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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Lister Awakening happens when it wants to. But doing the work will help.
  2. @purerogue that's exactly right! But you can discover it for yourself. Not discover it...BE it. But yeah don't my word for it or anyone elses.
  3. @zeroISinfinity ok buddy we may need to get you some adderall
  4. @purerogue i wasnt addressing you actually.. a lot of the people on here who state that spirituality or their in vain quest for awakening is messing up their life or have them in a rut perhaps may be at a stage in their life where it can do more harm than good. Step away from it for a while. But maybe that's not what Shaun and Lister were saying at all. If not i would say this - be open minded. This stuff is real. Zero is right. I have had actual mystical experiences/non-dual experiences. So if you go down this path do not give up and you will see rewards. Even if you don't have a mystical experience your consciousness will skyrocket.
  5. @zeroISinfinity your 100% correct to but sometimes its better for a person to find this out for themselves too
  6. @DrewNows lol..I'm not saying not to a matter of fact when i went out and enjoyed life and pursued money and women it was great for a while but then i ended up finding this wasn't truly fulfilling. I was suffering indirectly and didn't know it!
  7. In reading some if these posts on you guys having depression and or not desiring to do anything else in life other than go to work and do spirituality..and it seems to make you miserable..maybe you guys are not at the stage of life yet for this advanced stuff. Did you guys watch Leo's latest video which was much more practical? Spirituality is something you want to delve into after you have taken care a lot of your basic needs and have had a good amount of experience in your life. I'm not hinting at going out and just banging girls although maybe a little of the egoic life is just what you guys need and then you kinda come back around to spirituality when you are already at a certain stage in your life. Its very advanced stuff and you want to already have experienced life a little before taking up spirituality. I may be completely wrong here but i just see a lot of guys struggling to be happy here and they say spirituality is making it worse. At the right time of life Spirituality will really bring you the deepest peace and happiness.. But maybe if you never experienced the shallow stuff before you knew it was shallow then you can't really embody spirituality from the right place. Its like you might be skipping phases. Just some thoughts is all.
  8. @Aakash as you become more and more conscious you will embody Truth more and more. Part of this is love. Infinite Love is selfless. Now just because you are enlightened doesn't mean you have to necessarily help other people. It would not be wrong for you you to go live in a cave and bliss out 24/7. You could still be at stage turquoise and do that..but generally at this stage of consciousness you engage systems and holistic thinking and want to make a difference collectively and not just individually. That is not mandatory though.
  9. @Psyche_92 i can relate to that. It took me a decade of that. My twenties were a waste in terms of personal development. It wasn't until my mid 30s that i started to gain traction. You have to try to find something you are passionate about. Eventually you will get sick and tired of the do nothing phase and you will start making moves. For some people it takes decades so you are definitely not anywhere near pressing the panic button. If you were 42 and living in mom's basement i might have a different attitude but you have plenty of time. I'm not saying go back to jerking off and getting drunk all day either..although to the ego that's pretty fun. But you are not at the panic stage yet. Just relax and do some contemplation.
  10. @Psyche_92 Have you sat down and really thought about what you want to do career wise? Are you in school or learning something new? You can do online IT certs for example where you can get the training at a really low cost if you can't afford college. Right now it seems you are in the phase of your life where you still need to get the basics down. As for the addictions one like that shouldn't stop you from accomplishing your basic survival and independence needs unless it is crippling you to the point where it is happening all day every day. If its mild just dont worry about the addiction so much and focus on your basic needs. It will eventually need to be addressed but you have to prioritize and may wanna come back to that later...and that may be months or years. If its really crippling you then you need to stop and address that first.
  11. @Jkris its a great question because you can't get more fundamental than this really requires a non-dual experience to experience for yourself.
  12. @Javfly33 indeed its a constant cycle of tug of war with your Ego. Its even harder after you have a breakthru because then your Ego really doesn't wanna go there! But don't give up this work it sounds like you are making great progress and even failure is progress. You almost have to trick your own Ego into forgetting in order for you to have a break thru. As you go thru the next phase after the backlash your Ego will start to get lax and forget and that's when you pounce LOL.
  13. @Jkris the awareness isnt aware of itself it just IS itself. In other words you BE it you don't think about it. That is Being...the perceiver or knower as you call it collapses as it was just an illusion.
  14. @Jkris i think using Self and awareness interchangeably might be more confusing because most people associate the Self with the Ego but it seems here you are associating the self with Awareness as in the fundamental substrate of existence... But regardless to answer your question when you become aware that you ARE awareness itself that is enlightenment! Here i use awareness/consciousness/God/reality interchangeably. I prefer to refer to the Self as the ego personally but it seems you aren't doing that in this scenario.
  15. @RendHeaven Yes it is amazing how the more you read ancient works and study ancient philosophers..or even more modern such as the founding fathers of quantum mechanics that you start to see not only were a small number of the population always aware of these things but that it all starts to interconnect and piece together in amazing ways. Its a wonder that most scientists today do not get it and are still stuck in their paradigm.
  16. @Preety_India your question is along the lines of the Mind body the Materialist paradigm vs the Idealist paradigm. If you take out the word being and spirit in your question and rephrase to "Are we consciousness thinking we are a human or are we a human thinking we are Conscious" You have the age old question. Or another way to ask is the human/body inside the mind or is the mind inside the human/body. You can become directly conscious that your true nature is Pure Consciousness and that you actually falsely identify as a human that "has consciousness" doing this you become a particular "perspective".
  17. @nick96 Infinite Love, just like Infinite Intelligence is a facet of Truth. When we say Truth we also mean God. The higher your consciousness the more aligned you will be with these things. And if you happen to have a mystical experience you can get a good sense of Love.
  18. @Shaun because ofherwise the idea of a dream wouldn't exist. A dream is a contrast to a non-dream. More content within Consciousness. Just like you are an idea. Think if it holistically that it is all content within a giant mind which in order for there to be anything there has to be a system of contrasts.
  19. @EmptyInside @EmptyInside It is true...will that stop you from going down the hole?
  20. @UpperClassWhiteBoy yes.... Reality itself is paradoxical. You cannot escape that. Embrace it. It's very counter intuitive because of the culture in which you were raised. But if you embrace it you can discover Absolute Truth. Once you become conscious that your very nature is a paradox it will become easier to discover Truth for yourself. In other words stop thinking of it as a problem.
  21. @Serotoninluv exactly. Elegant way of putting it too! Also you can, with practice observe the world from a non-dual perspective ALL the time...but that is still a perspective in itself. It's like learning a new language and not translating but speaking it naturally. Maybe that's what Leo is after. That takes a lot of consciousness. But its still not the Absolute.
  22. you can however continue to raise your levels of consciousness almost superhuman levels. But notice i said almost.
  23. @Key Elements i brought up that very point in my post on 2nd phase of awakening in which Leo failed to respond. Check that post out. The concept of multiple awakenings in an effort to find "permanent" awakening doesn't exist. I.e. permanent awakening doesn't exist. Once you have a non-dual experience you are Awakened.