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Everything posted by sausagehead

  1. How much time do you dedicated towards learning and actualizing per day?
  2. Rumor has it he had 30mg of 5meo up his ass 24/7. F**king legend
  3. Hey Leo could you refer me to the dark entity removal guy in Vegas? I also live in Vegas and have suffered from depersonalization for a few years now. Lack of mental clarity is huge with DPDR and the disorder can overall feel possessive at times. The only thing that has helped me reach a partial recovery is intense daily exercise, in due time it may get me to a full recovery, but I’m open to possibly trying entity removal especially after hearing your experience. Hope you find your cure. I really empathized with your video because I’ve tried everything under the sun for my problem as well. About tired of having some shitty version of enlightenment all the time lol
  4. What are some key insights that come from awakening that can help you be a happier person after you come back down into ego consciousness? I haven't experienced awakening, but here's a list of ideas that I imagine could be takeaways from awakening that would help with your wellbeing as an ego. 1. No guilt or regret. If there's no self than there wasn't really a you that was making decisions that caused you or others harm and it was completely inevitable. 2. Less self consciousness. If there's no self/other then caring what others think is about as silly as caring what others think in a lucid dream. 3. Less worry. If everything happens for the greater good then you can't really make mistakes 4. Less fear. If all fear comes from the fear of death or loss of self, and you realize that death and self are illusions, then stepping outside your comfort zone as an ego becomes easier/less threatening. 5. More self love. Realizing you are self love and your insecurities come from an identity constructed out of delusions and that your self judgments are arbitrary? These are just a few ideas off the top of my mind. Maybe you guys can share some ideas I haven't realized or thought of.
  5. What happens if you try to speed it up more or go backwards? lol
  6. How can you suffer in a way that dissolves the ego? Let's say your girlfriend breaks up with you and leaves you heartbroken. Can allowing and fully experiencing the suffering that comes along with that be used as a means to dissolve your ego or burn away impurities? I'd like to know if/how something can be gained from suffering. Thanks
  7. What is conscious suffering exactly? Is it just an attitude of allowing the suffering to take place within you?
  8. What are your guys thoughts on his newest video? Anyone here experience awakening and can relate to this?
  9. I wouldn’t recommend experimenting w psychedelics if you have DPDR. I’ve tried using just about every psychedelic there is including bufo alvarius and ayahuasca and while the trips werent too bad, it seemed to only aggravate the DPDR which made it even harder to recover from the disorder. I’m pretty sure the only way to cure DPDR is through intense exercise which is explained in this thread if you want to look into it
  10. Will staying present for 30 minutes a day have the same benefits as doing a 30 minute meditation with your eyes closed? I stay present for at least 30 minutes a day while driving and going about my day and I’m wondering if this will have the same benefits as meditation or if I should also have a routine where I mediate with my eyes closed.
  11. Sorry I’m just trying to find Leo’s salvia video. Thanks
  12. Explain how selflessness can improve happiness, quality of life, karma, etc.
  13. Where’s a practical guide for increasing self love?
  14. I believe I heard Leo say that the past and future exist in the present moment or something like that. What does that mean? If my dog died a year ago does he exist in the present somehow?
  15. I have been wanting to practice dancing for a few years now but for some reason my mind always comes up with excuses and reasons to put it off. I know there will be a pretty slow learning curve and I’ll probably get impatient when judging my progress but why does starting seem like such a big deal? Lol. I feel like it has something to do with my identity being challenged. Like I’m afraid to catch myself practicing and ask myself what the hell am I doing with my life lol. All I have to do is accept the resistance and do it anyway but my ego wants to figure out why the resistance is there so it can get rid of it. What’s the best strategy? Accept resistance and do it anyway? I feel like I should dance because I watch “les twins” videos online all the time and get inspired but I know it will take a lot of effort to get as good as I aspire to be.... thanks
  16. Thanks man great advice!
  17. I’m sick of life feeling like a nightmare why does this place called earth got to suck so bad?
  18. What are some common weaknesses that people confuse for strengths? Here’s a short list I came up with maybe you guys can help me add a few that I missed. The overarching theme will look like this Love > Fear (I’m assuming) Humility > pride Kindness > unkindness Compassion > judgement Acceptance > resistance (letting go > hanging on) Forgiveness > resentment Not knowing > knowing Selfless > selfish Unattachment > attachment Patience > impatience
  19. Is it possible to think your own thoughts? I was asking myself in my head “am I thinking this thought?” and it feels like “i” have something to do with this thought coming into existence. It doesn’t feel like I’m only the awareness that is “hearing” the thought. Am I only the awareness that is aware of thoughts that come out of nowhere? It’s hard to believe that there’s no thinker at all.
  20. I'm starting to feel like emotional healing is impossible. I've tried everything and the damage just seems to be too deep. My emotions seem to be stuck in some damaged state and I don't know if there is anything else I can do. I've tried psychedelics, Reiki, breathwork, yoga, mediation, feeling my emotions for like 4-6 hours a day while I'm working on my computer and I'm still all messed up. I feel like my only two options are to keep doing what I'm doing and pray that the damage clears up, or start taking a low dose of medication like Zoloft (while still doing my healing practices which will hopefully allow me to eventually get off meds.). Has anyone here healed severe emotional trauma that seemed hopeless for the first few months? I can't believe how hard it is to heal or that I'm so damaged in the first place, what a frickin nightmare..
  21. How did I end up in my body and not someone elses? Did I randomly choose to be me before I was born? Why didn't I choose to be someone else? Is there just some random unknowable process for how we choose to be ourselves and not another person for instance or even a cat or a flea?
  22. I’m 26 and have no interest or knowledge in politics whatsoever. From my point of view it’s incredibly uninteresting and wouldn’t be beneficial to my life or anyone else’s if started to become more competent in the subject. I realize my outlook could be flawed and would like to know if this is a problem that should be addressed. A few years ago I studied the difference between a democrat, republican, liberal and conservative just to feel like I knew at least something but I did it from a place of insecurity and now I can’t even remember what the differences were exactly. What do you do in this situation? Learn the basics just to satisfy my ego or allow myself to be totally ignorant in politics and only focus on things that will actually make me happy? I don’t want to be stupid but I also don’t want to be distracted by anything irrelevant to mine or anyone else’s wellbeing. Maybe learning the basics of politics will improve my sense of self and actually allow me to be happier? It seems like everyone would feel this way about politics lol what does it matter if I know what Trumps doing or saying, now I can be another person with opinions that are biased and lack context?