly don't live in the 1920's anymore. The planet is literally on fire at increasing amounts every year now and instead of mobilizing everyone for an environmental war we should be fighting, we need to hear about genitals constantly. It feels like a collective insanity. I guess something has to fill the void though in the never ending ideology battle to win the minds of the people.
  10. It means they are physically attracted and they probably just want you to pump them. Otherwise they wouldn't be bringing it up spontaneously. It's not worth the drama and logistical headache to be involved in anyways. Imagine renting a car while someone else is already renting or owns it. You have needs and places to be but your use of the car is spotty and unreliable at best, and might even be at the complete mercy of someone else's approval.. Not to mention even if you end up liking the car a lot, chances are you'll never be able to take it for yourself. That's what getting involved in open relationships is like. Stay away. Typically good from everything I know. It means they respect and fear you somewhat.
  11. Toys, porn, and self-exploration can satisfy the majority of your sexual needs if you are open-minded enough and comfortable with your own body. As for emotional needs that is much harder without an intimate partner. You'll need to lean on your family and friends more as you won't have that close person to hear you out. Appreciate and enjoy the time you have while you are single. Don't feel pressured to jump into the next thing or spend too much energy seeking it out impatiently. Think about the absolute freedom and space you have right now! You can fill it with so many awesome hobbies and interests.
  12. I'm not familiar with this case, but just reading this sentence and knowing the social climate we are currently in I highly doubt is was just an innocent coincidence from clueless decision makers in the company, but a political brand decision from Hasbro to insulate themselves from the Progressive mob that could attack their name and therefore hurt their profits from negative PR. Nothing is innocuous, don't pretend to be deliberately naïve. You aren't stupid. While I'm sure they aren't being explicit about it or it being in a curriculum, the topic is needlessly exposed to kids in education (among other things). Obviously (being kids) they will ask questions. If they don't get those answers from the teachers (which I'm sure indulge them sometimes), they will figure out the answers from somewhere. All complicated and mostly needless information for those of such a young age. It's just a different flavor of the same kind of food of ideology, like religious conservativism.
  13. People can still silently or vocally aspouse their opinion. We live in the free(ish) world. You will NEVER eradicate racism/phobia completely, and the tools and policies you'd need to implement to do so would lead to a nightmarish reality, that thankfully we will never live in.
  14. Look man the Left already won the culture war, and that's a good thing! People are just tired of hearing about LGBTQIA+ACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789 stuff non-stop every day all year round. They want their kids to have a good time at school and learn useful things that will help them in the real world getting a career when they grow up, not have their minds filled with a bunch of complicated identity topics and sexual orientations. Veterans and soldiers get a day of celebration, and pride stuff lasts an entire month. Go ponder that when you can calm down and stop casting aspersions at people on the internet because you get hard from being righteous. (I'm bi-sexual by the way). Most people don't really care what other people like to do in the bedroom or how they dress up. They are however annoyed at how much cultural/media bandwidth it takes up though with people somehow having so much free time they NEED to parade and broadcast to the world, "I prefer dick in my ass" or "I like to cross-dress and need EVERYBODY to see my outfit!". Activists won, the left won, the culture war was won 5+ years ago. Even with clown-lord himself Donald Trump as president for 4 years the Left STILL won. If that isn't obvious I don't know what to tell you. I don't even know what progressives like you are still so fucking mad about. If it was possible we could harness your endless rage as an infinite source of renewable energy. Can you imagine the absurdity if straight men decided to parade and demand attentive concessions so they could have time to say how much they loved women? Or even just a nuclear family pride month? People would lose their fucking minds. Here is what the majority of people actually think about this stuff because they just want to get on with their lives;
  15. It depends what you want. Do you want a balanced life, or do you want to excel/get ahead in one area? You will have to pick. Only exceptional top quality humans (who are also lucky) excel in all areas of life without having to sacrifice a lot. Chances are you are not that exceptional, so you will have to sacrifice and choose something. I was talking to a detailing buddy a while ago how he got to his position, making $10K a month polishing/other car work. He said he basically put his entire life into establishing his reputation and skills, letting go of friendships, love. Taking on extra jobs to get more money to invest. Sacrificing sleep to make more money. He knows he isn't particularly smart or great with people, but he knows he is extremely diligent and skilled at one particular thing. So he goes all-in on that. The reward is wealth because that's what he wanted.
  16. I certainly like younger voices but girls between age 18-23 aren't attractive to me past physical looks. They are just too naïve/stupid for me. I only date women.
