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Everything posted by Peo

  1. Leo said that not knowing is the best thing you will experience. I just wonder if i question everything will it fade away? Will the knowledge and stories i have gained in my life fade away with constent questioning. False stories and knowledge is my biggest obstacle to awakening. Have you guys notice when you do self inquiry there is a subtle voices or thoughts that tries to explain reality. I usally like to call these thoughts for meta thoughts. That is why having a sillent mind is so effective at producing an enlightenment experience. At least form my experience. Can i reset my mind to the point where i get to not-knowing or would this just make me stupid?
  2. Can i watch the video while on LSD or do i need something more powerfull like DMT or even 5 meo-DMT.
  3. Isn't the soulution here to just to grow some balls to overcome your fear of death, even if my balls are small.
  4. Just wonder how many times do i have to watch the video about "What is reality" before i understand what is being said and i have a psychotic break? I just want taste the fear again. You could say im chasing my own death, but maybe i will just run away once i get there.
  5. Leo said this has to be the most powerfull psychedelic in the world, even more powerfull then 5 meo-DMT. I just wonder can i wake myself the fuck up with this psychedelic? Can it be used as a non-dual psychedelics? I know that Datura cause crazy hallucination. Yes i know this can kill me, but i just got so curius when leo said it is the most powerfull psychedlic. How can Datura be the most powerfull psychedlic in the world, when it just cause hallucination?
  6. I think of anime as art or as creation.
  7. You cant become a sex god, that is god of sex. You are already god of everything.
  8. Is formlessness imaginary?
  9. @How to be wise You can go to Amsterdam or Portugal there are many psychedelic decriminalized or legal.
  10. 5-MeO-DPT does not seem to be registered in the law. It seems unscheduled maybe in many countries. I tried to see what the legal staus was on this subtance and i found nothing. I quess no one has bothered to take it so therefor the law did not bother to control it.
  11. You could try it yourself. You gota experiment with it. You can turn yourself into a lab rat. Maybe start with a very smal dose if you havent found a lot of information on internet.
  12. @Elisabeth It is just a physical pain. It is to the left side of my heart. I highly doubt it is an emotion, but i never know. I have done shamanic breathing 2 times before, never had any problem with physical pain. I hope it goes away tomorrrow.
  13. I have had this pain in my chest some few hours after the shamanic breathing
  14. Is it normal with pain in the chest after doing shamanic breathing? Have i damged my chest?
  15. I dont think this is alowed here. Leo said no sourceing to DPT.
  16. I thought Portugal had decriminalize all drugs.
  17. In my contry, its illegal to have sex before you turn 16. Many kids dont have sex before they turn 17 or 18. So basically these teenager have sat down and not have sex for almost 3 or 4 years.
  18. DPT looks unscheduled in Canada.
  19. YouTube dosent like turquoise because it is stuck in either stage orange or green.
  20. I guess i will stay stuck at stage yellow
  21. So when my ego dies and all there is left is the godhead or otherwise known as the formlessness will i not be attracted to girls anymore?
  22. I need a desire to be able to awaken my self. If i end the desire for freedom from all desire i would just burn down my ship before i have crossed the sea. This desire i have is just a tool. Once i end all desire this desire to end all desire would also fade away.
  23. I agree, but i want freedom from all desires more then i want to have sex. In the ten ox-herding pictures. The zen mester said that awakening can free yourself from desires and that it is the sweetest pleasure you can have in your life. I really want to have a tast of totall freedom one day.
  24. You have to transcend sex and the desire for opposite sex if you want to be very awake. If there are still cravings and desires for anything then you are not awake. awake = enlightenment