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Posts posted by Peo

  1. I learned at the age of 16 that i can touch my dick and masturbate. I did have sex education when i was 14, but they never told me that i can masturbate. When i learned it, i never took it serious and saw it as a waste of my time to touch my dick. At the age of 18 all my firends told me that masturbating is worth it. I also learned that masturbating has many benefit. I also learned that masturbating is good workout for my penis. 

    I know that people quit masturbating, i think it was called nofap if i am right. It seems that masturbating have created problems for people.

    Should i masturbate guys is it worth my time?

  2. 38 minutes ago, Sleyker said:

    You feel it when they are attracted to you.

    There where girls in middle school that where talking  a lot to me, thouching me slightly and asking  personal question. I always pushed them  away because i had way  more social anxiety then and i was terrified of girls, sex and reletionship. This fear only began to fade away when i was 16 years old. I am glad i did push them away because i was way immature and afraid too have girlfriend. 


  3. MDMA is a nice tool for healing, love and other posstive stuff, but be carefull. MDMA is neurotoxic and can cause depression because of the lower inntake of serotonin nerve cells. I would recomend to take at least 3 month break from MDMA before taking it again. I think psychedelics are better tool and much safer.

    I am not saying never take MDMA, but just be carefull with it.