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Posts posted by Peo

  1. My dream before awakening was to become a science and to stop aging process through technology and just gain more power. When i mean power i dont mean money i mean superhuman physically power, godlike power. Then when i heard about awakening, i just put my dream to the side. I still want to do it, but i'm terrible in math.

    The only problem with stoping the aging process is that it's based on fear and devilry. The goverment would have to make it illegal to have children, since the population would just blow up.

    I'm still orange/green so yeah.

  2. 56 minutes ago, DoTheWork said:

    THERE ARE INSIGHTS that will destroy your life, your motivations, your everything.

    There are insights so shocking that will paralyze you.

    You will lose interest for friends, movies, music, just about everything. It feels like know everything, have been everything, been everywhere, have done everything...

    But i dont care i want the truth no matter what

  3. 6 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

    If it's so fucking obvious how come I can't see it right now and have to search for it and even then can't find it.

    Try to just keep the mind silent for long period of time, maybe it will reveal your true self in this very moment. 

    Here is my formula to show your true self.

    Focus on your true self+silent mind=True self

  4. 45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is no such thing as external people. Other people are your imagination.

    You cannot get to Truth by having other people validate it for you. If you adopt this attitude you will never reach Truth.

    I dont know  why, but for me this  duality bettwen external world and me is collapsing slowly. I meditatet one day and became even more conscious the fact that i  exist and i'm like holy fuck what is this existence. I actally got scared of existence. I dont know why but i'm now seriously doubting there is such thing as external world. Am i just writting this to my self? Just being open to the possibility that all of reality is me is alreade too scary.  That would mean that i'm all alone.

    Although i'm just at the tip of  the iceberg.