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Everything posted by Heviin

  1. A better question, why is there something after everything?
  2. This was through meditation, yes? Looking back, would you describe having a sense of clairvoyance from being in that intense state of Now? As if you already knew what you were going to do before the moment you did because all choices/paths are the Now, so there is no more cause and effect but an interdependence of everything.
  3. Why do you call them angels? I do sense them as well but very rarely, and it's usually at night or during particularly stressful times. My intuition cautions me from indulging my curiosity and attempting an interaction, so I just ignore them and let them be. From my experience, they never seem to attempt an interaction first except for the mischievous ones. I have a mild suspicion that they are watching pretty much everything.
  4. Fair point. I'd like to clarify that I didn't mean to make a distinction between consciousness (noun) and being self conscious (verb) since I was referring to the universe as the Absolute, i.e. there is no God-self that IS, there's just IS.
  5. The breath of life is a metaphor for divinity. Everything we see and experience is divinity manifested, no exceptions. "Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there." The concept of being "alive" is actually a dualistic concept. Everything is conscious, not just "living" organisms. I think I am my body, but I don't know how to recreate every cell in my body out of the food I eat multiple times over my lifetime; the universe does. I don't know how to grow the food that my body needs; the universe does. I don't know how to orbit the moon, the sun and all other planets in our galaxy so that my body can survive; the universe does. From the very edge of the known universe to the other, everything in it is absolutely interdependent with each other as one. What I do is what the universe is doing. You're only looking from a very narrow point of view and ignoring the full panorama of experience, making arbitrary divisions and identifying with it.
  6. That's an amazing metaphor. God is hiding right in front of our noses out in plain sight, but we still somehow struggle finding Him. Then when we finally do, He goes "DO OVER!" lol Who says God is Love? God is Humor! The play is not a drama, it's a comedy!
  7. Have you noticed that even science requires faith for it to make sense? All of it's claims and predictions are based on conjectures. Einstein showed that objective truths cannot be separate from the subject, and this soon after gave birth to quantum mechanics which further showed that reality is perspective. Bohr showed that physical reality isn't physical at all, but an abstract probability field which only acts as physical when there's an observer. You may think science is based on "facts," but its actually based on what's practical. Science does not reveal nature herself. "We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning." -Heisenberg People often demand for empirical evidences whenever any metaphysical subject is discussed, and while empiricism was a fine tool for rebelling against the law of theology of the time, it is far from infallible. It is grounded upon inductive reasoning, which is circular in its reasoning, and history has shown that theories derived from empiricism have been proven wrong time and time again. Why did the apple fall from the tree? Newton reasoned, through induction and empiricism, that the gravity from the Earth’s mass pulled it down from the tree. Then Einstein flipped it 180 by reasoning that the Earth, which is imposing its mass within the four dimensional spacetime permeating throughout the known universe, was actually pushing its mass onto spacetime and thus onto the apple. Gravitational force comes from the bending of spacetime—not the mass itself. How could Newton be so wrong despite following the rigorous empirical scientific method? Because all scientific theories and predictions, no matter how self-evident they may seem, are grounded upon man made assumptions and conjectures—guesses—and it is upon this grounding belief that science proceeds to make practical testable implications regardless of it actually being true or not. Science is very much akin to faith in this regard. Practicality is also why we still teach Newtonian Physics in school. And now there’s quantum mechanics, which brings to doubt all of reality derived from our simple sensory experience as it being physical. Objective truth does not exist “out in reality” separate from the subject, but rather the subject is intrinsically entangled to the objective world due to the collapse of the quantum wavefunction in the presence of that observer. Reality is subjective, and therefore all scientific calculations must be taken into account from the subject’s view point if we’re looking for answers to reality. The quantum wavefunction and Schrodinger’s equation is not the answer to reality. Equations are merely symbols used to represent reality, but these are not reality itself. Current reasoning for this is that they assume science should only be preoccupied by the “how” (mathematics), and that the “why” (interpretation) is a metaphysical endeavor reserved only to philosophy and religion. This is at most a partial view, not the full picture. Science and religion are opposite sides of the same coin, the practice of attempting to understand what the hell is going on. Metaphysics/spirituality is the breaking of that duality so that the full picture may be experienced. Science does not know why there is something rather than nothing, or how life began on Earth, or what was before the known universe. Science does not even have a full understanding of a single grain of sand. Think about that.
