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Everything posted by JayG84

  1. @seeking_brilliance @Artsu Thanks for the advice ? See this was my understanding before I started listening to LOA teachers. Like in the Absolute sense, everything is perfect and God doesn't care what choice I make because God Loves all of it and wants to experience everything. But in a Relative sense, if I choose to quit my job and become homeless, there is no devine power that will stop me from doing that. And on the other hand, if I decide to go for my wildest dreams, there's no guarantee that it'll work out either. There is no 'plan' for me right? So in a sense no LOA either, because either way every decision, it's a flip of a coin, God doesn't care how in lands, it's all good. I've been trying to figure that out for 15 years. After high school I didn't know what I wanted to do and I chose to go into a career that my parents approved of 'just cause'. But there's been this nagging feeling all these years that I'm never going to be fulfiled doing what I'm doing, and every year I go through the same pattern of rethinking my life, never being able to come to a conclusion. I'm interested in Music, Film, Photography, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, and (of course) Spirituality. These are the things I learn about in my free time. They're strong interests, but I wouldn't call them passions, as in, being able to devote my life to just one, I don't have a 'stand out' talent in any, I just enjoy them. But I do like helping people and I would like to be of service to humanity some how. I know man. It's an incredible gift and I'm grateful to be here in this dream. But at the same time, we're stuck here. ?‍♂️
  2. Oh man. That's awesome. lol He almost made her look at herself for a second. ?
  3. Exactly. I really resonate with that. I grew up with a very weak sense of identity, and I would watch movies and act in real life the way the characters in the movies did. I really wanted to be an actor and I remember people even commenting that I reminded them of so and so from this or that movie, but I would always ask, who am I really? Which led me to Psychology, Philosophy, and eventually Spirituality. I get the impression the Jim Carrey, who also did Method acting for 'Man on the Moon', spent a lifetime of playing character after character and not knowing who he really was, which led him to be the seeker he is today. When you study acting, they always talk about being present and in the moment. And the best actors have a certain level of authenticity under every 'mask' they put on that I'm starting to think that many of them are "unintentionally enlightened" or just highly "spiritually gifted" beings. It's quite an amazing thing that they can do if you think about it.
  4. What do you mean by this? I wasn't aware he was preaching. I just see a man that saw through the illusion and now he's having fun with life. Nobody thinks of Jim Carrey as a guru. Or I should hope not. ?
  5. @Leo Gura You should really watch this if you haven't already. Sounds like he went just as deep as you did during your 30 day 5-MeO experiment. It would be really interesting to hear if this resonates with you, or if you've heard of other Near Death Experiences. This guy seems to really get the role of Love in all of this. The longer version of the interview is fastinating also.
  6. Generally, for me: Weed = More Aware of the ego. Psychedelics = Surrenders the ego. Being aware of how the ego does it's devilry is important if you know what you're looking at. But many people don't, and they go deeper into the ego. Psychedelics can show you what it's like if you didn't identify with the ego. But some people aren't ready for that either, and backlash against it. 2 sides of the same coin really. Pick your poison, you're gonna have to face yourself either way. ??
  7. I just sarted listening to Abraham Hicks and Neville Goddard and their message is very powerful. I'm wondering at what point you can get in the way of the Law of Attraction though. I can visualize something so clear and vivid, and put myself in the world of it and believe I already have it with all my heart. But if the universe is trying to bring it my way and I'm too scared to grab it, what happens to it? Like they use examples such as manifesting a trip to Barbadoes or something. But if the Law of Attraction conspires and presents me with the opportunity, but I'm too afraid to get on the plane. Does God leave me behind, so to speak? I'm I not fulfilling my destiny? We are said to have no free will, that God's plan is already set out for us. But if our fear prevents us from going down the roads that God pesents us with, is it really God's plan?
  8. If someone has never taken psychedelics before. Would they have an better trip if they were stage yellow instead of stage orange or green? Would the stage yellow person be more "prepared", so to speak? Or does everyone start out completely blind and nothing can prepare you for it? Does stage yellow need an Awakening to move into turquoise? Would a stage turquoise person be immune to psychedelics? I heard Eckhart Tolle say that he tried LSD, and when he was asked how it was, he only described the visuals. As if his state of consciousness hadn't changed on it.
  9. I see. I not very experienced with Psychedelics (just a few low doses of mushrooms) but I'm trying to gauge whether I'm ready for a higher dose. I think that this is one of the main reasons I want to push forward. I tend to see things with a Meta-view most of the time now. And I'm able to recognize thoughts and beliefs and let them go pretty easily. I'm just afraid of the 'deep' stuff buried in there like traumas and insecurities that I'm not aware of yet. but I think if I just keep the mind-set of 'letting go' I should be fine.
  10. This is true. I was just thinking about the limits of Orange and Green and how they fit nicely into the model of LOA. When Green realizes that protesting and demanding people to be a different way doesn't work very well. The teachings of LOA could be a relief from trying to control the situations with force, and instead move them towards compassion and acceptance.
  11. I've been listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, David Hawkins, and the like lately. And I find myself thinking that the Law of Attraction could be one of the links from Stage Green into Yellow, and in some respects, also stage Yellow moving into Turquoise. Where Stage Green believes that the Collective will move society forward through protesting, regulation, and social movements; Yellow (and the Law of Attraction) focuses more on moving towards more personal responsibility with the Collective still in mind. By focusing your positive attention on your role in shaping the Collective Consciousness we can maniifest a reality with Love, where society can move forward and expand it's Consciousness to eventually unite again at Turquoise. It's very interesting that Stage Green is very drawn to the LOA, and although the LOA is a very deep and powerful thing, these teachers try very hard not to use concepts and words that Leo, for example, might use that will turn some people off. I can see it as a useful stepping stone to make some people ralize that there might be more at play here. What do you guys think? ?
