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Everything posted by Litaken

  1. Hey guys! I've ran into a talk from Alan Watts just now, which talks about losing karma and how it can be done in an easy and hard way. I'd like to share it as well as hear your opinions, the whole talk is quite good but it's the first minutes that mostly is interesting. Of course, yet another way to put the completely usual "don't think, live in the now", but yet from another angle which sounds very profound to me. Anyway here it is:
  2. What we are trying to teach really, is how reality is. We are trying to show people how free they are, and the only locks are in their head. "Rude awakening" sounds like the evil twin of awakening, it's not real It's not the real thing. It's the opposite of suffering if you got far enough, that's why. Our problem is not suffering, our problem is that we don't have any control over it. You can deny it, go against it, hate it, desire control of it. Or you can let go, and understand that it's happening by itself, and more so happening exactly because denial, and going against, and hate, and desire to control. I think from here it makes sense to try to teach others (yourself) how reality is, so they can understand that their sense of control is exactly what is stopping them from being free. This is what I'd call transcending control. But correct me
  3. Generally I think you are very close to a great realization, but still trying to let go by force. A force that is illusiory "Why does the mind love to strive for places other than what’s here?" I think you are mistaking love for fear. You don't want to be anywhere else, but if you are anxious you think there is a problem, so you want to escape from it. Hence the sense that you want to get away. "Is there really anything to be solved? Why does it always feel like it?" We tend to get stuck in problem solving mode, that's what anxiety is. But where does it lead when really there is no problem? To an endless loop, and you'll go crazy trying to solve the problem, that isn't there. Your problem is self-maintained, do you see that? Your belief, your fear. "What is life?" Life is a spontaneous pehonema. It doesn't need anything to go on, it's just happening by itself. The ego has the sense that it has some control over it, but really it can only interfere, but that happens by itself as well. Seems you already have an idea of powerlessness, that's what it means. What you call you now has no control over anything. I can't express how reliefed I got when I understood this. You won't get entangled with your anxieties once you understand that they are just happening and you can't do anything about it. You really can't. Control is just a feeling. You are anxious because you are seeing this, that the more you are trying to control something the more you realize you can't All I can do is suggest Allan Watts to you. I think for people like me and you who understand the basic ideas of these spiritual topics, Watts is one if not the most valuable people to study. He puts these very hard topics in forms everyone can understand.
  4. It doesn't matter how you get there. You are again, searching for a special event or happening or feeling, but there is no such thing. All you have to do is realize that life is a spontaneous phenomena, from your point of view, totally happening by itself. It's all your interference with this simple truth, that messes the picture up.
  5. There is nothing wrong with your mind's activities, thinking is not bad, etc. What causes the problem is that you think that you should be in control of your mind, you are forcibly trying to manipulate your thoughts, for example. But it can not be done. Precisely because what is trying to force things, is not in control! It won't be this one sentence of course but if you let go of control, you'll immidiately realize that evreything is just happening to (the ego centered) "you", and you won't get into the loop of anxiety that creates more anxiety. You'll see it rising, notice "okay this is just happening it's beyond my control", so you just let it go. Let it happen man, don't try to interfere! This changed the world for me. All better explained by Allan Watts himself:
  6. That's the natural state, that you are probably not in too much if you recognize it as an event. We tend to get stuck in problem solving mode (anxiety, stress is exactly that), and can only get out of it when we realize that there is no problem in the first place. Because as long as we believe in a problem, we are in problem solving mode. But it's just a belief.
  7. No it's not foolish. We like to clown others for their fears, but our other fears oh those are completely valid and realistic!!! Noone can differentiate between their fears and reality What you are afraid of letting go really, is control. Our ego insist, that of course it's in control! Look I can control my breathing look I can stop it! That's control! But really, it's just interference, interruption, that the ego is capable of. It controls nothing. If you let go of control you'll immidiately find truth, which is from our point of view spontaneity. Everything happens by itself, the ego can only interfere. Counter-intuitivly you'll get more control after it, because you are not the ego What I'm saying is, that basically holding on to your fears will mostly only interfere with your project. If you genuinely want to do it, you will do it after you let go of the desire to control it.
  8. @SoonHei So simple but so powerful story. And it's everywhere. When somebody is whining? They are literally creating a non-existent problem. We realize this in general while experiencing it. But if you fall for it, now there is the two of you trying to find the problem. "Oh no it's totally there honey, I'm soooo mad right now, totally serious". HAH. Amazing. It's just a way to move others. We learn it from each other, and then applying it to even ourselves. @Javfly33 Well it's simpler than that. When you are hugging you are just in the same place, in the palette of space as well. But observation is independent of space, it's always that one, in that one place, everywhere and nowhere It's outlandish but that's as far as you get with words When you find that the whole thing is as much in one place as dynamic, you literally feel the world stopping. Suddenly everything is still. That is of course a feeling, and these are my words. Experience, rather than words. I've went further with the ego cutting things out!! It's precisely doing that. That's how we get a sense of a shallow world. The ego is what creates an order, preferencing itself of course. Than puts itself in the middle of that scale somewhere. Below "itself", where it put itself, is where the uninteresting, ignored, shallow things are, and we are biased against it. Above are the things we bias towards.
  9. Oh my god, I understand! There is one place. There is only one place. Our fear projects us away from it, but if we realize that everything is just trying to scare us away from there, we get back to the source. I just found it. It's crazy. I've been scared away from here all the time. That's why we meditate, we are trying to show the one room, which doesn't have an entrance, or an exit. It's just the producer mastermind, who has the one job, of making us forget, that we are in one place.
