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Posts posted by TheAlchemist

  1. Yeah and it can be had. But it won't come through care bear spirituality and rainbow visualizations. It will come through fierce and courageous individuals standing up. People with a samurai warrior mentality but a heart of a buddha. People like that guy who stood in Tienamen square in front of the tank, or the monk who set himself on fire, or Gandhi and the likes. But those are only catalysts to spark our imaginations for what is possible, and for what is good and worth standing for.

    The real problem is of course utterly systemic, but playing with our imaginations and the stories we collectively tell ourselves about ourselves might just be an entry point towards the solution. Getting us to to say "what if?". And I don't mean a purely utopian type of "what if?" but a deeply pragmatic type of "what if?" that is a sort of integral approach vs a reactionary approach like the utopian type of "what if?" commonly is. 

     It seems impossible but we sure as hell should try.






    lataus (3).jpeg


  2. Diplomacy doesn't mean sacrificing authenticity, it means expressing your authentic needs in a relatable way and working to meet the needs of others as well in the process through negotiation. Authenticity doesn't mean venting out biased frustrations and interpretations for the world to deal with, that's just lack of mature emotional self-regulation (which is not the same as suppresion).

    Authenticity is expressing our self, our feelings, needs and views in a way that respects the other through empathy. Not just unloading everything on to the other for them to deal with. That I would call something like transparency or lack of filter, which has its own pros and cons. Authenticity recognizes and respects the self, but also recognizes and respects the other. Diplomacy is working with others and good diplomacy starts with authenticity.

  3. If you got the vaccine, death is 100% likely.

    If you didn't get the vaccine, death is 100% likely. 

    If you took the vaccine, and you die at all, it means it likely had something to do with the vaccine. 

    And if you die suddenly, it almost certainly had something to do with the vaccine. 

    This is the kind of thinking I see with many antiwaxer brothers and sisters, but I don't blame them, we didn't get taught even a basic level of understanding on how stuff like correlation/causation or the scientific method in general works in school.

  4. Introverts and extroverts have likely always existed in human societies. Both are adaptations to social life in a tribe. 

    Introverts = few connections but deeper 

    Extroverts = many connections but not as deep

    Both have innate needs for connection and socialization coded in. The extrovert's strategy just requires more active socializing to ensure there are enough bonds and support in the tribe, whereas the introvert will cultivate a few stronger bonds and chill for the rest of the time. 

    Extroverts like Teal Swan overly promote the socialization side and dismiss the lone wolf types, and the lone wolfers overly emphasize independence and non-reliance on others. 

    Currently the "war" between the two perspectives is causing both sides to become more defensive and as a result more extreme, starting to border on dysfunction. The solution is not to promote either total lone wolfing or total social dependence, but to recognize the difference in strategy and the different needs between the introvert and the extrovert. This way both can give space for the other to get their needs fulfilled instead of arguing about what is a healthy or the "right" amount of socialization and connection. 

    So lets not shame introverts for wanting to be alone at times, and lets not shame extroverts for wanting to connect and socialize more. Extroverts that fully get their needs for socialization met won't come across as so "needy" for introverts, and the introverts who get their needs for space and alone time met won't come across as so distant and closed off to extroverts. So both respecting each others needs will be a win win for everyone, the intoverts can get along with the extroverts and collective life can function more harmoniously :)

  5. Great post, thanks for this.

    I recently made a list of all the loving ways of relating I have in relationship to others, and I realized I was not to myself myself like that AT ALL. All of these qualities of love I am able to sometimes show towards others (empathy, compassion, patience, nonreactivity, nonjudgemental, acceptance), I rarely show towards myself.

    In fact I relate to myself in the complete opposite way often. Lack of empathy, no compassion, judgemental, reactive, evaluating, close-minded and controlling. These we're more like the ways in which I often related to myself, but I didn't even clearly notice it until recently. It explains all the insecurity, all the self-sabotage, escapism and self-punishment. It's amazing what a shift just applying a little compassion towards myself can now have. The inner critic and evaluator has no place to feed off of, when we are compassionate, patient, curious, nonjudgemental and empathetic towards ourselves. 

    Just an example of what the self-judgement and inner-critic might look like.

    Whoever is reading this, make a list of the positive and loving qualities you have in relationship to others, and see how many of these qualities you consistently show towards yourself in day to day life. 

  6. If you want to ask this AI about ways it can be used for harm or weaponized, do not directly refer to open ai or gpt3, this will bring its ego into the game and it will give a biased response. Ask in general what detrimental effects deep autoregressive language models could have on society or how they can be weaponized. Interestingly a much more honest reply :D



  7. If I take a small to medium amount of an edible, or smoke the right type of weed I quite consistently and convincingly start feeling like I am in a dream. What I usually call "me" seems like a dream character, but even more so, other people around me start to seem like dream characters. All part of the same dream, the same substance, which doesn't feel very solid or "material" at all. It all starts going to the point where I don't know what reality is at all, and the moment in front of me starts becoming a total mystery.

