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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. Personally i trust God because of its infinite intelligence and how seamlessly everything works. If Reality was just a random mechanical accident i would not have any trust in life to be honest. What i mean by 'trusting' God is this intuitive knowing that things will always be 'good' in the big picture even if suffer or experience lots of pain. I have been throught a lot but i always see the Wisdom behind everything. How all fits together. This soothes me sometimes when i get scared. I find that people who have faith in the way Reality works have better peace of mind. Some other people don't share the same opinion as me. Any thoughts?
  2. @TheAlchemist You made some good points. My trust in God comes naturally from my direct experience and several trips i've had in the past. Just oberving everyday how my digestion works, how my mind works, how Nature works etc etc i see incredible mind-boggling intelligence everywhere. This intelligence makes me trust God's unfoldment of the Universe. It is like an intuitive knowing that things are always essentially good (in the big picture) even if i experience lots of pain/suffering or get some cancer.
  3. @Thought Art Yes it is true that God allows all sort of nasty things to happen But still there is a progression, an evolution to how things are unfolding. Slavery is abolished, most of us don't have ruthless monarchs over our heads, we don't slaughter each other like we used. Each generation of people is becoming more and more conscious. It is all heading to Stage Turquiose in the future. This is not an accident i think. Of course we can say that God doesn't give a damn if people are conscious or not but we can make the arguement that we have the best possible Creation created by an infinite intelligence. The best case scenario would be to inhabit a Creation created by an Infinite Intelligence /God.
  4. @OneHandClap If Reality was just some random occurance it would still be Beautiful... but i would not have any trust in it per say. I would be absolutely terrified of what will happen to me when i die.
  5. Why do some people make fun of other people?? This is something i've never understood... Because i don't do it. For example when i was a child i never made fun of other kids. But what i've noticed is that many kids make fun of other kids who are different than they are. Is that because of bad parenting? Or what? Why would a child make fun of someone who is stuttering or someone who is fat?? I really don't get it..
  6. @Leo Gura I don't understand what you mean by saying that there is no difference between anything. Maybe you mean from some absolute perspective. From my direct experience there is a big difference between pain and pleasure and other things. All these differences are very relevant. Even if i don't care about survival, pain and torture is still not fun. Nobody likes it. Not become of selfishness though. But because its unpleasant by default. All these differences are there baked into Reality. So what difference does it make if they are imaginary or not? It makes no difference because they can't be unimagined anyway. Since i have never removed the difference between pain and pleasure i think it does exist.
  7. @Gesundheit2 The difference of pain and pleasure is not only a belief though. It's my everyday direct experience.
  8. I found this guy on YouTube the last couple of days. He has some good advice on business but his opinion about women feels very wrong to me at times.... He must be heavy at stage Orange. From what i understand he got divorced like 7 years ago and that probably wounded his ego. I am more interesting about his business advice so i can be more succesfu. But i am afraid of getting infected with his redpill ideology. Already i feel different after 2 days of watching his videos. He has a big following. Anyone knows this guy? What do you think about his content?
  9. @Harlen Kelly BullSh*t. Maybe you need those rudimentary thinking skills because you are equating jumping off a cliff with something that's not even close. Lol. As i said before. All you are basically saying is ' ''single mothers are not the best options for a long-term relationship or family based on statistics''. Thats all you are saying 2-3 times in a row. Stop projecting that shit onto me dude. You did that shit 2 times already.
  10. @Harlen Kelly As i said before, dating single mothers maybe the best option for some people. Maybe for someone who enjoys being involved with kids. So in this case there are no better options for this person. If you find a woman that clicks for you, you won't be looking for better options. Nor you will care about your redpill ideology at that point. What you are saying is that ''single mothers are not the best options for a long-term relationship or family based on statistics''. That's a valid point also.
  11. @PlayOnWords The problem with redpill is that all these ''truths'' are getting mixed with egotism, delusion and judgement. This guy exhibits traits of toxic masculinity. He believes top 1% men should cheat their women because they deserve since they worked for it. Lol. Also he doesn't consider women as high value. He considers them only as beautiful. All these things have been a red flag for me. It's extreme machismo with this guy as you said. He is acting out an artificial gender role.
  12. @Harlen Kelly The better option for some men is the single mum. Some men actually enjoy taking care of other's men kids and are not so ego-based like this Enterpreneurs in cars guy.
  13. @Preety_India Yes i agree, i found his logic very self-serving and disgusting to be honest.
  14. Even after 4 years of spiritual work i find myself acting and behaving like i have free will. And i think this happens to many other people who pursue spirituality. Even though i have observed that free will is an illusion , still practically i am not to a point that i truly embody it... To some degree i am but still not enough. Despite knowing that Everything is absolutely Inevitable and i am just watching a movie that has already been filmed, i still get mad, feel regrets, put blame on myself and etc. I know that all these feelings of regret and remorse are normal and helpful for survival. But still i am caught up in the illusion. If tomorrow i get cancer for example, it's not like my 1st reaction would be 'Oh great that was inevitable and i can't blame myself'. That would take much more Consciousness to do. I don't believe there are many spiritual people who truly embody that free will is an illusion. Any thoughts?
  15. I don't understand the part where he says that The Infinite cannot know the finite, and that only the finite can know the finite.... Why would that be the case?
  16. I am watching this video below with Daniel Schmachtenberger. At 36:00 he begins talking about Consciousness. At some points he says: What do you guys think about his opinion?
