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Everything posted by Aeris

  1. A New legend on the forum Please take a chair ! I cannot strive without french food everyone defending my diet style is welcome to my own palace of bias. ( Mostly bread )
  2. Look ken Wilbur model of dévelopment. Maybe you get the idea. There is many type of 'waking up' And many type of 'growing up' All growing dépends what you expérienced. It's not linear.
  3. I was thinking some kids have facet of awakening at 7. Then deal with the shadow at a more primitive level. So It's all relative in grow up / conscious etc..
  4. some questions on your practice, if you are willing to answer them what do you do when you meditate ? what type of precise meditation ( for your case ) nothing ? focus on nothing ? focus on something in your head that isn't a thing ? focusing on having no thoughts ? not focus at all & accept everything as it happen ? would you use plants/herbs for improve you meditative seccion ? what has been the most efficient way to deepen your awareness ? / state of mind / long term. would you describe relative stage of practice ? ( like ' judo bells ' ) what did you reach in those 4 years from meditation besides "spiritual insight" ? and if any big insights, what are they ?
  5. yes. knowledge is what makes intuition connects dots. intuition is a mental state where all your knowledge come as a phenomena of feelings. ( mostly in my experience ) you can have high intuition as a kid, and be clueless about data/knowledge, so your intuition doesn't create powerful solutions, but they are still in this process of exploring/discovering and not taking things as one metaphysical consensus. high knowledge without intuition is useless. intuition is more linked to a mental state / flowing
  7. I explained why you're free only in your conscious awareness. but in reality you're scripted like a character in a movie, just this script is extended, complex, and not possibly understand-able from your conscious awareness. why do you dream this and not that ? why do you live like this and not that ? why do you choose this thought over another ? why choosing thought ? why stop yourself to choose ? what lead your decisions ? why this external factor happen'd ? why do you have an experience as an human at all ? Why A is better than B ? Why do you choosed A answer vs B answer ? the real is made of the same matter than "dream". but maybe you can do "conscious dream". doesn't mean you can escape the dream, but you're free in the dream indeed.
  8. No. The fact that you ask yourself this question has been determined by a chain of causality that we cannot be aware of. I don't even know why I choose to answer. But in fact there is both. In your conscious awareness you feel on free will. You're free in the limit of what reality has given you as experience. If you truly had free will nothing can stop you to beat Einstein or da Vinci. But you will never be them or maybe even an artist. You don't choose your human experience. Why some humans keep repeating questions. Others live their 'normal human lifes " You never choosed. The mindfuck total is being aware that you run on some unconscious process. But now we call this 'conditionning' Given by society nature family environnement. Ho you want to be free from what you livre up ? The everything that carves the choice you do everyday ? Even if you could stop yourself to do your old habit. That is Indeed possible you are not limited in this area. But you are limited to the possibility you'll choose by pure instinct. And no amount of Logic and tweeking will make this 'your' choice. Your thinking is a reflection of 'reality' And you don't choose reality. Reality chose you.
  9. huge, pump me for 2.0
  10. thanks for your experience sharing, can relate to it somehow. on those loving notes, I m going in my bed bye bye
  11. not sure about this one. not efficient for weed, weed has a threshold and "plateau" even if you smoke more, you doesn't go more higher. but this experience show me something more deep about the whole of life __________ @bridgeto best way is let go of need, what happen will happen, and if so, it's not by clinging to needy ideas that reality will unfold graciously. by not purging your attachment to logic and not flowing, you'll always be "incomplete".
  12. that's my LOGIC :! I keep repeating, don't smoke weed and I finaly end up smoking weed. the NO is a YES !!! pua advice in 2025 we understand all the truth now of the duality if a girl say to you a "NO", what she was saying outside of duality was "YES" you was living in the no-no duality so far, OBAMA come back campaign : NO WE CAN !!! best mind control ever, yes we can, was too much pressure for people. But indeed, you create in idea even by negating it.
  13. @Nickyy don't be mean with people I m still ignorant myself, I can only recognize ignorantewereness
  14. unless it point to this fact that there is no universal objective reality, but you're right to make that clear. what about the sentence : "I m not able to tell the truth" ! O ! @modmyth Don't you watch the hour ? tell me more though, seams cool, what do you refer as past life ? you mean, your old self, or living inside the dream of others people ? how do you know it wasn't your own intuition ?
  15. what you call chaos is maybe logic from a cosmical perspective.