  10. And it went further. Yesterday I was listening to Allan Watts high as a kite meditating, and he was telling a story about the child, who can't fall asleep. And his parents saying to him "You have to fall asleep!". So the child tries, but of course he can not! So what happens is that he is starting to search for a problem, but sleeping is a spontaneous act! There is no problem at all! But the child doesn't know it, so it will start to go round and round, searching for a problem that isn't there. So the problem itself becomes searching for the problem that isn't there, and we get in an endless loop trying to find it, being more and more anxious and fearful in the process. I so much did the same with relationships. "I don't feel good whats the problem? Is it that I didn't find love yet?". "Why didn't I find love yet? Is there a problem with me?". So you find problems and solve them, but the situation doesn't change, the original problem stays. It stays until you realize that there isn't one. This is what happens for most of us. This is neurosis itself. This keeps our alert system ongoing all the time, and we are trying to figure out what the problem is, but it's nowhere. This is how our ego, which is the alert system itself, gets stuck in alerting mode. This results in the ego taking over most of our awareness, because problem solving is of course the most important thing to do for us. I also had a moment, where I realized that my body was denied out of my self-image. It's hard to explain, but after this realization, I felt like a gate between my consciousness and my body opened, and that I got a much deeper sense of my body than before. It feels like my ego made sure it was the only thing I focus on, denying anything else. But of course, it's just an "equal" part of who I am. This for me also suggests that what the ego does, is that it cuts most of the awareness of our body, and only gives it back in states of pleasure, luring us into it. But this is just a rough idea. Also the movie A Beautiful Mind is a perfect analogy for this. The guy is doing the same, searching for solution to a problem that doesn't exist and has been created by his mind. That's the message of that movie, it's not schizophrenia, it's neurosis
  11. Even the first 10 minutes is eye opening. I've found my mantra :DDD "Problem not found" .. "problem not found" .. "pr..
  12. Wow, I just became aware that scaring myself is a skill that i just thought, for my own good. And with it also learned how to scare others, also for my own good. It's literally an act.
  13. Yeah, and I keep finding better and better stuff from him. It's so, so wise. A guided meditation for example, where he just straight tells your what is going on while turning half of you off
  14. Oh yeah this I get, I've had episodes of seeing everything swimming in golden light showers, and seeing every single being as a "god instance" (mom and child like two eggs, understanding that they are of the same), and also I get that that is just an episode. Also now I remember finding infinite beauty, which would be something like, a bald guy is more beautiful than a garbage can. A pretty girl is more beautiful than the guy. And this can and does go on indefinitely, there is no limit to beauty.
  15. What does that mean? Beauty is strange for me. To be honest sad or not for me the only type of beauty that I see regularly and feel as "now that's fucking real beauty" is of women. Which is clearly ego driven. So I'm not sure what beauty is or would be without the ego "lens". This "everything is beautiful, but our mind hides it from us" idea sounds forced to me. I'm always open to anything now cuz why the hell not, I just don't get it.
  16. Yeah yeah I agree, all of stress is really just a learning process, so far it became true for me in every situation. It's just when you are overwhelmed in it, you can not really see outside of it, I noticed that I have the feeling that it will last forever, luckily it won't Whatever is trying to scare you, is just trying to manipulate you. And even this sometimes is good, like when you are near a high edge, it's literally for your life. Bad feelings are there just for manipulation, or negative motivation. It's everywhere. The product of it for example is guilt, but it's really just someone(something) that wants to motivate us into something. Of course ultimately it's our mind, but this is a way to emplace thoughts in others minds. Whenever there is something scary, there is something that wants to scare us, but it's not real, it's fake. Like a horror movie. But fortunately it's a way of teaching, a way of love as well.
  17. Yeah I'm looping between them, and so far I've seen many storms but can't imagine what comes next What is the next thing that my mind wants to scare me with One of the biggest "negatives" that I observed is the idea that every life I'll observe, and with it every kind of suffering. All the suffering man. But again, that's how I decided right?
  18. I've had the greatest relief I've ever felt, when I understood that everything is just trying to scare me, makes me think I'm in a place of danger, from where I need to move away, makes me think that everything is in motion. But motion is the illusion, reality is perfect stillness. It's so calm, so peaceful.
  19. Also a crazy wise description of this is by Mooji:
  20. The act of hug is embracing this, when you are hugging someone you understand that you are in the exact same place. But it's like that all the time @johnny5 You are talking about a relative room, I'm talking about the absolute one. @justfortoday hallucination in a non-relative sense is just change. there is no grade of change that is a hallucination, and a grade that is not
  21. The loop of addiction is the lesson as well, it's there to notice it. When you understand this loop you will be able to solve it, or maybe realize there is nothing to solve Addictions are a lot to learn from, like if you overdose anything it has long term consequences, but it becomes medicine in the right dosage, only poison in the wrong. I mean for endless cases the thing hooking us up is literally too good so we overuse it.
  22. I don't get any ism anymore they are all bs I'm not trying to define soliptism, I'm trying to describe the feeling.
  23. I think it's that you percieve yourself as made of matter, but everything else not. "Nothing matters but me". I know this feeling but never got attached to it
  24. Nice insights! Of course, absolute love includes the love of the ego as well If you want it not to be, you are just hating it.