  17. @Mason Riggle There are many more benefits to realizing and embodying that free will is an illusion except from the judgement component. What i've found is that now i am a LOT more liberated and less concerned when i talk to somebody or when i practicing something. I don't try to control anything. I just let things happen without any resistance and this is very freeing and beautiful when you no longer try to have agency over your actions and thoughts. It liberates you from a lot of anxiety and turmoil.
  18. @kinesin Yes..that's a good point! My expectations are not realistic enough maybe.
  19. @KaRzual Basically 8 months ago i had a trip that went horribly horribly horribly wrong. I mixed many LSA caps with Syrian rue and got a pretty unexpected strong Reaction. For two days straight i couldn't sleep and it felt like i was high permanently. This high wasn't though like a dopamine rush or something pleasurable. My perception had just shifted. It is like i was permanently enlightned (maybe i was) BUT after a certain point i didn't like it. I wanted things to be as they used to be before. At the beginning , this shift in perception was very fine to my ego. It felt like an accomplishment. That i finally made the permanent breakthrough i was looking for. But after 48 hours and lil to no sleep i began experiencng a Deep Existential Terror. An existential Terror that i never experienced before as i was grasping the radical consequences of Non-duality. I began feeling very nihilistic at times like nothing mattered. Whatever i decided to do seemed like a good idea. Dying seemed like a good idea. What i found was that this is death. I am already dead. When i grasped that i am already Dead, afterwards Everything seemed like a good idea. All the social constraints that i had on myself didn't matter anymore. I was happy with whatever happening to my body. I just didn't care. At this point i slowly began losing my mind. Insanity was a good way to escape from the unbearable truths that i was confronted. After a certain point i didn't like what non-duality was showing me. On one hand it was Beautiful but on the other hand it wasn't so good and so pleasant for my ego. I just wanted things to be as they were before. To keep it short. After all this, my behavior changed dramatically. I began shouting at friends, doing crazy sh*t that was out of my character (i didn't try to harm anyone though). I just didn't care about anything. When my mind began deteriorating i couldn't find any difference between acting normal vs insane. As i said before, Everything seemed like a good idea at this point. Which is very crazy i know but from a certain perspective it's true also. This lack of discernment and care lead to a very unusual behavior that eventually lead to my arrest and i was sent to a mental hospital. I was forced to stay for 3 weeks there. I was also forced to take medications that i DIDN'T want to take which was one of the worst things that could ever happen to me. These 3 weeks there were extremely difficult for many many different reasons. At one point (in the very beginning) i was even strapped to a bed which was like torture for me. Anyways the stay in the mental asylym wasn't a walk in the park. I had to be around people who i didn't want to be around. Also I saw some pretty disturbing things in there.. A man who was in the same room with me was crying every day and talking things out before going to sleep. It was a pretty sad situation. Most people are never exposed to situations so sad and tragic. I coudn't use the internet, Cellphones were NOT allowed. It was basically like a prison. All i could do is walking, do some exercise, take showers and read. The times wasn't passing. I didn't have many things to do. I couldn't even be near Nature, which was the biggest torture for me. Imagine that for 3 weeks you are limited to your house without any access outdoors. Even after 3 weeks i didn't get used to it. Every day was like psychological torture. I wanted to stay in bed for as long as i could so the time would pass easier. Some other patients also stayed in bed for like 12-14 hours a day because that was their only escape. After i was released and went home, things didn't get much better. Why? Because my body was kinda dependent on the medications while all i wanted was the medications out of my life since i was very scared of the potential consquences & i didn't enjoy at all the way they made me feel. Moreover I couldn't quit cold-turkey because of potential heart implications. It was a struggle to quit these terrible terrible drugs. After a month of cutting down the dosages i managed to quit safely. These drugs were so scary that while i was on them, i began experiencing memory losses and speech problems. That was super scary and left me even more depressed. My memory was always on point so you can imagine that this wasn't fun to experience at all. While i was on these medications i felt very weird. Like a zombie. Like a dead souless man. I couldn't feel anything deeply. But there was a mild depression on the background always. When i stopped taking them, it took me like 2 weeks to feel normal again and the worst withdrawl i felt was a very deep and sudden depression. I am talking about real depression. (Mind you i never experienced real depression before, i am always in quite a good mood). For the 1st time in my life i experienced what a true depression felt like. Nothing could make me happy and everything seemed pathetic and pointless. I was crying almost every day. I couldn't even watch a video on YouTube for 5 minutes straights. Didn't have the motivation to do it. Nonetheless now i feel very good. It took me 3 months to fully recover and get my sh*t together. There was a lot of regret, shame, emotional trauma and etc because all of the stupid sh*t i did. I lost friends, i gained a ton of weight back & all of my progress with meditation, life purpose and etc was abruptly stopped and i had to kinda start all over again. This hurt a lot because before this trip i was in the best phase of my life ever. I was firing on all cylinders. And one stupid mistake cost me so much that it's was not even funny. I am still shocked how a single mistake can cost you almost everything. It's insane. Not even in a hundreds years i thought something like this could happen to me. I am still angry at myself that i allowed such a stupid thing to happen. It's ridiculous how a 'lil' mistake can lead to months and months of misery and pain. Thankfully i don't experience any serious lingering effects from all this that happened. But still it's painful because i lost friends, i lost months from my life, i had to re-start many healthy habits and i suffered tremendously like i never did before. This was by far the worst phase of my life. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, Especially the depression caused by stopping the medications was the worst. What i wrote here is just a tiny fraction of all the misery i endured. It was a stupid mistake and i payed very dearly for this stupidity. Noways i am much more cautious and wise.