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Everything posted by JohnnyBravo

  1. Jordan Peterson has an idea that if you are not feeling fully aligned with something, then the result is one feels a weakness about them. A dis-integration or splitting of themselves happens internally. The result is discomfortable psychological feeling. For anyone that says "I have approach anxiety." Please understand you have AA for a real reason. Its not cause youre defective, or a wimp, or because of some invented tribe days biological theory. Its simpler than that. Lets examine 4 quick scenarios. You tell me which scenario you feel the most uncomfortable in. 1. Youre driving along. You have noticed someone has broken down their car. They look distressed and confused. Maybe they need help. You pull over and have the intent to ask them if they need help; maybe their phone has no battery. 2. A little 3 year old boy is crying and looking lost in a train station. He is yelling "Mommy where are you?" Over and over. No adult so far is offering to help him. Do you feel approach anxiety to look for a police officer and help this boy? 3. An old high school friend you havent seen for 10 years, you identify across the room at a dinner party. You were great friends in highschool but lost touch for some reason. Do you feel anxiety with the thought of walking over and smiling and saying hello? 4. A 14 year old high school girl has dropped all her books waiting for a bus. A lot of books. You are right next to her. Do you feel weird helping her? 5. A homeless looking junkie tall muscular man eyes you from across the road and begins to fastly eye you down and approach you. He looks mad and high and angry. You have the choice to run/dash away- does this choice make you feel nervous? Or would you prefer to stay and face whatever may happen. 6. Old pensioner trying to cross the road. How do you feel? 7. See 2 girls you are attracted to, you are pressuing yourself (for some reason) to interrupt their day and say "SCUSE ME GUYS I HAVE AN OPINION???" Hopefully you can "fuck" both of them. These girls look 19. Do you feel anxious talking to them? 8. A really, really, really drunk hot girl is passing out outside the nightclub. Her other girlfriends are making fun of her, but you notice she looks a bit seriously unwell and in need of medical attention. Do you feel nervous bending down, checking her pulse and seeing if an ambulance is to be called?
  2. @Aakash Thanks for your angle. I dont think Im advanced enough to comprehend non duality properly. I struggle to realise God is everything and all around me. But a universal, infinite benevolence, I know in my heart to be true.
  3. Hey Leo, One section in your notes mentions surrender to God, and allowing God to take possession of you with the intent to let this happen. Let Gods will be done. I have been meditating for one year with Do Nothing, some Wim Hof and concentration. I am pulled towards this surrender concept. Is there some pointers you can give me for Thy Will be done? A meditation for it or a behavioural/attitude practise?
  4. Hey @Jacko I hear what you are saying about your friends; you are ready to move to your next level, but you feel your friends are holding you back. It's not that THEY are holding you back, its that your attention you give them, your time, your energy, is not well spent. Maybe it was in the past, but right now, no. Here is ALL you have to do!!! Take a break. Don't ignore their calls or texts initially. Just text each one of them, or even tell them on the phone, "I need to have solitude for a few weeks. It's nothing against YOU, it's just I need to go deep into myself and as thus I wont be having any contact with anyone apart from work for the next bit of time. I am sure you have had a time in your life where you need to do the same thing, so I will talk with you in a few weeks." And don't bullshit them or lie to them; just take a few weeks NO CONTACT break from them all. You will find they wont even message you or call you. And if these 'friends' don't have any respect for your boundaries, they will feel it and yes time to temporarily snip them aggressively from your life. But you might find, after even one week or three weeks of not talking to them, they will change. Your relationship with them will change. And you may find you don't need to take them out of your life at all; you just need to make connecting with yourself a bigger priority than you thought! Don't change them, or desire them to quit drugs. Don't 'confront' them. Don't need them to be differently. All you have to do is go deep into yourself. That is what you are craving anyways. Allow them to be who they are. Just a have break for 1-4 weeks. They will naturally change regardless, but that isn't your focus or business. I have deliberalty linked this link for you. A 40 second read on the foolishness of remaining friends with fools by Osho.
  5. Thats beautiful to hear. Every time I have taken modafinal I have also cried. The state of love/connectivity/grand scheme plan/ beauty is like I cannot fathom. Intense love. I am trying Armodafinal next week. Much respect for the recommednation. Modafinal is also very "gentle" and easy.....its not weak, its just gentle for the soul. So much different and better than dexamphetamine or adderall. LSD is shortly down the list. Microdosing. I am no longer too scared of not being in control.