  8. Yes, I like making a distinction between free choice and free will. One is from my limited view, the other is from God's absolute view.
  9. Yes, I agree with all your points! All humans are born with bodies that have evolutionary needs, i.e. original sin, which is why the term awakening is so fitting due to its interdependence with being unconscious or asleep. I'm avoiding using the term "enlightenment" since I'm not interested in opening that can of worms. However, I would like to emphasize that being present is of more importance over experiencing further suffering to achieve inner peace. Many people go through enormous amounts of suffering and hit rock bottom to finally give in and accept the present moment to begin healing, but that is the dangerous way of going about it. Granted, for many of them that might very well have been the only way, there are other paths available and worth exploring for becoming conscious of the present.
  10. Indeed! But, as a student of compassion, I still feel compelled to send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  11. Your mind and body is the vehicle through which Consciousness experiences life in your particular perspective. If you want to tap into your creative power, become more conscious of your deep inner state in presence. This is also what people generally call the "flow state" in which you lose all sense of time and only focus on the task at hand in a very efficient or creative way. This is being present, as opposed to when the mind wastes energy worrying about the past or future (thus creating a mind block as well as a sense of a prolonged time). But, before anything, be sure to be taking care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and rest adequately so that you may optimize your vehicle's potential to be able to achieve what you're after. You must also organize your schedule to reduce time constraints and put in the necessary effort to both learn and practice as well as take breaks to recover and be inspired again. Although I can't speak for psychedelics, meditation (such as mindfulness) can help you become more conscious of the way disturbances are preventing you from being present by paying close attention to the outer body (e.g. outside circumstances and internal body reactions/sensations) and the inner body (e.g. mental/emotional states and reactions). These disturbances are often outside of your control to change, so you must surrender all resistance and fully accept the present circumstances so that the mind cannot latch onto them. Become centered in the here and now, the deep inner stillness, before you begin your task, and you will see an improvement in your work. From this new state of focus, devoid of outer/inner disturbances, the subsequent thoughts and actions will be more creative, efficient and insightful than before because it ensures that the energy in your vehicle (i.e. mind and body) is being used optimally in alignment with the source.
  12. If you want to climb the mountain of spiritual awareness and shed your delusions, then become a student of compassion. Learn to love the Absolute with all your heart, and recognize the divinity that is in you as well as in others to be the same. Once come to the realization that You were always enlightened, the path continues with the conscious embodiment of the divine purpose.
  13. I think you're making a distinction between the belief in theory of the impossible and the actual knowing or embodiment of the impossible, which is true. At the same time, would you agree that everything is the impossible (i.e. infinity)? Experience (of belief) of the impossible still is an impossible experience. C = all.
  14. The reflection that I see in the mirror: the color of my hair, the shape of my nose, the frame of my jaw and so on, IS the point. Nothingness is existence. Illusions, delusions, dreams, all of it. The meaning of life is to experience it. In our case, being able to remember the past but not the future is what gives meaning to the experience. Although we make choices and create our own destiny from a seemingly parochial perspective, the evolution of consciousness unfolds through the perfect creation and will of God.
  15. Doubt arises from the mind, and it is the manifestation of a partial picture. Absolute Knowledge is the full picture, and that is God. Meditation isn't absolute embodiment of Knowledge, nor is any form of awakening. Consciousness is both infinite and finite. You are only partial in comparison to the Truth, just as God is the absolute of Truth.
