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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. I really liked the video about the 10 ox herding pictures. A video about the Sufi roadmap to enlightenment would be a great contrast.
  2. Takes about 3-4 weeks for dopamine levels to return to normal.
  3. @The Blind Sage how I see it was like a phase. I’m still phasing out of weed use. Unlike mushrooms, weed can have some big negatives on your health. Moderation is key so you strike the right balance to gain sizable benefits without too much damage to your health. It is a fine balance. If you do it too much you obviously damage your health more but that doesn’t mean you get more benefits. Your system just adjusts to the THC and you need more and more to get the same high.
  4. I made a topic about this a while back and I can confirm what you say. It can have healing effects. It changed my personality. One thing you shouldn’t forget though: every positive has a negative. One shouldn’t downsize the negatives of weed just for the positives.
  5. I came into contact with a wild bear. They were more afraid of me than I was of them. Not all bears are equal.
  6. Buda doesn’t have an ego so when you become one, it seems having a life purpose doesn’t jive that. Having a life purpose entails having egoistic ideals. I’m I missing something here?
  7. @Leo Gura ok. I get it now. Is it right to say that life purpose isn’t a choice but a discovery?
  8. That is what I thought but if that is thé case why half ass it? If you don’t half ass it you wouldn’t fear to die and die soon after by car crash or something.
  9. Is that a rhetorical question or do you want a serious answer?
  10. I’m planning to go on a road trip and I was wondering if I could combine it with a spiritual solo retreat because I’m going lone gun anyway. Any tips? I still haven’t listen to all of the podcasts. Probably the rules I’m going to set for myself: no music, only podcasts. At least 2 hours of meditation and concentration exercises per day.
  11. That is what I thought. I already thought I couldn't combine solo retreat with a road trip.
  12. Thanks for the advice. I’m planning to see historical places. Live as cheap as possible although I have the means to have a luxurious travel. And try to live as a poor person although I will be driving around in a BMW. LoL.
  13. All this self inquiry is great but it also created some doubts because I’m started to question everything. Especially after the video how to do self inquiry. How does having faith in your self and life purpose jive with radical open mindedness and questioning everything including who I’m?
  14. On this forum a lot of people talk about tripping on mushrooms but what about cannabis? My personal experience with cannabis has been very helpful. When I don’t use it for a week or 1 or 2 I’m getting very good trips. It feels like during my trip a part of my brain get’s unlocked (perhaps creativity?). I’m not sure what it is but what happens in mute function (trying not to think about anything) my brain goes on overdrive and start making random revelations. These are all random revelations and they come not with a coherent topic but my brain jumps from one topic to another and then back trying to connect everything, and sometimes the topic doesn’t connect. Main theme is turquoise experiences and also lower stages. Is this what I’m doing anything productive? Cannabis is all right and everything but isn’t it numbing too? I would rather stick to mushrooms only but I only do mushrooms every 2-3 weeks so my metabolism doesn’t get used to the substance.
  15. I’m curious how you taught yourself to use cannabis as a tool.
  16. I noticed that I have some guilt feeling when I do this but as we know from spiral dynamics it is just a stage. We can’t deny there are countries and interests of a country just like there is interest of ourselves as an individual. Should I feel guilty or no? Or am I just reading to deep into spiral dynamics and I shouldn’t be so stuck up and overanalyzing myself?
  17. I watched some meditation videos and I really got excited to do it again. For me it is a lost habit. During my teenage years I would do power of now and new world meditations. After I moved into my adult years for some reason I was never be able back to that stage. I remember as a kid I would go on a road trip with my parents and it would feel like going on a trip to the moon because of enlightenment experiences during the trip. In my adult something happened and I lost my enlightenment. I want to go back. This is what happened during my do nothing technique. First 2 minutes I felt like I had adhd. After that there was some fighting with my inner voice about letting go and accepting. At this point somethings started happening in my body. I started shaking after feeling my inner demon I think. I never felt fear like this and I couldn’t see it really but I did feel it. I can describe it as emotional turbulence in my body and I couldn’t control it and I know I shouldn’t want to control it. After a while it was over and I started moving to new sensations like dread and other feelings which are hard to explain. At the end there was a peace though. Im definitely going to do a 30 day challenge but I have a question about the do nothing technique. Is it required to keep your eyes open? I started diving deep after closing my eyes. If keeping the eyes open has a purpose I will do that but for me it makes things more difficult. And lastly is using a mantra like “let it go, let it go” advised?
  18. @Sahil Pandit will do.
  19. Leo has talked about the importance of doing while pursuing self actualization. I would like some clarification on this. I know that meditation, solo retreats and doing trips psychedelics is part of the doing.. but is reading books seen as doing? Isn’t that just absorbing information? I’m asking because I want to create a healthy balance between practice versus theory.
  20. There are eye drops for that.
  21. @Natasha thanks. I will watch that video.
  22. All these enlightenment exercises unleashed a change in my personality. Before I would never give things away. I would prefer to throw it away instead of doing the hassle to find out if somebody needs it. Now I’m the exact opposite. I started giving stuff away that I don’t need. Help people such as helping somebody with a broken bicycle. Giving stuff away like giving a lighter to somebody and let him keep it. Forgiving family members with whom I had some issues with. Helping homeless people out. Doing favors to friends and family. I almost start to feel like Santa Claus. At least I’m understanding how Santa Claus felt when giving things away for free. Do you guys had similar experiences?
  23. I had a little nap in my dream I saw somebody (I’m not sure who) throw a bucket with a substance. It is hard to explain what the substance was but when it was thrown everything it touched became eyes which I could see through. At the same time I realized other people couldn’t see what I just witnessed because the substance splashed the surrounding and disappeared but the effect I explained above remained. What does this dream mean?