  6. I am not enlightened or awakened. My feeling is..... Once one attains it, the need to explain it to others or argue or agree/disagree.....all that goes out the window. I think Leo is just sharing what occurred with him not trying to battle in a right/wrong dichotomy. And I think that is the whole point. Right/wrong is a style of thinking that doesnt (kind of) work when tasting God. Im careful to not say that THAT is wrong.
  7. This is the Leo I have been waiting to see for a long time. Well done, you have done it Leo. I can feel by the smile on your face, the beaming energy you emit, the radiance of beauty, what a soul you have become. You look different. You sound different. You FEEL different. I just watched your YouTube video upload (white shirt) and am so impressed and INSPIRED. Leo, you have done it. All of that shadowy self has burned off. My goodness, seeing you has been the best part of my week. I can feel the energy just from here watching it. It is incredible. Solar plexus gut feels really alive and craves to listen to you. Leo, I am sorry for judgements I have made on you. I thought (secretly) for a long time there was a power trip cult thing going on......But through this video you have inspired me and made me believe in humanity again. I am ready. I am ready to take the meditation seriously. Yes, I have met Buddhists. I have met and am friends with a direct disciple of Osho. I am (was) part of a Jungian self development group for years and have met many people. But, I don't know why, your transformation has touched me the most. And I haven't even met you in person. I think it has affected me so much because I have seen the transformation over years take place. And your white shirt, yes Leo, it is a keeper in my opinion. You can wear black shirts, but they don't suit you. They never suited you. The white shirt, your Godliness, is unreal. What a fresh hit of oxygen to see you. I am looking forward, and am really 'ready' now to absorb the new Leo to help me on my path. Congratulations. You don't need me to tell you how much you have grown, you know it yourself. But it is incredible. Shocked, blown away, touched.
  8. Such a beautiful man. A beautiful human in his totality.
  9. Part 2 Let us continue. (and yes, this is within the idea of AA) I want you to imagine a time in your life where you stole something. When you were a thief. But I want you to take a time when you regretted stealing something, or felt guilty afterwards, or felt you did something wrong. Maybe it was a pen at work. Maybe you stole some money or cheated someone and managed to get away with it. Or maybe you took more than your share and felt so. Have you stolen a car? Or something valuable to someone else but felt you needed it more? Or maybe you were given too much change at the store, and they accidentally gave you a $20 bill but you said nothing, so you lied by omission. It is important you pick a time when you stole something, and you felt BAD afterwards or guilty. Just focus on one specific item. You don't have to share this with me or anyone else, just think to a time when you STOLE something and you felt bad afterwards. Ok. Now, I want you to think to a time when you WANTED to STEAL something- and had the opportunity- but you decided to not. You stopped yourself from stealing something, when the opportunity was so available and the reward/gain you would have gotten would have noticeably benefited you. Use your memory; when was a time in your life where you wanted to take something, and it was easy to do so, and you also secretly wanted to, but you STOPPED yourself and walked away. It needs to be an example when you wanted to steal, and you didn't, and after your opportunity was gone, you regretted that you didn't steal the thing and missed your chance. An example of mine? There was one time I found $40 in a shopping mall on the floor. I handed the money into the reception staff and said I found this. But I secretly wanted it and I actually resented giving it away. But I rationalised that, "Well, I am doing some good karma so that is all that matters. I am being a good boy doing this." And I actually NEEDED the money in my life at the time regardless, and I thought about it all day and a week later because that $40 could have made my week so much easier and effortless. So think of a time when you wanted to steal something, but you didn't, and afterwards you felt BAD. Ok, think of your own memory. Now, let us go deeper in comprehension. Stay with me because this is such a key to AA. In the opportunity when you STOLE something, and the opportunity when you DIDNT steal something but wanted to...