  16. I m listening on youtube : Albert Einstein - The World as I See It Audiobook maybe you'll find why Einstein was still pushing at the gym
  17. sometimes violence is really the love of the moment ( in special case ), but your sentences is pointing to honest truth. if you take your time poisoning people, guess who is poisoning who. I m just expanding the short answer.
  18. there is no love or hate there "is" is, being, beingness, nothing. but you can ruminate and create distinction for what you see in "being". you can act "right" according to yourself, but you cannot act based upon love or hate, who dictates what is hate or love ? when I m saying what I think is true, by thinking it will help people, maybe it will destroy them and they'll get it wrong, and think of me as the devil. Am I hate or am I love ?
  19. but even this is a story in your experience ! maybe everyone can be waked up at any moment. or maybe you're creating the people you're waking up, or maybe you never wake up, it was a story. maybe there is no self actualization. Or maybe there is.
  20. especially because I don't know you. people have a whole universe inside their brains. ( or soul/mind ) but anyway, it's the ennemy of better to think we know a thing. I m more of a socratic school. Nothing can truly be known. we never know for sure, all thinking is mostly speculation, rumination, until the plan work and is observable in real direct experience. And even the direct experience could be hallucinated.
  21. no really I never point to people. I just jump on words that trigger my writting, sorry about that
  22. because nature caused all our needs and thinking turned upon this rigorous "need pattern" for self satisfaction/ seeking for pleasure / avoiding pain / avoiding death. if you want to stop the whole structure of human, you will have to makes them " robot ". our organic natures makes us, drug addict with mouth. sex is the root core of all addiction. We are all some sort of natural drug addict, sex becomes just like a hit on a pipe for a crack addict, and everyone is a bit of a crack addict. we are all rushing for the next plan for getting "pleasure". etc.. like for instance, porn is part of what you wish for then, ( in a way ) most men can now fap all days instead of trying to rape all girls as they probably were in old age. now we choose people under " love ", before it was social family and choosen mariage, people in our society doesn't fucking have a clue about this fact, all womans were basicly put with a random man to be bearing his child and being raped by him whenever he wanted, and guess what, it was NORMAL at this time.. I think that porn and violent video games, doesn't created violence or sexual abuse, I think those things litteraly reduced the "natural instinct" for being a violent animal with needs. people want to see the whole reality is something non biological. to not see reality from a "cynic point", but we are big animals, not something HIGHER than animal, that is totaly deluded. We are animals. not that we are only pure organic product, but we are, and our words are translations of thoses natural needs. the need for hunting ( and in humans, it start to look, like , life purpose, etc.. ) even the feeling of "borringness", create disturbing thing. you could unconsciously destroy a good relation, because unconsciously, you wanted it to end for reasons that are in the scope of your animality ( and avoided by your "conscious awareness" ) the world is not only "biological", biological is an arbitrary term maybe there is such a thing as a "free human spirit" inside the body. maybe I m not a bio product of my environnement and my basic instinct. but maybe you can get rid of your entire human body, in this case, maybe we could all agree on not having this problem of "need". for a perfect society you would need that EVERYONE have the same things. same amount of good sex same amount of food same amount of "beautifulness" competitivity thinking ( competitivity is not something created by some human, it's in a facet of who we are ) battle for glory, recognition, etc... in fact you would have to put all humans on the form of robotic cells that are all the same. Are you angry people when humans doesn't act logic ? are you angry when a monkey doesn't act logic ?? see you see things wrongly, we are animals with mouth. Not mouth that looks like animals. and for me I live it pretty well now. I try to live a decent life, happy and not bothering to survive, but anyway, our body mostly move and think by itself without anyone. this is just one perspective, probably biased, we are more than just "biologic". but it's important that people have some knowledge in those areas, dalaï lama is passionated by neuroscience.
  23. lol, for a guy who didn't accept to live his life as a black that's funny. makes me remember : "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." Aldous Huxley lot of great quotes by the way / with the right perceptions He wrote about psychedelics before everyone in USA. ( writting the door of perceptions and the divine within (enlightened writting) ) Especially this quote that should be contemplated : "Everyone who wants to do good to the human race always ends in universal bullying." make me think.
  24. no one tell this anymore in french. we say : "putain" mostly. for everything that bother us. and we never use "ho my god/ ho my gosh" mostly : putain / merde / bordel ( this one : meaning "mess" litteraly ) it's all cultural feedback learned through culture