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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Due to there being so much confusion about what was actually being pointed to, I found this video where Jim describes this pinnacle of Liberation fairly well. Watch from 16:00 - 20:00 if interested ☺
  2. What are the benefits in believing / becoming directly aware that I am God? You can also list the benefits of just believing in god or not believing in god. Bump...
  3. Nobody wants to hear we are just evolutionary byproducts of the Big Bang, but really once you relinquish hope and fear, and start really paying close attention to what's going on, all the evidence is simply pointing to this hard Truth. I think everyone actually subconsciously knows this fact but habitually avoids thinking about it due to the high level of fear and anxiety it creates. I've heard it said.. yeah but how come the earth is perfectly positioned from the sun in a way that life can thrive... there must be some kind of higher power in control of everything... The problem with that statement is, there is nothing to compare it to. If the universe has been here for an infinite amount of time, we would not be alive and aware of anything until the perfect situation took place that allowed for life to be created.... Well Here We Are... possibly the only life that has ever existed or will ever exist in this ungraspable and marvelous creation of Absolute Perfection. The simple hard fact of reality is that when we die it's probably lights out for good. People claim that near-death experiences prove that there is something or some kind of spirit that exists after death, but these experiences are most likely energy and chemicals in the body and brain going into overdrive trying to keep the organism alive as it oscillates in and out of consciousness and in some cases death. It's incredible what the human mind will conceptualize when the fear of death is silently in the background whispering it's Eerie reminders of the inevitable Darkness to come. In a certain sense this can be an amazing message because it's your ticket to get out there and enjoy your life because you only have one.
  4. The claim is "Nothing Matters" Nothing in the universe has any meaning, purpose or value whatsoever.(this doesn't mean there won't be consequences for your actions... what it means are those consequences don't mean anything either) I don't mean this just Absolutely speaking, I mean it in every possible way that anything could mean anything(which it doesn't)....including relative. It doesn't matter whether you sit on your couch and eat cookies until your age 42 and die of a heart attack or you become the President of the United States and save the planet from the third world war nuclear attack. There is no one here for it to matter for... This isn't bad news... this is pure unconditional freedom for No One. Nothing you do has any significance. You are just one individual among a species of primate with billions of relatives living on a tiny rock in the middle of nowhere. So why do you worry all the time? Why do you fret over what other insignificant primates think about your own insignificance? Who cares what they think? The rest of the Universe certainly doesn’t. Why do you panic about deadlines and let that panic paralyze you? Trust me, your work is not worth the panic. Your work doesn’t matter. There’s no point in getting all worked up about work. Why do you care so much about getting money? So that you can buy things that don’t matter? If you have enough food to eat, what’s more money going to do anyway? Why do you hold on to the hurt from when others have wronged you? What they did has no significance at all. Let it go: set it adrift among the stars and all the empty blackness. There is a certain usefulness to the nihilistic vertigo that comes from casting your gaze across a cosmic scale. We silly apes spend so much time fretting and worrying about our imagined importance that we miss out on The Thing. The Thing is life is a remarkable and unlikely gift. It doesn’t matter if you are religious or anti-religious, or some more reasonable perspective in between–life is a gift. Some of the power of the Universe coalesced into a little bit of matter and energy that can know it’s here: you. You can see a sunset, climb a tree, kiss another living fragment of the Universe, and laugh. Even more powerful is your ability to extend grace, friendship, and kindness to other bits of the Universe. You can’t do a single thing of cosmic importance. So tell someone to have an amazing day. Tell a stranger that their shoes look awesome. Embrace your smallness when you think about your problems and stress, but own your incredible power when dealing with other living things. You are small, but you are very big to other small things. Enjoy the freedom that comes with being alive. Don’t let the grind of all our imaginary importance take away The Thing. " Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God" - A Course in Miracles
  5. The claim is: There is no truth to be found or not found... The exploration for the truth turns out to be just another sneaky tactic of the ego to perpetuate the belief in itself...SURPRISE!! Now it could be argued that recognizing there is no truth is the truth... but again that's the ego trying to sneak in the back door and claim that it found something. It turns out finding nothing is something is nothing is something is nothing is something Do you see a pattern everything just circles around back to itself. It's 0...
