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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Is skewed policy to the favor of the Jews in West Bank though not fair and need to change, comparable to 133 people being held in hamas tunnels might get murdered (many of them already) at any moment?
  2. The pink haired guy is great. Very calm, fair and reasonable. Emily (the Jewish one) has indeed for a moment attacked Hassan too much when wasn't necessary, but she is quite right in her claims and most of the time answered to the point. Hassan kept repeating buzz words without explaining them. I understand he tried to show points about the Palestinian's problems that are real, but didn't succeeded much with that and always regressed to false slogans. Piers was fair too.
  3. I guess this applies to cases when the person has zero motivation to improve. But when someone HAS motivation, and no matter how hard his situation is, if he is consistent, there is no reason he won't improve. After all, the degree is what seperates those people from the rest and not the kind. Almost every person has sometimes mild symptoms that remind a lite version of some mental condition, what shows those conditions originally stem from healthy humanly functions, but exaggerated due to many factors. And for what spirituality exists at all if not to conquer our most profound mental challenges and learn from those, what I feel personally developing me the most.
  4. Not because of that, but because the very term itself is fundamentally flawed, and blinds us from relating to the problem in the right manner and from understanding what is really going on and connecting the dots in a deeper level.
  5. An Iranian woman's message. The video here:
  6. Nutrition, environment, traumas, physical activity, worldviews etc. All of those too design your brain and body chemistry. Genetics are an important factor but still one factor, which has its somehow counter factor Epigenetics that flexes and complicates the Genetics one. Wereas in physical illnesses we can more easily differentiate between "correct" and "not correct" (even though there is a space to argue for some degree on this too many times I think), in mental conditions this is far more complicated, because the interpretation of something as a "failure" is here subjective and involving tons of assumptions and even cultural conditioning. What I think is going on is that genetics determine a tendency to a mental structure and thinking pattern. But from here to a highly debilitating state the length is huge, and depend on other factors.
  7. I had years of high anxiety and ocd come in waves, but today in a much better and I would say a totally different place after insights I gained two years ago with a breakthrough in my understanding that has changed my life and the improvement holds quite steadily. The term "illness" for mental conditions is hugely problematic to my opinion for so many reasons I won't burden this message right now with but maybe later in the conversation. No doubt though the suffering is enormous anyway.
  8. Maybe for some people it will work that way, but for many other people the opposite I fear.
  9. Because there were challenges for example viral diseases forced us to be initiative. But then we took that modern toy like a five year old boy's state humanity is found in today, used it irresponsibly naively think we can bypass nature. I think that crisis is necessary to appreciate from new and even stronger than ever the wisdom within you and/or in nature, and the ability to be special and fight for what is right, what acts as a powerful source of meaning.
  10. I don't know if there was no time, but less. But back then there were no other kinds of distractions we do have today, so I don't think the answer is thrivial. Do you refer here to the "inner monologue" as helpful or harming? But anyway the idea is not to really go back totally to these days but to re-incorporate foundations from the past we have lost.
  11. Sometimes I think maybe there is even a reverse correlation between "too good" conditions and too easily fulfilled basic needs, to mental health. Because ironically the modern living standards has taken us away from caring to ourselves and be connected to nature that are very important, and the absense of both in modern life is devastating to mental health. Also the solitude, too strong emphasize on core familiy which is potentially more de-stabilizing than the environment of a tribe which was, I think, more ideal to mental balance.
  12. @Applegarden8 Quite agree because when suicide get legitimacy, the desperate mind might get locked on that idea and stop trying to challenge itself and to look for solutions out of his depression. Therefore to tell someone that even in theory suicide can be sometimes a valid option is highly irresponsible.
  13. I like your fair and non-judgmental mature attitude I feel from your messages. I think both Jews and Arabs should have their place to fulfill their cultural uniqueness and collective ego, so I am not sure if mixing (in the family level) is the best option. I understood partially some of your points, I need to read you again before I can relate more 😃
  14. I feel this explanation is like ten steps above their head, but also is a too utopic explanation since physical, hormonal, brain's structural differences are exist and determine too the sexual tendency, along with childhood events and environment. I would start by telling them that 10% (and many, including me personally think - much more than that) are attracted only/also to the same sex. Show them researches from recent years etc. And above all, understand their place, their worries and be compassionate with the fact they are human beings need to go a long journey before their thinking can be changed drastically, just as every human being with every other issue.
  15. Psychologically there is no problem at all with a dynamic identification and tasting and experimenting with both worlds, but as long as it comes to changing the gender of your body, you have to think hundreds times and wait until your decision is set in stone in your mind for a long period of time (years in a row) before you do any irreversible procedures and disrupt your natural form and hormonalic delicate balance, on that issue it is better to be quite conservative.
  16. An article from 2022 says Jews today are even slightly less then the Arabs in the whole land areas together.
  17. Jews were here too, even if minority. But before that Jews were majority. Arabs almost doubled their qunatity in the 19th century. Also insert into the equation that Jews are Arabs live here together these days too and are highly mixed in the whole land area.
  18. Yes that exactly what happened with the Arabs here, but I don't cancel their sense of belonging to here as "theory" as you do with the Jews.
  19. This is a one side's (part of them) perspective. The Palestinian identity has been created gradually during the conflict, and this is a legitimate response, but the culture here before Israel has included Jews and Arabs who were here together.
  20. Perhaps they feel similar to the Jews that they have roots here, what I accept and won't argue with. This isn't some, but most. Edit: close to half. And this isn't a myth. I have learned it myself just recently. Nobody thought me it in school.
  21. This is the danger of relying solely on (especially conventional) external sources that design your sense of self-efficacy. But anyway this is carefully only based on what has written there. There is tons of missing information.
  22. I see here a struggle between two forces equally responsible for their situation and equally fueling the hate towards them. Palestinians could take the partition plan back then. Jews needed, and succeeded to build a strong army. Palestinians could also do this if really wanted, or if they don't want that, to develop their society for example. Once they reject the partition plan, they have started a Jungle, and then they complain when they lost the Jungle game according to their own rules they forced on the sides.