….both of these scenarios are the SAME SCENARIO. They are both of equal evil. But not morality evil, and not because of the subject of ethics. We are not here to discuss ethics or morality, but it is important that I mention a societal morale subject for comprehension (if I used a non-morale subject, I would not deliver well on conveying my point and you wouldn't understand my theory on AA properly). -- The reason it is the same scenario is because you are divided. Part of you wants to steal, part of you doesn't want to steal. Part of you didn't steal, but then another part of you really wanted to steal. It is WIN/LOSE in both situations for yourself. If you steal something, you feel guilty. If you don't steal something, you still feel guilty in a different way. It is losing situation in both of these examples. If you decided to steal something, and if you FULLY ALIGN with your decision, and you do not divide yourself, if you FULLY BELIEVE and buy-into your stealing, then you are not a thief (even if you technically are). You are HONEST. You are not split with yourself, you are 100% aligned with your choice. Thus if you steal, you will not feel guilty or remorse. You will feel clean, you feel good and powerful and in respect of yourself because you are TOTAL. Now, if you decide to not steal something? ALIGN TOTALLY with the choice. If you cannot align, and you miss the opportunity, then it doesn't matter if you missed it. It doesn't matter if you stole it, or didn't steal it, you are WRONG in this choice. Because you are divided. There is only one sin in life- doing things from a spirit of non-unity and being divided and split. If you have approach anxiety, what I saying is you are divided. It doesn't matter if you ignore your AA and muscle through it. It doesn't matter even if you open the set, and the girl likes you, and you get along well. The fact that you did it DIVIDED is the sin. And you know what? If you have AA, and you also choose to NOT APPROACH the girl, you are still divided! You will regret it! You will beat yourself up and talk down to yourself. If you have AA, you are already lost. You are already in the losing situation. PLEASE DO NOT THINK I AM TALKING ABOUT SUCCESS WITH WOMEN and dry pickup content. What I referring to is a big life principle, and yes it does apply to pickup in AA, but it applies everywhere. And yes, one of the best places to practise this life principle IS in pickup and talking to girls. So JohhnyBravo, enough of your woo woo, how is that supposed to help me? Let us continue. You have heard of the 3 second rule invented by Mystery? You make a COMMITMENT to yourself, prior to going out, that "If I see a woman I like, I have VOWED to approach her within 3 seconds." Please notice the phrase, it is not a trick. It is not a 3 second idea. It is not because of some theoretical understanding. It is a RULE!!!! A RULE TO NOT BE BROKEN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR SITUATION! It is a COMMANDMENT! 'The 3 second rule' is a COMMANDMENT!!! Thou shalt not avoid the approach ever. Thou hast decided to approach. You have already made a pre-set decision ahead of time to approach. Hence the beautifulness of canned openers. A canned opener is not designed to manipute the woman, it is meant to aid yourself to fulfil your commandment of the 3 second rule. The 3 second rule is beautiful, because, you are NON DIVIDED. Practical exercises for you that actualy do pickup and not just talk about it: 1. Go to a bar or club with lots of people. Vow to yourself, you will NOT TALK to any single woman at all. You will NOT approach any single woman at all, under no conditions. You will open NO girl. You will NOT open guys with girls in the set. You will not secretly hope a woman approaches you. If you do this, you will not feel any AA. Do this exercise purely to know what it feels like to be non-divided. 2. If you have the chance to steal something; align with your choice. Don't think right/wrong. Think FULLY IN or FULLY OUT. If you steal something, steal it. If you decide to not, fully align with your choice. As Musashi would advise, never regret anything you do in life ever. The only way you can fulfil this is to never be divided. Be ONE UNITY. 3. Approach a woman, and vow to not hit on her. Vow to be indirect, vow to deliberately pussy-foot around the real content you want to discuss. 4. Make it a rule to not ask for phone numbers or social media details if you go out for a period of time. You will way better. 5. Make it a RULE to ask every single woman for their phone number, even if the set goes wrong. Make that, in a sense, your opener. 6. Make it a rule to dance in the club for 30 minutes non-stop. Set a timer on your phone with a vibrator in your pocket. Go. Fully dance, don't ever half-in half-out. I hope this helps get to the heart of approach anxiety, and for men to appreciate that AA is not just something to be dismissed cheaply or theorised cheaply about and just rationalised as something insignificant. AA is massive because it is pointing to an INNER ISSUE not an issue with talking to girls. If one experiences AA often, that is a sign they are generally an indecisive person with life and is always at a tug of war within their own being. It is a kind of schizophrenia. And will benefit greatly by aligning with themselves and listening to their inner being. Do not contend with yourself.
