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Posts posted by JosephKnecht

  1. 18 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    Why would god create a universe with war, and the capacity to murder each other?

    Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov

    Those who go to war do not know how to resolve their disagreements peacefully. 

    When both parties are convinced that they are right, they must fight over the right to be proven right. 

    War is always won by he who is more right. ;) 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lucy stena said:

    It was my 12 lsd trip, i realise my whole senses are just thoughts, like thyroid eyes ears etc..., My whole body was seeming like just a thought.

    The senses are perceived through thought as sensations.

    They are not just thought because sensing precedes thought. 

    If you identify with thoughts too much, try a mediation practice. 

    5 minutes ago, Lucy stena said:

    I got little shocked, next day i am unable to deny what i saw so and it seems absolute, but there some fear arise some times that i might be delusion ?

    What you saw during your trip was real, but it is no longer real.

    Only the present is real.

    Trying to think of the past as Absolute is your delusion. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Naol said:

    For people who realized God, what do you think about the description I gave about God in my last trip? Did you get the same experience?

    We can't validate your subjective experience.

    From your description, you have had a glimpse, which should open your mind to a reality beyond materialism.

    I will tell you one thing... You have not transcended the ego until you love the ego. 

    16 minutes ago, Naol said:

    I do not like going back to this finite form. I do not like my lack of love and my weaknesses. Do you have any advice to integrate these experiences in my "humain" life?

    If you want to grow spiritually, you should love the finite.

    Do not go chasing high states, but rather use these experiences to grow your base state. 

  4. 3 hours ago, captainamerica said:

    You have not actually read history and how this came out to be.


    I didn't say you are right or wrong. 

    I can sense the negativity in the tone of voice you write. 

    Don't blame others. They have done the best they could. 

    If you can do better, get into the arena and change things.

    Blaming others helps no one.  ;) 

  5. On 26/10/2021 at 2:19 PM, Raptorsin7 said:

    How would you respond to this?

    The government can barely deliver my mail. How can they deliver me a bride? :D 

    It is much more likely that in the future there will be an algorithm that can calculate a "compatibility partner" for you. 

    All the data that has been gathered by google, facebook, etc can be used to deduce your personal preferences and can find a "partner" that is suitable for you. (This assumes that google,FB, know you better than you know yourself).

  6. 2 hours ago, julienw said:

    why doesn't it stop there?

    Your mind is trying to conceptualize too much.

    You can't think your way to enlightenment. 

    2 hours ago, julienw said:

    But then I find myself trying to not have an experience, which is an experience. What to do to get around this recursion problem?

    Same problem. 

    Meditation is a practice that tries to focus your mind on not knowing. 

    If you just started your practice recently, try to first focus your attention on your breath(or single object) for 20 minutes. 

    Train your attention to focus on something before you can focus on nothing. 


  7. On 24/10/2021 at 11:37 PM, Thorsten Fuzzi said:

    Does somebody here practice it in that way and would like to share how they do so?


    You can use strength training as an extended sort of meditation.

    While you exercise, you can shift all your focus to muscle contraction/extension. Feel deeply into your body. 

    If you are looking for inspiration, check out David Goggins or Tavi Castro. 

  8. I have been contemplating something for the past few weeks. 

    1. Is there an order in which dualities are constructed?

    2. Can one formalize the steps that can move one from duality into non-duality and vice-versa? 

    3. If no such formalized order can be constructed, what is the thing that limits that construction? 

    Intuitively, I can sense that self-vs-other is the first(1st order) duality, and imagination-vs-reality is the last(n-th order) duality. In between these two, all other dualities exist in some ordered form...

    Can one attempt to create an ordered list in which all dualities are constructed/deconstructed? The order does not need to be exact but can serve as a map in which students can deconstruct dualities. 

  9. 21 hours ago, Peter-Andre said:

    @JosephKnecht But climate change is a severe problem, and people are right in taking it seriously. That doesn't mean you can't also work on your own personal problems, but you shouldn't completely ignore global problems either.

    All global problems stem from personal problems. 

    If all the people were "perfect", there would be no global problems. 

  10. On 15/10/2021 at 10:17 PM, Gabith said:

    All I know now is that I don't want to use any drugs when I go out for street-interviews, I'm more able to feel confident & positive when I'm sober.

    LSD is best done alone. 

    I have had similar experiences as you. 

    Small doses of LSD increase your ability to introspect. Sometimes, while you introspect your thoughts might get entangled with the thoughts of people around you. Since you don't have "direct" access to their thoughts, you might end up in a loop out of which you can't get out off. 

    This has been my personal experience. Other people might experience it differently.