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Everything posted by Sukhpaal

  1. I always sit with my legs laid out and my back straight up. If you start slouching, you'll probably start falling asleep during your meditation. But do what makes you comfortable without you falling asleep.
  2. @Ryan_047 Well first off, do you go to school? If you do I recommend you seek counselling help at your school. Usually counselling services are free at schools and I think professional help would help you greatly. Secondly, try self love meditations. They are extremely helpful but be prepared to cry because your emotions will come pouring out of you! Also do not expect your self love problem to be solved within days, weeks or even months. This process can take awhile and it is important you stay patient and committed. In a way, you also might find out that you enjoy your suffering. When I was depressed, I always wanted pity from other people. But overall, seek professional help through counselling, preferably at school if you're worried about money problems. Meditate every single day, using self love meditation and you can youtube "self love meditation guide" and you'll find many options to choose from. And finally be patient and commited! This is important. Do things you also love, like what are you passionate about? Anyways keep your head up brother and I hope you stay motivated and dedicated to achieving a higher version of yourself!
  3. Hey guys! I realized as time goes on into my meditation habit, mainly within the last month I've had a huge increase in sleep. I'm not sleepy during the day but when I sleep, I sleep for around 10 to 11 hours and this is happening everyday. I noticed that this started happening around the time I increased my meditation time. Could meditation and increased sleep hours be related? Thanks guys!
  4. Hmm, I assume maybe because I'm more of a newbie than you are? Maybe later down the road, the same might happen to me. Maybe increasing my meditation time so much has made my mind/body realize how sleep deprived I've been and now its catching up? But of courses these are all maybes
  5. This is just adding on but, I think too much theory without actual 'being' makes the "spiritual ego" grow more. I feel that experiencing things for yourself first before you start preaching it on others is important. Because if you experience the power of 'being' yourself you might feel less inclined to preach to others.
  6. Hey guys! I'm currently "with" this girl sort of and it can't go anywhere. Her parents won't let me be with her and she agrees with them in their perspective on us. We're currently just friends but we're both super needy and attached to one another. Is there hope to just be friends or should I just let her go and stop talking to her? I feel like I'm just avoiding real emotional labor by running from the inevitable pain. Thanks guys!
  7. @Ryan_047 Here is a great self love guided meditation. You can practice self love meditation without guided videos but I feel that they help a TON especially if you're just starting off with it. There are also ton of other self love meditation videos available on youtube if you search for them. Just listen to the person speaking in the video and go along with what they say and be mindful of your bodily sensations and your mind. See if there is resistance, etc. Don't be surprised if you start crying because that happens often during self love meditation but you feel super good at the end. Good luck brother!
  8. Thanks brother!
  9. Visualization, Meditation, Mindfulness, and more importantly moving out of your comfort zone. Doing the thing your ego does not want to do. For example, say if you're not great at being social, you can approach strangers and strike up conversations. This will help you change your self image because you're doing things that are uncomfortable, but over time you will get use to it. That is just one example, just try to do things outside of your comfort zone and your self image can change. If you have a low self esteem such as myself, self love meditation is extremely effective! Good luck
  10. It is definitely tough. I deleted instagram/twitter off my phone so that helped a ton. I use to follow celebrity gossip but I cut that off some months ago. It makes a huge difference when you cut that toxic media stuff out your life, you can feel it. I am currently just 22 but as I grow as an adult, I hope to cut off watching sports along with cutting off social media. It is really refreshing interacting with people on these forums!
  11. 1. Creating a Meditation habit and never missing a day of it at all. Started meditating a year and two months ago. Basically becoming dedicated to personal development. (Helped me beat depression) 2. Overcoming drug addictions (codeine, weed, xanax) 3. Becoming dedicated to fitness and being healthy 4. Becoming a basketball coach. Created many great friendships through this and learned a lot about people. 5. Kind of related to #1 but, deciding to maximize my potential as a human being on Earth. Living life to it's fullest potential and doing this through personal development.
  12. I usually do it in the morning but I watched one of Shinzen Young's videos on "Late night sitting", so I'm going to try meditation late in the night and see the difference. Here is a link to his video.
  13. I guess a lot of it comes from spiritual arrogance? Just a thought. I find myself viewing others around me differently as I progress in personal development. Of course I am mindful of it and I know it is just spiritual arrogance. I guess it usually happens regardless, but it is important to stay mindful of it and stay aware. Once you really start believing that you are "higher" than others just because you do personal development and meditate, I guess you fell into a huge ego trap.
  14. I agree with Afonso. Sometimes during meditation I have some pretty crazy insights, just by sitting still and doing nothing. I wasn't trying to contemplate anything, I just sat there and it arose itself but maybe it is different for everyone. That is not to say it is the only way. Contemplation/Introspection are good, to have insights. Maybe you should try learning more about yourself such as: Triggers, habits, cravings, etc. I think that would be a good start and then build from there.
  15. I use the reminders app on my iphone. I've been using it since I first started meditating back in June of 2016. Even though I don't need the reminder anymore, it doesn't hurt to have it just in case. I usually start slow with a new habit and put it into my reminders app. Then slowly increase time/pace etc into my new habit. For example; starting off meditating just 5 minutes a day for a month, next month I'd go to 10. Then keep it at 10 for a few more months then slowly increase it over time. Homeostasis has ruined good habits I've tried to keep in the past so that is another thing to be aware of. The power of homeostasis and being ready for it is super important.
  16. Don't worry brother. The progression will come as long as you're willing to put in the work. Take baby steps or else homeostasis will bite you in the behind! Haha, but yeah just start small and over time you can take bigger and bigger steps. I know exactly how you feel because I was at the bottom of the hole when I first started personal development. Believe you can do it and put in the work. I believe in you man! Stay motivated!
  17. I feel eventually, you should. I personally listen to hip-hop music and a lot of it pertains to disrespecting people and just a lot of negativity. It also depends I guess maybe on if you like the song for lyrics or just the melody? Like I like to listen to songs that make me want to dance, I usually don't care what the lyrics say. I focus more on rhythm and I just like upbeat songs regardless of what negativity is said in it. I don't pay too much attention. But everyone is different.
  18. Hey guys! I was just wondering if anyone had tips on how to deal with this issue. Like for example, do I just practice personal development like I would in any other scenario? I'm having trouble dealing with the situation. I know this post isn't straight forward and it's kind of confusing but what I'm basically asking is; what are some tips I could use to deal with the issue and do I continue my journey in personal development like I normally would? Or do I put it on hold for a bit?
  19. @Leo Gura Thanks! I watched your video "The Dark Side of Meditation" It makes a lot more sense now.
  20. Hey guys! I have been meditating for a year now but I've noticed here and there some scary moments. About a week ago, I upped my meditation time and a few days later I was hit with a wave of depression. Back in February, I did the same thing and was hit with a wave of depression. Every time I try to make a leap in increasing my meditation session's duration, I notice a huge backlash. I become greatly depressed and confused. I'm not sure what to do... Any tips would be helpful. Thanks guys!
  21. Thank you all very much for the help!
  22. Hi guys so, I have this friend I deeply care about. She is in a terrible situation and I lose my mind over it. But the thing is, there is literally nothing I can do to help her especially because she does not want to help herself. I also find myself always trying to help people, I think I am too empathetic. Even the people I can't help, I'll still lose my mind trying to help them. Is there any way to iron this problem out? Maybe through introspection, but I am just guessing. Well any help is appreciated. Thanks guys!
  23. Thanks guys for the help!