  10. Respect yourself. Have so much respect, care, acknowledgment, cherish for yourself. Be your friend, never abuse yourself. Never talk down on yourself. Never convince yourself you are worthless or less than. You are good enough. Once you have this quality of self-respect, when you see another person attempting to humiliate you, you will feel sorry for them. They will humiliate themselves. Do not focus on the other. Respect yourself. If you need to slap someone in the face, then go ahead and do so when the moment call for it. If you go and hurt a cat, the cat will run away. If the cat cannot run away, it will bite/claw you JUST for you to learn your lesson of self-respect. Someone that does not respect other people has no regard for themselves. Your friend is lost. But your job is to find yourself, respect yourself, know you are SO SIGNIFICANT and YOU MATTER. You need to be allowed to make mistakes, not be perfect, because none of that changes the fact you are a cherished, beautiful moment of God in human unique form. When you know this, you cannot do anything BUT worship yourself. *****DO not fall into the trap of needing your friend to see you a different way. Don't need him to see you different self-image. Whilst it Is tempting, your goal needs to be to love and respect and like yourself. And yes, if he was to make such a comment to me on the first day of spring, and if he is so insistent that you are "lacking intelligence", then I would say, "If I am so stupid as you claim to know, then I don't understand why you have desire to remain a friend with a fool like me?" "Oh I was just joking, lighten up. You need to stop being so serious and cant you take a joke?" "No, I cannot take jokes like this. I am being honest with you and telling you that my being does not laugh at this. If I need to stop being so serious, you need to stop being so insisting. Either accept me for who I am, with all of my characteristics, or I will help you find a new friend for you to mock. And because I do not believe in an eye for an eye, I refuse to mock you back, I refuse to go against myself." A saynasin has so much self-respect for himself/herself. You can define sayasin as, "Someone who will never go against themselves." BEWARE the line between playful laughter and jokes/humour. Jokes and humour are dark weapons to kill people. Did you know the word "sarcasm" draws the word root from the phrase, To scar someone permanently for life. The FIRST 2 COMMANDMENTS of Jordan Peterson in 12-Rules-For Life: 1. Take self-respect, and wear it all the time. You matter. Own it (stand up straight with your shoulders back) 2. You are worthy, you matter. Care for yourself, be gentle with yourself- you owe it to yourself to respect yourself (take care of yourself like it is a really, really serious thing).
  11. @Jed Vassallo Yes sir. Agreed fully. And horrifically shocked.
  12. Instead let a seed germinate and grow by not even mentioning social anxiety initially: "Surfing the soul: A step by step guide to developing smoothness in crowds and establishing self- dignity." But if I had to pick a title from yours it would be #2. Because you used the word "openess." God speed.
  13. Whoops forgot to finish this! Point is: when one feels aligned doing something, there is no anxiety or doubt. My argument is this: approach anxiety manifests because one is not in alignment with the idea to approach those girls/girls that way with that intent. So how to never get approach anxiety again? Wrong question. Re-frame is to, when one feels approach anxiety DO NOT APPROACH THE GIRLS. Something inside you feels off about it. Doesnt matter why. But there must be a reason. One must check approach anxiety is not a genuine spark of extiement to talk to someone you want. Most of the time for me, it was because i didnt believe in what i was doing. Pickup up girls. It didn't fit with my values and thats why i felt nervous. Thats what i meant with peterson. Yes he talks in context of speaking, but i extend it to everything in life. If you feel 'off' about something, you need to pay attention. If approach anxiety was as innocent as some mild nervousness, then there wouldnt be so much literature and discussion around it; it would just be seen as a non-item. It would have as much relevance as knowing that when you first jump into a pool of water expect to feel a bit cold for a while till you aclimitise. But AA is one of the biggest topics in pickup. Its probably the largest discussed item, so, why so much discussion around it. I argue it is because AA is a way more important higher issue than people want to admit. AA will happen when a guys Higher Self does not align with his choice: talk to THAT particular woman. AA is a blessing. Listen to it. Obey it. Dont go against it. Its like trying to make me a criminal. I want to learn to rob people at gun point, but I feel nervous about the idea. Is it called "robbers anxiety?" Oh, you get over it. You just get anxious so you need to warm up on some people before you mug someone you really want to mug. You must learn and practise to desensitize yourself enough to make robbing feel easy so you get good at it. All good robbers learn to depgramme that feeling out of them. That way you can be a skilled robber. This is what AA is. One doesnt vibe with their decision to talk to a girl. Its usually their intent on talking to the girl that is messed up. Its a theory. You can publically disagree or you can read the words and gain an insight into this 2 years from now. Because.....not every girl one gets anxious about. Right? Because it feels in alignment with your being/Life. Always do things that feel fluid.
  14. If your awareness is in the right spots, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask is one of the most spiritual games invented. Not the mechanism of game play, the themes and maturity involved. Its an adult game.
  15. Borderline mothers. A level 10 challenge for any soul.
  16. @jerrypua See my (upcoming) post on my theory on approach anxiety. Its a theory I have never heard mentioned anywhere.
  17. Something screams dogma to me here. This is the magic formulae?
  18. The ark angel goes against God (the whole). The whole is flowing one way. The ark angel is threatened and says "I will go the other way." Arkangelo.......Go out and fall in love.