  12. Such as: The Hero's Journey (Joseph Campbell) Or 10 Ox Herding Pictures (Zen) What are some other names in different traditions that mean seeking enlightenment?
  13. It depends on whether we're talking about the relative or the absolute. I see a mixture of both in these definitions. Ultimately Consciousness is Mind, Life Force, and Infinite Imagination. But it's manifesting body, spacetime, energy, hardware, software, making sense, and any idea of all these that we have. It's just that our logic (Logic Gates) use distinctions to filter Limitlessness into limited functions, and those limited functions are the programming (Ego). So it's not that our programming runs with the help of Consciousness, our programming runs in spite of Consciousness. The only thing keeping the body alive is the programming, as is the case with Mario in the game. ?
  14. I'm not a materialist, but I do work in a STEM field and notice a lot of similarities. It sort of does work like a computer. Consciousness is Infinite Potential. Consciousness can be called an Infinite Potential Energy Field. When you feel the Energy of a person or a place, you're getting in tune with the states of Consciousness that is present. Electricity is Energy. When a switch closes, Electricity can flow. Before the switch is closed, we say that it has Potential. Voltage is Potential Electrical Energy. When you apply a Voltage to a circuit board you have (not infinite) but a lot of ways to channel that Electrical Energy to Manifest anything on a screen. Logic Gates are used to make distinctions (0 or 1) and limit or filter the flow of Electricity to channel the Energy into specific pathways to Program the computer to do the work that has to be done. This work manifests as pixels inside a screen where a video game or a movie can be played (or anything else really). And we all know the video game analogy from here. Maybe computers are a hint to the infinite amount of filtering that has to happen for us and our reality to manifest. Consciousness filters itself like a circuit board going through logic gates. So in this analogy: Potential Electrical Energy = Consciousness Circuit Board = Infinite Possibilities Logic Gates = Relative Domain Distinctions = Thoughts and Emotions Program = Limiting Beliefs Video Game = Manifestation of Reality Mario = You Where the analogy falls apart is that Consciousness programs itself through infinite possabilities alone. Which is why this reality cannot be a simulation. But in some ways I think of Electrical Energy as "Consciousness Lite" it can manifest a lot of stuff. In fact it can manifest whole 2D worlds for us to look at and enjoy. Our whole modern world is built on it. And our "brains" run on it. Yes it's an illusion, but it's also too mysterious to be passed off as insignificant. Maybe God manifested it as a clue to how it does its magic. ?
  15. ?Yeah I wonder what technology people in the future will come up with when we become much more conscious as a society. Stage Coral tech will be truly mind-blowing...haha Well of course it's not a perfect analogy, but Love could be seen as the life force itself that IS Consciousness so a good relation would be the Electromagnetic Force itself. As for Nothingness, What does Electricity exist as before you generate it? You could say that it's limitness potential in static form in a given materal. Again, not a perfect analogy but nothing in our reality is. ?
  16. Thank you. It helps a lot. I'll be contemplating these topics in the days leading up to the retreat. ??❤️
  17. I'm planning a 2 week solo retreat at the end of the month after a long hard year off work and focusing on Self-Actualization work. I'm going to go sit alone in the wilderness and meditate/contemplate, and listen to my intuition about what the next phase of my life is and the path God is showing me. I can see the fear of the unknown rising in me. This will be the first solo retreat I've ever taken. After decades of being dependent on other people to show me the way and going down the path that the ego has lead me down, I'm finally ready to take ownership of my own life. I realize that there's no one here except my true highest self to guide me. God is in me and it's showing me the path, but my ego is scared. The devil is trying to trick me all the time. My family and friends don't understand, and the ego is trying to seek approval of them constantly. But I see you Mara. I need to take a leap of faith that it will be ok. I need to trust the path. Listen, with no fear. Just do. Just be. That's the only way I will find true Independence.
  18. What makes you think anything you say will make him understand? What's the "thing" in you that wants him to understand?
  19. Was the self (ego) literally born with the thought "I Am"? Were my parents "created" because I needed some "reason" like a "backstory" for being here, besides just popping out of nowhere? Were their backstories created so that I wouldn't question them, and they wouldn't question themselves? And their parents backstories were created so they wouldn't question them either? It's like a giant fail-safe mechanism, each part re-enforces every other part. All these backstories are happening right Now? Is that all that History is, is a web of backstories to prevent us from questioning anything? hahaha Are other babies that are born in my reality now, and "me" watching them grow up, just a re-enforcement that story too, in an attempt to blind me from the Truth? Is that why we can't "remember" our childhood? Because we are in the process of constructing this reality from nothing, and we're trying to hide the "building plans" from ourselves.
  20. So intuition is literaly just following good feelings and wants without desiring an outcome, and we shouldn't listened to anyone elses advice or perspective? We should trust what we feel when we feel good. And feeling bad should be investigated.
  21. @Nahm Thanks man ?❤️ I have a quick question for you about listening to intuition though. I big reason for going on this retreat is the able to just listen to myself without having to talk to anyone about it. When I'm meditating and contemplating I come up with all sorts of epiphanies and plans and ideas, and I get really excited about them. But as soon as I talk about any of it to good friends or family members, or I post them on this forum, all the power gets sucked out of them. I can feel all the excitement that I felt vanish. It's always been this way for me, and I don't know what's causing this. I'm not sure if it's intuition or ego that's deflating these things. Does intuition only feel good and I should only follow the good feelings? Is fear the only thing that second-guesses? Or can intuition also be a warning mechanism that also tells you the path to not go down?
  22. Yes! This is the first time I've understood this concept. I'll be putting it into practice and seeing if I can tune in to more Positive frequencies ? Thanks! ?