  6. I love this nicely put... if I may.... let me just tweak it a bit because to me transcending feels like a word describing a different state somewhere else... I will try to make you proud: The very nature of seeking is a distraction from recognizing what is already perfect and complete. Like a character in a game focusing on details instead of playing.
  7. @Inliytened1 yes part 2 is even funnier because he is starting to understand what Jim is saying but the dualistic nature of language has him tripping over his own words for like 10 minutes straight... it's freaking hilarious and they both are cracking up the whole time ❤
  8. @Consilience The current belief that there was an individual ME stuck in Maya is the misunderstanding. There was never a ME to be stuck in Maya because the ME is the illusion... it's a mind-f*** from Hell basically. ? There is no YOU that could say anything to Maya because YOU is Maya....ahhh it's complete Anarchy run for your life hehe.
  9. This is true... Yes...there isn't a you to have control of your thoughts or not... Desired and undesired thoughts will arise regardless do to human conditioning. The identification with these thoughts will cause the future undesired thoughts(which were the ones being mentioned)
  10. @The Lucid Dreamer Thanks for sharing.... there's definitely a resonation with a lot of those. Embodiment of unconditional love is so powerful..
  11. If you are saying it's the recognition that there was never a suffer to have suffered and that suffering was caused by identification with undesired thoughts as the self, then you are spot on ? It sounded like that's what was being said..
  12. What's recognized by no one after liberation is that, there never was a you that was on a path seeking, and there never was a you to be stuck or unstuck in Maya. The belief that there is someone here that didn't fall into the no truth trap early on the path...shows that Maya the illusion of the self is still being believed in. The reason Liberation is called the pathless path is because there's no actual distance between what is being looked for and what is already the case. Its a lifting of the veil so that what is already the case is seen clearly for the first time. There was no one ever actually here to find anything that was the illusion itself...its to radical ?
  13. Hehe high low are the same.. There actually isn't any teachings... turns out Liberation is an Unknowing or unlearning... Intelligence isn't an issue the real question to ask is what does it take or mean to unlearn ?
  14. Nailed it... Exactly ..with or without a complex explanation believed/created by ego...its already THIS Perfection sitting here waiting to be recognized for No One. ❤
  15. Actually I think that's a great idea...
  16. No benefits what are we looking for then? What are the benefits for the ego then haha?
  17. @Prevailer When you say this what do you mean?.....It all comes down to whether you believe in God or not... Are there great benefits in life when you believe I am God or there is a God? If you got given all the universal secrets and truth's right now... Would it actually make any difference at all? And what if truth was illusion?
  18. I'm glad you asked ❤ All of his work is incredible imo...
  19. I agree...❤ That exercise is called the unfindable inquiry... The idea is that you will never find that which is identifying with the undesirable thoughts because there isn't anything actually there, it's (Maya the illusion of the self) PS if you can figure out how to make the Magic Bunny ? my profile pic I will pay you for your time...?
  20. A good way to think about non-duality is, its everything... it's the Absolute...its THIS right now... Non-duality was you thinking about non-duality in the cinema... Non-duality was you thinking about or experiencing some kind of state over physical reality... Everything included here is all Non-duality: After that I was going to home and during the journey I was more centered and felt really good and full of enthusiasm. Whole that state has gone after something like a few, maybe 3 hours. What do you think? Could it be some kind of mystical experience leading to the path to awekening or am I only cheating myself? It's not some kind of state you will reach in the future it's what's happening right now... welcome to non-duality you didn't need a ticket because you were already a part of the show which is one. ❤
  21. Self suffering, that's interesting to think about... What does it actually mean to suffer( is it not just identification with undesired thoughts ) And if suffering is just identification with undesired thoughts, what is it that's identifying with them? Can you find it and tell it to stop identifying with these thoughts?
  22. @SOUL LOL nice..if I would have found that, it definitely would have been the thread opener... We should all chip in and hire this guy to show up in the middle of the Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris debates... and kiss his magic bunny in front of the camera
  23. There's really just so much confusion in this area... I wanted to post this short video to help clear up some of this confusion.