  19. Absolutly disgusted with all you people. Your fellow @Sharp has communicated something significant for him of whats going on right now. And you judge him, mock him, shame him, bully him, psychological manipulate him, insensitive to the content of what has just been discussed. This is a forum for At least I think it is. A forum for openess of discussion. Openess of discussion does not translate to a Free for All. It is not a dogfighting Mad Max arena. What I have just witnessed with all your comments and stabbings is nothing short of a terrorist act by many of you, yes, in my judgement and projections. @Sharp I feel for. The importance of this for him, the delicacy of the nature of things for him I understand. I do not understand his situation or content, but I understand the delicacy of the manner. I am shocked by all of your comments. It is barbaric. It is inhumane. I will not be responding to this or any rebuttles. I am shocked at your treatment of him. It is not to him, Sharp, specifically. This is how you would relate to a majority of people. That to me is criminal. Everyone here says they meditate? This is Really? @Sharp has done me a massive miracle by showcasing the Devil that exists in you. No-one is pure or Actualized at all. What is your intent of being on an online forum? Is your responsibility and karma somehow 'non-applicable' here? Enough.
  20. Once one has played through all their dark memories, what is there next?
  21. Richard Grannon discusses this trap of spirituality alot. Its not a trap because its not spirituality; its the MARKETING of spirituality and the falseness and pseudo spiritual stuff or virtual signalling of spirituality which is dangerous. I respect and love that man so much.
  22. @Roch Yes. I went through a similar thing. Afraid to shine, because, tall poppy syndrome. You become a target for others to dump their issues on because your radience triggers issues in them they dont want to face. Ah yes......the forced humility is such an exhausting role to play. I hear you. You dont need advise from anyone here. You have figured it out yourself clever one. Keep putting attention on it and it will dissolve over time. But if you want that you are aware of your fake humility....DO IT MORE! AND EXAGGERATE IT!! Have fun with it! This is based on what Ali G, Borat and some of Bruno do; a fake measurement of humility to draw the other person to admit their prejudices publicly. But thats another thread I can discuss if you want me to elabotate. Be playful with the fake humility. Youre not hurting anyone. You see what youre doing. Self compassion for yourself also; this was a defence tactic for your childhood. Stay small to survive and downplay everything. Story of my childhood. Its a disappointing thing to do because you feel like you are never recognised for the 'real you.' How can I help?
  23. Rawjudah, Judas was the only son in his family that rose above a lineage of unfair power and spoiled chauvenisitc mind. Judas sleeps with Tamer, whom was actually a prostitute but lied to Judas. There is great significance in your user name. And the similarity of story of ancient Judah is the solution and narrative to your dilemma. Dear Rawjudah, after Judah had a child with Tamer, only afterwards did he reassess who he was and his Inner Essence. It is only then we see him do a heroic act of saving a brother of his in a sacrificial manner; the first good deed of his family to perform. So the transformation with you begins with the physical woman. You wish to Self actualise, but no you dont not really. It is an artifical longing you have; it is fashionable. Maybe you had strict parents that encouraged you to attain the best and now you are trying do that in self help. But deep down, you know this pursuit of yours for God is phony. You secretly desire power, material. Sex. You did not mention a girlfriend, you mentioned sex. And Judah was initiated into his Godliness BECAUSE of a sexual act. The sexual act led to a chain of events that brought him to his proper path. Once you are on your proper path, the journey to God might begin. For now, IT WILL NEVER BEGIN! You are disrespectful in your pursuit of God now, because you are not sincerely ready for it nor even want it. .....However, after the experience of sex and women, your journey definitly will begin. It is an inevitable destiny for you. Go for your desire. Attain sex in many ways. I will pray for you to have sex. Because in having sex, the sooner you will sober up and gain a new horniness, a horniness that a woman cannot relief you for; The horniness for God.
  24. Just want to say, for me learning pickup was a comfort zone nuclear bomb. If you persist with pickup, one thing zi noticed is that you are forced to break comfort zones constantly without it feeling like a tabboo or big deal. Your personalitu shifts to an ADVENTURER OF LIFE rather than a spectating shadow sitting mushroom. Beyond pickup, keep this adventurer approach to life afterwards.
  25. You visualise yourself resisting all of these things you want, and resisting the anger/disappointment around not getting all of these things. And now visualise a big channel or tunnel being cleared ahead of you with all the light pouring into your solar plexus region. Stop resisting the flow of life. Stop resisting your emotions. This visualisation is a permission slip for that.