Eren Eeager

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Everything posted by Eren Eeager

  1. @iamthat wow that was really inspiring. Thank you ❤️
  2. @Recursoinominado yeah that's the real challenge. I am talking from a perfectionist position but I know I may not be able to hold that position if it was my kid.
  3. I feel that my energy is congested especially in my chest. It is not flowing freely and I cannot release it. some help is appreciated.
  4. @Opo no they shot it. They said they won't risk it with tranquilizers.
  5. @Nahm thanks Nahm, you are a kind soul.
  6. I have OCD ,social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder, So obvivously I have to deal with a lot of stress which caused me IBS in mu bowels and this congested like energy in my chest. I have been working on them since a year and I have been dealing with a lot of buried childhood trauma. I also traumatized myself by overthinking caused by OCD. My thoughts were everywhere and I could't control them or deal with them. It was the worst thing ever. But I am doing fine generally. some days are bad, some times I am disgusted of myself because of my social anxiety, but I learned to accept myself and work from there.
  7. @Aaron p I am on it bro. see you in that " field".
  8. @Maria Luca Thank you. my anxiety is related to mental illness, it should be gone as soon I heal my mental illness
  9. " The only channel I watch is Fox. I even have my dogs watch Fox"
  10. wow!! can you share your routine with us? did you do any psychedelics?
  11. Ben can get very attractive, especially with his fast way of talking and Jordan Petersons' like confidence and intellectual appearance. His hardware is solid but his software is rubbish.
  12. @iamthat You have done +40 years of meditation and yoga??!! did you reach enlightenment?
  13. Can you share you practices with us, plus did you do any psychedelics?
  14. @James123 Hi I am just wondering if you are still enlightened
  15. the counterintuitive thing about the US-Saudi relationship is that all the wealth that Saudi Arabia gained was channeled to Jihadist movements in Afghanistan and the US had to deal with them. All of this was because the US was greedy and couldn't let go of the Saudi oil.
  16. a Guy kidnapped and raped a cat in my country P.S: the poor cat was a male
  17. you won't believe how artistic this fish is, just to attract females
  18. Enlightened masters are prone to diseases and illnesses but are they prone to sadness, grief, depression and anxiety?
  19. How do eastern people understand their own traditions. Are they aware of nonduality and oneness. Are they aware that you are God, the buddah, shiva,etc. I am asking because I come from an Islamic environment with idea of a separate God. But what about eastern traditions?
  20. Ben defends right wing conservative bullshit for sure, but he has a very weird personality. He talks very very fast and he is always right in his own eyes even when he is wrong, lol. And he is like he doesn't have any sense of guilt or self-reflection. So is Ben a sociopath?
  21. I had a dream where Leo was personally instructing me about reality and nonduality, thanks Leo for the free session,lol.
  22. omg you cracked me up