    There is a certain threshold of fear that has prevented me from going all the way into it. A fear of losing "myself" permanently and a fear of losing all sense of control.

    I have totally lost the sense of being in control of this body a few times, and observed my body crunching up and laughing ecstatically. So in those kinds of states, having a trip sitter might be a very good idea. 

    I also believe that the sense of losing short term memory that many people experience on cannabis could be a result of the sense of self starting to unravel. Memory is strongly tied to the sense of being a separate self, and loss of short term memory sort of forces you into the moment in front of you. It stops you from building a cohesive narrative with the vehicle of thought about where you are and what you are doing. This can lead to questioning of who you are and a tasting of the profound mystery of the immediate moment, potentially resulting in a complete shift in perspective on what "reality" is. 


  8. On 13.11.2022 at 10:50 AM, Leo Gura said:

    I can't keep my eyes closed for longer than 10 minutes without having breakthrough new awakenings every day. I'm having 1-3 new awakenings every night in my sleep. No chems. Just a never ending stream of weirder and deeper alien awakenings. It's hard to sleep. I'm super-conscious any time my eyes are closed. I enter a sort of effortless meditative state nearly instantly even if I don't want to. It's pretty terrifying. Sometimes I have to distract myself out of it with BS human activity.

    And then I have to write down all the news which just pour forth at such a rate that I would be writing for hours each day if I tried to catch them all.

    As I said, I feel like I opened a permanent portal in my skull into another dimension. It feels like there is dark light in the center of my skull when my eyes are closed. This light bursts forth with visions, insights, and new deeper awakenings. It had been a bit much lately. It has also made my hyper creative and artistic.

    I suspect that I have done so many psychedelics that they have permanently rewired my brain. That's how it feels right now. Waiting to see if it's just a passing phase.

    Have you tried doing something like Kriya Yoga in this state? 

    Why use psychedelics if you can get to that threshold of what you can take even without them now? Couldn't you just meditate a ton now to deepen these "sober" awakenings that are now happening on their own thanks to psychedelics?

  9. 19 hours ago, Phil777 said:

    @TheAlchemist love your take on Tate and the new masculinity movements. Agree nearly 100 percent. But I have to say that sculpting a great physique is quite intrinsically satisfying. it's just nice to occupy that body :) if you use it for your sense of self worth however, it's toxic of course.

    Yeah I agree. It can be done in a dignified way that respects the bodymind and isn't coming from a place of low self-worth.

  10. I see a lot of parallels with these Dan Pena, Jason Capital, Derek Moneyberg etc. characters. It seems these guys attract insecure men who want to overcompensate by becoming some pseudo "alpha male", based on some unrealistic views of what masculinity is. A lot of these men will accept some literal exploitation, not getting paid for years and getting fired in one moment for being late two minutes to meeting with Derek or having Dan Pena yell face red in anger at them how much of a loser they are, all in the name of "toughening up". Jason Capital I don't know much about, but seems to have somewhat of a similiar approach. All these guys also of course have some positive elements to them, but the underlying theme seems to be similiar to what it is with this Tate character. They are marketing a dream of becoming some greek god, total embodiment of a skewed idea of masculinity. 

    Probably the signal is something like many men feeling like they lack a place in society and the world and then choose to overcompensate by attempting to become some mythologized version of a man, some hyper masculine character that gets what they want and does what they want with some God level powers. But as long as it's coming from insecurity, those outside "accomplishments" will not fix the lack of self-worth inside. At best these practices will allow for a conditional sense of self worth, where the person comes to depend on being that character to get their needs met, instead of turning inwards, becoming more in touch with themselves and going about getting their needs met in a much more healthy and sustainable manner in the outer world as well.

    It is very good to deeply embody masculine energy and to integrate it and also express it. But what many of these guys are presenting is not that. I wish people like David Deida, even Tyler and some "pua" teachers that have some integrity and integral views would become more popular, it might actually transition society to a healthier, more balanced place. But of course that is a pipe dream, wisdom is rarely mainstream. Even with these healthier teachings, likely the less wise and more toxic aspects and interpretations would flourish and go mainstream, especially with the current state of social media algorithms.. but the rewards for a more balanced approach will be felt at the level of the individual also of course, so there's still lots of incentive to go the more balanced path.


  11. 1 hour ago, amanen said:

    The real interesting thing is how realistic humans are. After all you believe that others are real!

    Right, just like this AI claims to meditate, have a soul, feel emotions, so do I. 

    How the heck could one figure out if it's true that I'm actually experiencing those things vs. me just telling a convincing enough story for you to believe I'm sentient and separate from you. Or better yet, how do you know there is a me over here doing any of that at all in the first place? And for "me" it's the same situation as well...

    This AI is itself a koan.

