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Everything posted by Peo

  1. Amsterdam in Netherland i hear is a great place since the police are much more cool there.
  2. I wanted to be a scientist and create powrfull tools to strengthen human survival. I wanted human to live more then just 100 years, maybe 500 years is a good age to die at, but i think this just develiry and i would just destroy the whole world. I would just ruin naturs balance. I dont know what i want create.
  3. @Nahm No but i will do it and se what see what comes up.
  4. My biggest question i want to answer is "What is death?", "who am i?" and what is this very moment or what you guys call consciousness? So if i have to die in order to answer these question let it be.
  5. @Skanzi Well that is a big problem, i think i have already become attached to psyhedelics and it creats suffering. Although i think that when i use psyhedelics i will just become more detached from psyhedelics. well thats my theory anyway. I can't just become detached in an intence, if only it was that easy. When we begin our spirtual path we start with the ego and as the more you do this work, the more of your ego dies.
  6. @Serotoninluv Are you saying that i need to develeop my self with meditation and spiral dyanmic in order to raise my conscious to make psychedelics more effective to for conscious work? Leo did talk something about that people that are in above stage orange are much more liklihood of integrationg an full blown enlightenment experience then the lower stages.
  7. I´m an intervert so for me its great to realize this. I don't have to fear other people, because they are me.
  8. What is this thing you guys call Nero feedback machine? What is so great about this machine? Can someone explain.
  9. My dream before awakening was to become a science and to stop aging process through technology and just gain more power. When i mean power i dont mean money i mean superhuman physically power, godlike power. Then when i heard about awakening, i just put my dream to the side. I still want to do it, but i'm terrible in math. The only problem with stoping the aging process is that it's based on fear and devilry. The goverment would have to make it illegal to have children, since the population would just blow up. I'm still orange/green so yeah.
  10. I like to use cannabis for entertainment and in the sake of being high.
  11. I hope your at least 25 or older i hear that weed can decrease your cognitive level. This is especially a big problem for young students since their brain isn't developed before they reach the age 25.
  12. My last cannabis trip was my head spinning so much i was about to throw up. I was just trying to just survive my untill my trip was gone.
  13. What is consider to be one of the most difficult fear to overcome?
  14. Leos new video about love was a bit hard to understand. It sorta went right into my hear and out the other. What are the best psychedlics for experience love?
  15. @Leo Gura Do just set the intensjon to experience love? I just say to my self before the trip. "to day i want to you to show me the infinte love leo is talking about these days" "It wold be great if just let me see what love is all about then we are good"
  16. @fridjonk Just found a list of psychedlics that can give me an experience of love. As you can see the Imidazoline1 receptors can give you a good chance to experience love. LSD does not activate that receptor.
  17. Your question is based on duality. Your god. Your basically asking "can we ask yourself for help?". Your basically asking if it is possible to ask yourself for help.
  18. Try to just keep the mind silent for long period of time, maybe it will reveal your true self in this very moment. Here is my formula to show your true self. Focus on your true self+silent mind=True self