  16. The perfection that is Infinity also includes all elements in your life; they are not "other," You are it. Experiencing does not discriminate but accepts all, everything from every dust particle you inhale, every dump you take, or every mundane activity you do, all of it is divinity manifested and ultimately God's will. Illusion or not is not the point, every dream within a dream is an experience and therefore part of the absolute existence that is Truth--there is no separation, no duality. You don't experience Infinity only as an omniscient consciousness--that's not Total experience--but also from the perspective of each individual finite fragmentation. When you wake up from a dream, did the dream not actually happen? Of course it did, and every experience you had in each moment felt just as real as the dream you're in now. There is nothing but the Now. A spiritual awakening does not invalidate any previous truths; it merely awakens you to a new state of consciousness. Even death, which is a dualistic concept, does not end the infinite experiencing of fragmentation. There is no end, there is no escape, experiencing is all that You are. God is absolute perfection and beyond all concepts of man, so to say He is somehow maturing through its own creation doesn't make sense. Also, Infinity, as best as language is able to describe, is absolute existence (as a verb); i.e. consciousness (without a self that's conscious), experience (without an experiencer), or the more popular term Love (absolute being/acceptance). The world already is complete as it is in the Now; there is nothing it's missing. There is no ultimate end goal for you to chase after; You already are enlightened. The opportunity to enjoy the journey is the gift of life. There is no need to give up all life purposes and become a monk. If profundity is what you're after, be mindful of the danger of wanting to know the highest form of joy, because that's your conceptual self chasing after phantoms in the never present future. No man is ever absolutely enlightened, that is only God; Infinity is beyond what our consciousness filtered through our limited soul is ever capable of embodying. So instead, learn to be present. Learn to be fulfilled in every moment regardless of outside circumstances by being conscious of your inner divinity, and you will see the same divinity in all outer circumstances as well. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water," except "2 inches above ground."
  17. When observing thoughts without judgment, thinking stops. When observing thoughts with judgment, a chain reaction occurs and it turns into a mess. All thoughts arise from the formless form of inner stillness, and if you want your thoughts to be insightful, creative or of quality, then be conscious--not of the thoughts themselves (because then it's too late and you have to bring yourself back to presence)--but of the stillness. That way, your subsequent thoughts won't be neurotic in nature, but rather be unhindered and at ease such as when you daydream. Let the intelligence within stillness be the guide.
  18. You’re always being, but you’re mostly identified with the doing. Surrender to whatever you’re doing and be identified with being, and you’ll know that serenity is your default state. Acceptance of the present moment is key here. Say something happens and you feel angry. Don’t try to resist that emotion by thinking “oh no, I shouldn’t feel this way. Let me try to suppress it,” but rather accept the emotion and let it take its course, and it will dissipate on its own. Notice that I said to let the emotion take its course and not to let the emotion take control of you, so it doesn’t mean that you should let anger consume you and kill a person but to let anger flow through you like water. This way, whatever it is you’re doing and whatever emotions comes to you, at the sam time you’re also in a meditative state and in serenity.
  19. That's exactly right! I had the same insight. For every action you perform, there is an infinite number of possible variations, and all infinite variations are true as the unmanifested universes. Every moment a thought is made or an act is performed, that becomes an act of creation from which an infinite number of universes are subsequently created, and You choose to live them all, one at a time. Everything you experience from one moment to the next is never from the same universe. Furthermore, all of existence already exists within the present time which is eternal and infinite. This is a bit difficult to put into words, but the reason why my experience coincidentally matches your experience or anyone else's is because all infinite possibilities are superimposed onto each other in a precisely and perfectly interwoven and interconnected way so that all possibilities will match with other possibilities within the eternally existing pool of infinite possibilities. Not sure if I made any sense here. Lastly, the reason why we perceive reality from past to future is because the time illusion is essential for making all experiences worth experiencing. It is only through limitations that the fragmented consciousness gets to experience the infinite as if it always were the very first time.
  20. It’s not contradictory. Both actions, to want to be present or to want to ignore your desires, are the same actions which are driven by the same pathological mind you’re trying to avoid. Presence is not an action but a state of being, and the action of seeking inner stillness itself disturbs the state of inner stillness. So, instead of seeking, let stillness be through presence like when you see the sunset and a feeling of serenity automatically takes over you for that brief moment. The sunset isn’t what caused you to be present. The sunset simply reminded you to surrender to the moment by accepting it for what it is so that you can simply be in the moment. You can also be in that state while doing things as long as you're acting without compulsion or expectations so that your inner state remains undisturbed (though it's a lot more difficult).