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Posts posted by Peo

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jaccobtw said:

    Thank you. Is the reason you cannot help me because it is illegal?

    I think might face legal consequences if Leo allowed people to  ask scorce for drugs. This is why you cant  search for "how to get LSD" on the normal web. I think this website would just been shutdown if the goverment saw people used this website as scorce for drugs.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Maybe you can bolt a simple padlock on the window and hide the key in your car.

    Well you will remember the where you hid the key, and just go into the car when high on psychedelics. Its maybe better to jus ask a friend to hide the key for you.

  3. If psychedelics are not addictive comparison to weed and MDMA than what is wrong with recreational use of psychedelics? My brother use recreational LSD. I think that is  way more healthier then for him to use weed, MDMA, adderall and ketamine for recreational puropse.

    If people want to use recrational drugs, why not just use psychedelics, instead of MDMA, adderall, coke, opiod, alcohol and weed.


  4. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    And you are still not enlightened or awake. Perhaps you had some awakening, but now it is gone and you are back in the old ego state. So there is much work to do. A memory of a trip will not do much for you developmentally or spiritually.

    It will take you 100+ trips to start getting a handle on psychedelics.

    If you took 5 meo-dmt every 24 hours and increase dosage every day for 200 days. You will have taken 200 trips, that would way faster then meditation or yoga for 20 years.

  5. 2 hours ago, Villager Albert said:

    19 hours later, at 1:30am, I had the most intense experience I've ever had in my life so far. It was the 5-MeO for sure.

    Imagine going  to school or job, lol. The teacher ask you a question while tripping the fuck out on 5 Meo dmt. Imagine trying to stay  sober as much as possible, while you  realise  innfinity, god and everything  else.

  6. What do you think about legalizing other drugs then traditional psychedelics like for example cocain, MDMA and weed? I think all drugs should be at least decriminalize, although i think only specific drugs should be legalized like traditional psychedelics and weed. But i am willing to say that even drugs like MDMA and cocain should be legalized for recreational use over the age of 18 or 21. MDMA and Cocain is the most common and popular use of drugs after weed. They are so poplar that we dont really have any choice but to just legalized it. If MDMA and cocain would be sold legal it would maybe be sold at much higher quality then poop black market. Higher quality drugs is much safer. I think it would lead to more harm then good to keep these drugs illegal. 

    What do you guys think about legalizing other drugs then traditional psychedelics?

  7. I researched many psychedelics and found many interesting psychedelics like DOx family:

    These are maybe the longest duration psychedelics ever created, in exception to Dragon-Bromo-Fly (Never try this psychedelic, it can kill you). DOx psychedelics can last up to 12-24 hours. Although you can overdose on these psychedelics on heavy or past heavy dose. Overdose can lead to servere vasoconstriction and organ failure. It does not seem to be any danger at low or common dose. Although dont trust me this innformation can be changed in the future. 

    I think only people with a ton of experience with hallucinogens are able to use them in a safe way. 

    What do you guys think about using these psychedelics for spirtuality? Do you guys think these psychedelics can be used in a safe manner? It would be kinda cool to trip your balls off in 24 hours.