  17. I can't give you the logistical help, you'll have to work at that yourself. But I will say your mindset needs to be one of selfishness, isolation, diligence and secrecy. You can't be letting your peers or family know that you want to leave, and they can't suspect it. They will try to warp your mind and therefore decision making, or at worst literally sabotage you. If it's something you really want to do and you want to live in a place where you are free, you need to sacrifice your freedom for a while. You need discipline to save and plan your resources, work extra hours, and give up fun things in order to make the leap and leave your country. School abroad is a good idea as it puts your foot out the door, but it needs to be something very practical so you have the ability to stay or come back, instead of just being forced back home for whatever reason. If I were in your position I personally wouldn't pursue school more than you have to. Careers/jobs are no guarantees for foreigners without some luck involved. I would wait until you are slightly older so you can establish your own finances independently of your parents and then work some straightforward simple jobs 60-70 hours a week so you can start banking some money. (Don't spend it on stupid shit like your peers). Doing mindless jobs may be boring, but they give you risk free money and give you a LOT of time to think about what interests you to learn and explore in the future. If you just jump into school and spend possibly multiple years studying different things, chances are you won't know what to stick with or pursue because you don't have any work experience and don't know yourself deeply enough yet. Use your youthful energy right now to grind. That's the most effective path imo. I know it sounds boring and difficult as you are at the age where it's tempting to chase girls and do fun social stuff, but the sooner you start the better. Think, you are 16 now. If you busted your ass until you were 20 you would have the resources to access almost ANYWHERE you want to go in the world. Then you can start the prime decade of your life exactly where you want to be. It won't be easy, but it can be a reality for you. I'll tell you my biggest regret in life so far is not having worked harder when I was younger. I didn't feel I could make the move until I was about 27. I should have done it at 23. Good luck my friend !
  18. Her voice by far. I need to hear something feminine, soothing, sexy, cute when talking on the phone, or in person having intimate/deep conversations. Nothing turns me off more than a flat, monotone, or masculine voice in a woman. Yuck. It's actually so important to my attraction I don't think I could sustain a relationship with a dime who has an amazing body, personality, and career. I simply wouldn't be able to tolerate being around her if I didn't want to hear her voice.
  19. A man of the people, I see you
  20. This is what every cult and collective ego does. It naturally goes for the easiest, most vulnerable among us to convert them into the fold. You can download any mind virus into a child without an issue. They are completely blank operating systems with no firewall.
  21. This is exactly why you aren't making progress. You are looking for excuses and not taking responsibility. Somehow it's not your fault, but somebody else for not being there to bring you out. It's all bullshit games your mind is playing. If you are honest with yourself, you'll see there is NO reason you can't walk outside right now and start jogging.
  22. What does "actually" even mean here? Like a little bit of gay flirting doesn't count as "actually" gay? Does it have to be full blown intercourse to "count"? It seems by your wording of "confirming" and "actual" that you want dance on the fence. Which is ironic given the meaning of those words.
  23. Men also have to work full-time jobs? Usually more than full-time as they are more willing to work overtime, and through holidays and sickness. Which is way men generally earn more per annum. Also more dangerous and difficult jobs (men make up 90%+ of workplace fatalities). The labor would ideally be split evenly in a functioning relationship, or an agreement based on what is most ideal/efficient. The person who makes more should work more, while the other person takes time off to deal with household duties and childcare. If resources are managed properly, it's always an option to take maternal/paternal leave, work part-time, or completely stop work to be a stay at home mom. This is how it's been done for thousands of years, because it works. Yeah that sucks, but the woman chose that man when she agreed to marry him. If there is abuse you can leave if you want. Only takes 1 party for divorce. Not saying it's easy, but it's an option. It IS what they signed up for. They AGREED to be in a relationship, get to know that person, then AGREED to a lifelong commitment to them. Which apparently doesn't mean much anyways because you can once again, freely leave. And they do, women initiate roughly 80% of divorces. Yes? But that is the cost of what is potentially the most beautiful gift you can get in life. Besides, nobody MADE anyone get pregnant. Let's look at what it takes to reach that "taxing and destructive" occasion; A woman chose to accept a mans advances, she chose to go home with him, she chose to open her legs, she chose to have unprotected sex, she chose to let him ejaculate inside her, she chose not to be on birth control or have an IUD, she chose not to take Plan B the day after, she chose not to have an abortion in the following weeks. That's a hell of a lot of choices to lead to something you might not have wanted or regret. Something that the woman chooses for BOTH people by the way. Men don't get a say in the matter. They cast their "proverbial vote" when they chose to think with their penis. Apparently it does for a lot of women who encourage each other to get divorces as a way to monkey branch to something better, or an opportunity to pad their retirement plan. Nobody said it had to be pleasant either. Usually trying to undo a multi-year long series of poor choices isn't fun, even if you get some $$$$$ in the process. Children are less likely to grow up to be criminals when raised by single fathers as opposed to single mothers. That certainly casts a shadow of doubt on the idea that men are incompetent with childcare lol.