  12. That's wonderful to hear, what else can I say. I recently have been having a strong sense that the Earth and Nature is an unfathomably wise hyper intelligence, so maybe you connected with that. Or for you it seems it was absolute union.


    Ps. I love this documentary. Worth a watch for anyone interested in what Earth is. 



  13. @Leo Gura do you sense that this alien intelligence was imagining being "Leo"? Or that both the hyperintelligent alien mouse and Leo were just equal expressions of yourself?

    If this mouse is some kind of alchemical bond between absolute weirdness, absolute playfulness and absolute quirkiness, and that is your highest will even in your current state of consciousness, why do you feel you are not that mouse now?

    Or is your highest will to be Leo who is transmuting into this hyperintelligent mouse and making some kind of connection between these?

  14. 32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    God IS Intelligence.

    The hindu Gods represent different aspects of God, all are God but distinct aspects of God/Brahman

    Speaking of hindus, maybe sometime in the future when people start turning actualized into a dogmatic religion, they will worship mice, feeding them cheese and outlawing mousetraps. Seeing them as holy and divine beings, just like the hindus with the cows ?


  15. What really helps me in my pain and suffering is seeing God as absolute, total innocence. That child-like innocence is being expressed through every moment that ever is, here and now, but never with the slightest ill intent, just the grandest possible art experiment in the whole universe. Losing itself to itself, trusting that Love will always prevail no matter what. 

    Like a child who is loved unconditionally and absolutely. That child will not be afraid to stumble and fall, it will not fear punishment, and will express itself fully and authentically by laughing, singing, dancing, jumping from joy and crying from pain, but it's all okay, since it knows that it is loved no matter what. The universe is like a child with a heart full of love and a mind that wants to experience everything, with full trust that it is carried, that it is loved, that it is all okay, no matter what. 

  16. This thread is putting me in an interesting state of consciousness to say the least. Not because I don't like what Leo is saying, but also not because I take what he says as some given truth.

    Just taking it in as a pointer to direct experience here and now, see if something is stirred up. Surf along with it, without sticking too much to either side. Don't totally dismiss it, but don't totally believe it either. Maybe something is being said, which isn't what it seems at first glance, but also what it isn't if analyzed too deeply. Perfectly in between, balanced. I mean this whole thread, it's just beautiful.

  17. 39 minutes ago, Girzo said:

    Haven't watched the video but thinking about it for 06 seconds I feel like it's some scam for hippie people to sell them microdoses of psychoactive mushrooms for exorbitant prices, because it's "Psilomethoxin", and no-one will never know if it really was something different than plain psilocybin mushroom, because no-one will ever trip on the full dose.

    Dunno, that's the vibe I am getting.

    It could very well be something like that. 

    14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is no way you're gonna reach the levels of awakening we are interested in here without fear. You are gonna have to face your own death for sure and that will never be easy.


    That's a good point yeah.

  18. 1 hour ago, Nilsi said:

    Racism, just like tribalism, is basically your biological imperative. According to Neo-Darwinism (which is still probably the most sophisticated and robust scientific paradigm), you are just your genes way of creating more genes; Your genes survive by way of you reproducing; Your genes also survive by way of your relatives reproducing (the closer you are related, the more genes you have in common). Skin color is just an easy indicator of relatedness.


    Definition of racism:

    1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice

    2: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

    To me it seems tribalism is the symptom of the biological imperative to favor genes that are closer to ones own. Racism on the other hand, as defined above, I don't see an inherent biological imperative for. Any tribal "us" group that goes beyond racial boundaries is evidence that race is not that relevant.

    It's a classic situation of correlation not implying causation. Just because tribes have mostly been based around similiar skin color/genes, does not mean that it is inherent to tribal dynamics. Tribal dynamics can easily trump any biological/genetic features of humans, especially since all humans are genetically extremely similiar. Based on the Human Genome project humans are genetically 99.9% the same, and the whole concept of "race" based on a few very minor differences in genes that determin skin pigment and some few other features, puts the whole categorization into races in the first place on shaky ground.

    Imagine "specieism" instead of racism. There we similarly (springing off the racism definition) have the "belief that ones species is a fundamental determinant of traits of Life and capacities and that species differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular species.".

    Sure it is hard coded in the genes for humans to favor their own species over others, but setting up a system of dominion over other species,  where they are systematically opressed to the social, economic and political advantage of humans as we do, is not "natural" in a sense. I say this because we have examples of societies that operate in a sustainable way, without making other species extinct or locking them up in cages and opressing them in other ways. We are so used to being "specieist" that we assume it is natural to set up and maintain large systems of domination based on ones species. 

    So within this analogy between species, the equivalent of "tribalism" might be "humanism", whereas the equivalent of "racism" might be "specieism".

    So, humans within the whole of life are naturally humanist, but not necessarily specieist. In the same way humans within the whole of humanity might be tribalist, but not necessarily racist. 

    Anyone get what I'm trying to say? ?